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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Notorious insurgent TOW shooter Abu Omar KIA in Mansoura today.

Islam and democracy don't mix.
#FSA Suqur Al-Ghab announce death of experienced TOW shooter "Abu Omar" and militant Khalid Al-'Issa - Syria map syria.liveuamap.com

#FSA Suqur Al-Ghab announce death of experienced TOW shooter "Abu Omar" and militant Khalid Al-'Issa

this guy ? :yu:

good riddance :wave:

in islam, when you fight, either go for win or martyr

both are victorious, peace
in islam, when you fight, either go for win or martyr
so all missions are basically suicide missions unless you're going up against unarmed everyday people ?

good luck, but this thing doesn't make a distinction between "moderate" and extremist "rebel"

I totally agree with this statement. I mean with respect who can be more stupid than Farsi? It was a mistake to make them enter Islam. First, Arab should have cured Farsi then talked to them about Islam.
What can we expect from drug addicted?
Watch your mouth bediuan without this farsi you would still live in tents the so called islamic golden age came from iranian scientists.

As your statement above nobody should convert the rotten bediuans to islam because they were cancer who destroyed islam within

Al Nusra terrorist getting owned by RUAF

Your prophet made a big mistake bringing Islam to Iran. Now enjoy the fruits of that
The prophet is innocent from that he never told to invade or convert anyone but after his death you know the bediuan mentality which is based on stealing and killing they used islam to invade these lands for wealth,women,and slaves.
Yes, no problem in that. Also about early elections, that is also good, when 'all parties' can participate in an election.

An free election by participation of all sane groups and sides of the conflict is the only chance for the Syrians to reshape the future of the Syria but if the upcoming result would be respected too ...

Election :rofl:.

What is funny about Election?
Baath that gassed kids cant be considered sane by any means.
yes but elections speak: if Assad is not popular he will loose.
judging who can be candidate or not is a stupid choice to avoid a democracy in future.
yes but elections speak: if Assad is not popular he will loose.
judging who can be candidate or not is a stupid choice to avoid a democracy in future.
Taking Assad to elections is like taking Hitler to elections in 1945.

All the maniacs that get 'elected' in Israel are considered sane in your dictionary, hence you are not exactly qualified to talk about who is sane or not.
None of Israeli leaders gassed kids.
None of Israeli leaders gassed kids.

It was a false flag attack by rebels and the only one who supposedly benefitted from it was them. It's basic math and given the nature of animals in some opposition groups, it's the most logical scenario.

Assad wouldn't gain anything by using gas, but rebels would gain a lot, like convincing the west to attack Syria, which they ultimately failed.
Taking Assad to elections is like taking Hitler to elections in 1945.
not taking him to elections is a mistake : as many candidates as possible should be there
i believe in Syrian people being smart and they 'll do the best choice
Assad , a day or another, will be judged for what he've done. hopefully. but sadly the countries and sponsors of terrorism won't be judged, never.
Taking Assad to elections is like taking Hitler to elections in 1945.

Are you afraid of election?
The current chaotic situation in Syria is the outcome of the very same people like you who have considered themselves as legitimate decision makers on behalf of Syrian people .. let them choose what they want for their own future and respect the outcome ....
It was a false flag attack by rebels and the only one who supposedly benefitted from it was them. It's basic math and given the nature of animals in some opposition groups, it's the most logical scenario.
1) Victims of the attack were Assad enemies.
2) Attack was carried by large number of Volcano rockets. Only Assadists have them.
3) Azimuths measured by UN commission indicate that attack came from Assad positions.

Anyone more than 1 digit IQ realizes that it was carried by Assad.

Assad wouldn't gain anything by using gas, but rebels would gain a lot, like convincing the west to attack Syria, which they ultimately failed.
Assad had many benefits:
1) He killed over thousand of his opponents and their supporters.
2) Tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands forced to flee.
3) He became a partner for international deal, boosting his legitimacy.
4) He showed to his opponents that he can do with them literally anything and no one will care. For example after chemical attack Assad launched starving campaign on Ghouta. No one cared. Several months later Assad launched absolutely insane barrel bombing of Aleppo and again no one cared.
5) #4 this led to desperation and sharp rise of Islamists among his opponents which again helped Assad to pose himself as "moderate" and boots international legitimacy.

What he lost from this attack? Absolutely nothing.

Are you afraid of election?
The current chaotic situation in Syria is the outcome of the very same people like you who have considered themselves as legitimate decision makers on behalf of Syrian people .. let them choose what they want for their own future and respect the outcome ....
Again, would u let Hitler run elections in 1945? There is no difference here.
Baath and SSNP should be prosecuted just like Nazism and banned for good (they ARE actually Nazis and dont even hide it). Leaders should be shot like mad dogs middle ranks sent to jail. After that u can make elections.
Again, would u let Hitler run elections in 1945? There is no difference here.
Baath and SSNP should be prosecuted just like Nazism and banned for good (they ARE actually Nazis and dont even hide it). Leaders should be shot like mad dogs middle ranks sent to jail. After that u can make elections.

I ain't support Assad .. I've said in past political and diplomatic approach is the only solution for Syria crisis and it's ipso facto that Syrians are in charge for the future of Syria I respect what they elect .. if they don't want to c Assad in upcoming election so be it ...but election could have taken years ago if some people with the same point of view of yours stop meddling in Syria internal affairs ...
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