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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Khamenai and Putin repeat USSR mistake in Afghanistan. Instead developing their economy they spend billions to slaughter people in Syria. Oil is running out, alternative sources and electric cars are rapidly developing, demographic crisis is near. Alas simple Iranians and Russians will be those who suffer from their leaders idiocy. They already suffer.

listen my Zionist friend. save the Zionist propaganda. I personally, and most definitely the axis of resistance are completely immune from it.

you pet jihadi friends are getting exterminated with minimal Russian/Iranian casualties or input anymore.

all those victories are starting to show. the Syrian army has turned into an unstoppable juggernaut. before they needed everything they had just to hold the line. Slowly they managed to hold the line, but also muster together a potent offensive force (tigers)

now they have liberated Aleppo, DEZ, east ghouta, huge territory, and Many isolated pockets. that have shrunk the frontlines significantly, but also freed up tens of thousands of elite Syrian troops for offensive warfare elsewhere.

this means that Syria can now score EASY victories without Hezbollah or Iranian militia help (As we saw in east ghouta)

this war is over. assad is steamrolling his opponets while using a fraction of his military power. That's why the axis of evil Zionists/muricans got soo desperate that they tried to bomb the SAA.

but Russian posturing deterred them from a strategic strike, and limited them to a face saving "oh look we did something" strike.

this war is over. Your terrorist rat allies will be exterminated. And after that, the priority will shift to taking care of the SDF American agents. The kurds will have a choice of abandoning the americans and rejoining the government. or complete anahilation.
Tension Escalating Near Damascus as Syrian Army Battles Militants (PHOTOS)
© Sputnik / Yazan Kalash
21:03 25.04.2018(updated 21:18 25.04.2018)Get short URL
On the southern outskirts of the Syrian capital, an operation is underway to clear the Yarmouk camp and the surrounding settlements from terrorists.

A source in the Syrian army told Sputnik that militants in the south of Damascus are refusing to conclude a truce as the army attempts to clear the Palestinian refugee camp from militants.

"The difficulty lies in the fact that the militants are well established in this area and they move very quickly between buildings because they know all the passages and secret routes,” the source told Sputnik.


Tension Escalating Near Damascus as Syrian Army Battles Militants
He went on to say that currently the Syrian army is making its way through the first line of militant defenses to enter the city of al-Hajr al Aswad.

“As soon as it will be possible to take it under its control, the entire region will also be in the hands of the army. But in this case, there is no talk about a peaceful settlement,” the source said.


Tension Escalating Near Damascus as Syrian Army Battles Militants
According to him, the current situation in Yarmouk is very similar to events in the Khan al-Shih area in the south-west of Damascus. Terrorists broke the armistice several times, but due to the army's offensive, they were forced to agree to the conditions put forward and laid down their arms.


Tension Escalating Near Damascus as Syrian Army Battles Militants
Earlier reports surfaced of a transfer deal being agreed on to evacuate militants from parts of southern Damascus. However, it seems that militants have changed their mind, as fighting is ongoing in the area.

Once the remaining militant-held neighborhoods in Damascus are cleared, government forces will be in control the entirety of the capital city and can shift their focus to dislodging terrorists from Homs, the Syrian official reported on Tuesday.

Yet Syria's population is exploding. So what are you worrying about? Life and death. It's nature's cycle.
After years of war and experience in battlefield,who will stop the extremism in to Middle East to not transferred from one state to another and who can guarantee for safety when war will be finished because region is full of weapons outside state forces ?
Khamenai and Putin repeat USSR mistake in Afghanistan.

Unless, Putin Deploys 100,000 soldiers in Syria for combat, your comparison is moot, not too mention the difference in geography, or support from outside powers, and I ve got news for Jew, Rebels lost the war because for the last two years they have gained nothing but lose territory, ( and losing more as we speak) even Saudis and Americans have realized that fact too, but its okey eventuality even crazy delusional Hitler realized he lost war when Red Army troops were a few hundred meters from his bunker.

Oil is running out

haha, oil is king for next 30 years least, and yes Russian government knows dependence on oil is not good idea, that's why Russian budget is based 40 $ oil even thought the price is 73 + now, Russians economy has changed a lot in last 3 years we make more money now by exporting wheat 20 billion than weapons 15 billion.

you see Syrian army fighting isis there..but you said before that assad was workong with these same isis here no? if assad works with isis,then honestly everybody else did too!everybosy has worked witj isis,even Israel.they have caught isis with israeli weapons right?the playing field is actually level in Syria now imo.
Russia takes Syrians to OPCW, Western allies denounce 'stunt'
Moscow says statements prove alleged gas attack in Douma was staged, but Western envoys condemn 'obscene masquerade'.

10 hours ago


A boy speaks at the Russia-organised news conference in The Hague [Michael Kooren/ Reuters]
Russian officials have brought more than a dozen Syrians, including children, to the headquarters of the global chemical weapons watchdog to support their claim that a reported gas attack in Douma earlier this month was orchestrated.

The United States, Britain, France and their allies boycotted the event on Thursday at the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons in The Hague, Netherlands, branding it as "nothing more than a crude propaganda exercise" and an "obscene masquerade."

The Syrians were flown to Europe to tell their stories at the OPCW, and then ushered into a room full of reporters at a nearby hotel where they all repeated nearly identical accounts. Russia said the statements prove that the alleged chemical attack on April 7 was staged.

Experts from OPCW are currently in Syria to investigate the alleged chlorine or sarin gas attack on Douma which, rescue workers and medics, said killed dozens of people.

The investigation was launched after videos of the apparent attack surfaced and prompted unprecedented Western attacks on Syrian military installations.

But Syria and Russia have accused volunteer rescue workers operating in Syria's rebel-held territories, known as the White Helmets, of staging the footage.

WATCH: Inspectors reach Douma to probe suspected gas attack (1:00)

In one of the videos, a young boy identified as Hassan Diab is seen being hosed down and shivering.

At the press conference in The Hague, Diab said that he did not know why people began pouring water on him in the hospital.

"We were in the basement. We heard cries on the street that we should go to the hospital. We got scared," Diab said.

He was among a dozen people presented as victims or doctors or hospital workers, who all told similar stories - that someone had shouted out "chemical weapons" as hospital staff were treating injured people from a missile bombardment and panic spread.

"Unknown people started creating chaos, and pouring water on people. We were specialists and we could see there were no symptoms of the use of chemical weapons," said physician Khalil, who said he was on duty in the emergency care unit.

He said "patients with choking symptoms" had begun coming to the hospital about 7:00pm, but it "was the result of people breathing in dust and smoke" from the bombardment.

Everyone was treated and sent home, Khalil added, denying reports from the Syrian American Medical Society (SAMS) and the White Helmets who jointly said dozens of people had died.

"After this briefing, no one would have a shadow of a doubt who distributes fake news and who is waging an information war," said Russian Ambassador Alexander Shulgin.

An 'obscene masquerade'
Britain boycotted the group's earlier briefing at the OPCW, saying it was a stunt, in a move followed by France, the United States and EU countries.

"The OPCW is not a theatre. Russia's decision to misuse it is yet another Russian attempt to undermine the OPCW's work," Peter Wilson, Britain's ambassador to the OPCW, said in a statement.

'It had a rotten smell': Douma 'chemical attack' survivors speak
French ambassador Philippe Lalliot also denounced the briefing as an "obscene masquerade".

"This masquerade only betrays the huge nervousness of those who organised it and who have the most to fear from the OPCW investigation," Lalliot said.

Al Jazeera's Sonia Gallego, reporting from The Hague, said that there was no scientific evidence to support the eye witness reports and videos presented.

"We have absolutely no concrete evidence that these indeed are the people that were at the site and that there is truth to this," Gallego said.

"The witnesses had very similar statements in how they described things, but no documentation was provided with reference to their identification at all.

"It's quite difficult to see how this would have been intended to make anything clear because we're really left with more questions than answers to this whole situation and that's only something the OPCW can resolve with evidence from the ground."

The OPCW also criticised the meeting in its headquarters, saying it had recommended to Russia that it should wait until its inspectors had completed their work.

THE LISTENING POST: How the media covered the Syria attacks


Unless, Putin Deploys 100,000 soldiers in Syria for combat, your comparison is moot, not too mention the difference in geography, or support from outside powers, and I ve got news for Jew, Rebels lost the war because for the last two years they have gained nothing but lose territory, ( and losing more as we speak) even Saudis and Americans have realized that fact too, but its okey eventuality even crazy delusional Hitler realized he lost war when Red Army troops were a few hundred meters from his bunker.
There is a share: Khamenai provides mercenaries, Putin weapons. Still every day of Assad in power costs Russia and Iran some 20 mln $ and Russian economy is much much weaker than USSR economy.

haha, oil is king for next 30 years least, and yes Russian government knows dependence on oil is not good idea, that's why Russian budget is based 40 $ oil even thought the price is 73 + now, Russians economy has changed a lot in last 3 years we make more money now by exporting wheat 20 billion than weapons 15 billion
Russian economy is still almost solely depends on oil it just gets more corrupt. If in the past Russian economy was rapidly growing at 50$ per barrel now its struggling at 73$. Ditto Iranian economy.


you see Syrian army fighting isis there..but you said before that assad was workong with these same isis here no? if assad works with isis,then honestly everybody else did too!
1) ISIS is Iraqi Baath, while Assad is Syrian Baath. Both are equal scum.
2) Assad and Russia did nothing against ISIS when it was at height of power (2014-2016). On contrary, they provided them with weapons and air cover.
3) When ISIS began to collapse in 2017 Assad and Russia came in to grab their territories before the Kurds and Turks. Noting else.

everybosy has worked witj isis,even Israel.they have caught isis with israeli weapons right?the playing field is actually level in Syria now imo.
Thats false. ISIS had never any Israeli weapons. It had tons of Assad Russia weapons.

Still every day of Assad in power costs Russia and Iran some 20 mln $ and Russian economy is much much weaker than USSR economy.

Incorrect. Russia deliberately keeps population at check only 140 million. Russia has FAR more natural resources per capita than Israel does. Clinton visited Russia in the 1990s and his famous words are Russia is a RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICH country.

2) Assad and Russia did nothing against ISIS when it was at height of power (2014-2016). On contrary, they provided them with weapons and air cover.

@waz @500 @The Eagle

Deliberate lies. Palmyra was taken from ISIS in March 2016.

Last edited:

Incorrect. Russia deliberately keeps population at check only 140 million. Russia has FAR more natural resources per capita than Israel does. Clinton visited Russia in the 1990s and his famous words are Russia is a RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICH country.

@waz @500 @The Eagle

Deliberate lies. Palmyra was taken from ISIS in March 2016.

The lunatic paid zionist Hasbara Troll doesnt even worth to answer.


If I was a Pakistani mod, I would ban @500 and @King Solomon aka @Solomon2 .
AMMAN, Jordan: The Syrian army on Thursday intensified its bombardment of a besieged camp for Palestinian refugees and nearby rebel-held areas in southern Damascus, the last area near the capital outside government control.

Most civilians have long since fled the Yarmouk camp, once the largest in Syria for Palestinian refugees, but enough have stayed behind that the United Nations has called on the warring parties to spare civilians.

The Russian-backed Syrian army launched a major offensive last week to capture the south Damascus enclave that includes Yarmouk and neighboring areas, which have been held for years by rebel fighters and Daesh militants.

The Yarmouk campaign is part of a wider offensive to recapture remaining rebel areas that has shown no sign of letting up since Western countries launched air strikes on April 14 to punish the government for a suspected poison gas attack.

President Bashar Assad’s is now in by far his strongest position since the early months of the seven-year civil war.
Pierre Krähenbühl, commissioner of the United Nations Works and Relief Agency which runs camps for Palestinian refugees, warned of the “catastrophic consequences of the escalation” in the camp, which had “endured indescribable pain and suffering over years of conflict.”

State media showed footage of a ground assault led by tanks on the fringes of Hajjar Al-Aswad, which adjoins the
sprawling Yarmouk camp. Aerial strikes and bombardment have relentlessly pounded residential areas for days.
The army said it had made advances and killed dozens of militants. Rebels in the area say however that there has been no significant push inside Hajjar Al-Aswad or the camp, despite hundreds of strikes.

At least 19 civilians have been killed and 150 injured since the campaign began, mostly women and elderly, according to Ayman Abu Hashem, a lawyer and former camp resident in touch with residents who have stayed. The sprawling camp was part of a densely populated, impoverished squatter belt only few kilometers away from the heart of the capital.

Two sources inside the camp said around 1,500 families remain there.

Christopher Gunness, a UNRWA spokesman, said the plight of remaining civilians had worsened: “Many are sleeping in the streets, begging for medicine. There is almost no water or electricity. Their suffering is unimaginable.”
The camp has been under siege by the army since rebels captured it in 2012. Most civilians fled when Daesh militants drove out comparatively secular rebels in 2015, but thousands remained behind, many of whom have fled this week.

At least 3,500 Palestinian refugees from the camp have in the last week taken shelter in the nearby town of Yalda, according to UNRWA and a resident who confirmed the figure.

Yalda is not controlled by Daesh fighters but by rebels who have long abandoned fighting under de facto cease-fire deals with the army. The government aims to push them to leave the area for northern Syria under an evacuation deal.

BEIRUT: Syrian regime air strikes and shelling killed 17 civilians including seven children on Friday in the Palestinian camp of Yarmuk in southern Damascus, a Britain-based monitor said.

Regime forces have pounded southern districts of the capital since April 19 to try, as they claimed to expel Daesh group from the area, after the militants refused to leave under an evacuation deal.

That bombardment intensified on Friday, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitor said, as regime forces advanced against Daesh inside the districts.

“Army units backed by the air force and artillery have advanced on numerous axes” in southern Damascus, including the district of Hajjar Al-Aswad, “after breaking through terrorist defenses,” state news agency said.

The advance “inflicted great human and material losses” on the militants, it said.

Syrian state television said the army has seized control of buildings and a “network of trenches and tunnels” from Daesh in Hajjar Al-Aswad.

In the adjacent neighborhood of Qadam, two children were killed in “mortar rounds fired by terrorist groups,” it said.
The Observatory said pro-government forces took control of “buildings and streets in Hajjar Al-Aswad and Qadam after attacking the districts at dawn.”

Regime forces were locked in violent clashes with Daesh fighters on Friday morning, the monitor said.

Heavy air strikes and shelling had targeted Yarmuk and the edges of Hajjar Al-Aswad and Qadam since the early morning.

IS has held parts of Hajjar Al-Aswad and Yarmuk since 2015 and seized Qadam last month.

At least 74 regime personnel and 59 Daesh fighters have been killed in eight days of fighting in southern Damascus, the monitor said.

The latest civilian deaths bring to 36 the number of non-fighters killed in regime bombardment in that same period, it said.

Yarmuk and the surroundings are now Daesh’s largest urban redoubt in Syria or neighboring Iraq.


Turkish armed forces on Friday seized arms and ammunition in Syria’s northwestern Afrin region, which was recently liberated during the Operation Olive Branch.

In a message posted on its official Twitter account, Turkish General Staff said a large amount of ammunition, a machine gun, 4 Kalashnikov assault rifles, a bazooka, 12 hand grenades, and a radio were recovered in Afrin’s Dervisoglu region.

Turkey launched Operation Olive Branch on Jan. 20 to clear YPG/PKK and Daesh terrorist groups from Afrin, northwestern Syria amid growing threats from the region.

On March 18, Turkish-backed troops liberated the Afrin town center, which had been a major hideout for the YPG/PKK terrorists since 2012.

According to the Turkish General Staff, the operation aims to establish security and stability along Turkey’s borders and the region as well as to protect Syrians from the oppression and cruelty of terrorists.

Separately, security forces launched an operation against PKK/KCK terrorist organization in southeastern Hakkari's Ordekli village, according to a statement by local governor's office.

During the operations, a M-16 infantry rifle, a AK-47 automatic rifle, four hand grenades, a vehicular radio and a good deal of ammunition were seized.


Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said Thursday the U.S. will expand its operations in Syria despite President Donald Trump's stated willingness to withdraw from the war-torn country.

"We are continuing the fight [against Daesh]," Mattis said during a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on the Defense Department budget.

"We are going to expand it and bring in more regional support; [it] is probably the biggest shift that we are making right now."

Emphasizing the presence of anti-Daesh coalition members in the region, he said the fight will continue until Syria is completely cleared of Daesh.

Mattis also said operations against Daesh would increase on the Iraqi side of the border while France had reinforced the U.S. in Syria with special forces in the last two weeks.

Earlier this month, Trump said U.S. troops would be leaving Syria "very soon" since Daesh had been defeated, arguing that U.S. spending in the Middle East was futile and detracted from domestic spending.

But the Pentagon described reports of plans to pull American troops out of Syria as "rumors", adding the U.S. would continue fighting Daesh there. Trump later agreed to keep them in the country for the short term.

At a recent joint news conference with French President Emmanuel Macron at the White House, Trump again noted that he wanted American troops to return from Syria but also did not want Iran to strengthen its influence in the region, especially after the defeat of Daesh.

During the hearing, Mattis was also asked for his opinion on whether the U.S. should stick with the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), commonly known as the Iran deal.

Clashing with Trump, who considers the 2015 Iran nuclear accord “insane” and the “worst deal ever”, Mattis highlighted the value of some parts of the agreement, adding that Washington is working with its European allies to see if there are ways to improve the pact.

But Trump has repeatedly attacked the deal and has threatened to pull out of it unless Washington and its European allies strike a side deal with conditions largely unrelated to the original agreement that would cover Iran's ballistic missile program and regional activities.

When asked, Mattis said no decision had been made on any U.S. withdrawal.

"The decision has not been made whether we can repair it enough to stay in it, or if the president is going to decide to withdraw from it," he said during the hearing.

The U.S. recognizes that the nuclear pact was an "imperfect arms control agreement", he said.

"I will say it is written almost with an assumption that Iran would try to cheat. So the verification, what is in there, is actually pretty robust,” he added. “Whether or not that is sufficient, I think that is a valid question."
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