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Six Jewish Companies Own 96% of the World’s Media

That's what I was afraid of. I don't want this turning into an anti-Semitic fest. I mentioned Jews as an expression of admiration for their accomplishments.

The thread itself is anti-semitic. Let's say Jews do control the American Media, so what? They are Americans first and Jewish second. Their religious denominator is irrelevant. Apparently some members have the idea that there is some sort of zionist conspiracy going on.

Speaking of Borat, Sacha Baron Cohen, a Jewish comedian,

Can't you look beyond people's religion?

stereotypes and makes fun of Arabs (Ali G),

Uh No, Ali G is supposed to a caricature of a White Guy trying to act Black. Ali G stands for Alistair Graham.

gays (Bruno)

Sigh. Bruno doesnt make fun of Gays, it makes fun of Homophobia in the US.

and Central Asians/East Europeans (Borat).

Once again, stereotyping for a particular purpose. This time to expose the ignorance of average Americans about different cultures.

Dude, seriously, i can't believe i had to spell it out for you. What is wrong with you?

His movies are paraded as good fun and he is portrayed as a comic genius.

He is a comic genius.

What do you think the Western media reaction would be if an Arab or gay or Romanian or Kazakh comedian made a comedy stereotyping and mocking Jews?

I agree in the sense that in the US, saying something which can be construed as anti-semitic is a strict no-no. More so than anything which can be seen as racist/anti islamic/etc. Perhaps because of their history, Jewish people are a bit sensitive.

I don't believe the 96% figure either. Sounds like something put out by people to ridicule and discredit any serious examination of Jewish media control. For example. News Corp. which is one of the Big Five media conglomerates is owned by Rupert Murdoch, who is not Jewish. .

I'm glad you mentioned Rupert Murdoch. News Corp owns more news channels and papers in more countries than any media outlet in the world. Example - Fox in the US, Sky and the Times in the UK, Fox again in Australia, Star News in Asia. Seeing how Fox news is the most popular news channel in the US, the figure of 96% is total BS.

But he is very much pro-Israel

Yes he is pro Israel. As a international News company, being pro or against something goes against journalistic ethics. But since when has anyone taken Fox seriously?

Although, there is nothing wrong in being pro Israel. One doesnt need to be anti- Israel to support the Palestinians. Not everything is in black or white.

The manipulation is far more subtle than simple, direct control. In this particular case, focussing on the Israeli cause, the process was to first get conservative Christians to their side, using biblical prophecies about Jesus's return to Israel. This expanded their support base enormously.

The tactics by the American media or rather most of the American media to support Israel are not subtle. The Israeli lobby is the most powerful lobby in the US. They don't need to be subtle.

The second stage was to exploit anti-immigrant and racist feelings amongst the general population and channel them specifically against Muslims. Many people in the West resent third world immigration but, since they are not allowed to say anything against Asians or Africans, they channel their frustration and bigotry towards the one outlet openly sanctioned by the media: Muslims and Arabs.

Ridiculous. Perhaps this kind of crap is done by Pat Buchanan and Rush Limbaugh, but do not assume that the entire US media is some right-wing institution. Your entire logic is flawed, just because the American media is pro Israel, it is then somehow anti-islam?

I seem to remember a discussion we had on people with a persecution complex.

American media rules the world. It sets the trend, for the Western media in particular and global media to a lesser extent, about what is and is not acceptable.

Nope. There are a lot of news media which are not biased towards or against Israel (Since this is the benchmark you seem to abide by). The BBC although owned by the British government, is totally fair in trying to report on the Palestinian conflict. It is also available in more countries than FOX.

In the middle east you have AL-Jazeera, which certainly does not toe the American media line. In India, there are a hold variety of media outlets that are neutral, i'm sure there are a lot of news channels in Pakistan which are anti Israel. The point i'm trying to make is that the Media is not a monolith that is under the domination of a few men of a certain faith.

Thus it is acceptable in the mainstream media to mock Christianity and Christians, or Islam and Muslims, but no one will dare say anything against the other religions.

Mocking of religions - any religion is not tolerated in any serious media organization. Not even under the control of "those evil Jews".

It establishes a pecking order of ethnicities about who can be mocked by whom. Arabs and white males are at the bottom, Jews are at the top, while Indians and Asians come in the middle.


Look, i'm aware of how powerful the Israeli lobby is in the US. I have even acknowledged that the American media tends to be more favourable to Israel. But the American Media does not control the world and certainly there is no pecking order in who can be mocked and who can't.

I say again, Pro Israel does not mean anti-Islam.
I advise all of you guys to watch the well researched documentary called 'The Arrivals'.

It gives almost all the answers as how Illuminaties and free masons are controlling the media and what they are teaching to young kids through this electronic media.

Just watch that and then we can discuss further.
The thread itself is anti-semitic.

I will admit that the title of the thread is unfortunate. I already distanced myself from that 96% figure. However, the fact remains that the Western media is heavily tilted in favor of Zionist interests. My assertion is that this is not fortuitious; it is by deliberate design.

Let's say Jews do control the American Media, so what? They are Americans first and Jewish second. Their religious denominator is irrelevant.

True for some; not true for others. US foreign policy in the Middle East is heavily influenced by the Israel lobby, whose power you acknowledged. That foreign policy almost always runs counter to American long term interests, so the people supporting that policy are putting Israeli interests above American interests. And the Israel lobby doesn't exist in a vacuum, as explained in the LBR article above. It is backed up by solid Zionist support throughout the American media.

Apparently some members have the idea that there is some sort of zionist conspiracy going on.

If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck...

Can't you look beyond people's religion?

I agree that a better debate would be that Zionists control Western media but the fact remains that Zionism's basic tenet is tied to religion. Most Jews have been brainwashed that supporting Israel is their religious duty although, to be fair, many Jews have managed to escape the brainwashing and oppose Israel on moral grounds.

Uh No, Ali G is supposed to a caricature of a White Guy trying to act Black. Ali G stands for Alistair Graham.

Sigh. Bruno doesnt make fun of Gays, it makes fun of Homophobia in the US.

Once again, stereotyping for a particular purpose. This time to expose the ignorance of average Americans about different cultures.

Wrong on every single count. All three characters are intended to mock the relevant groups. The fact that gays, Kazhakhs and Romanians objected to the movies is proof enough that I am right.

He is a comic genius.

He is a bigot. But a politically correct bigot.

Perhaps because of their history, Jewish people are a bit sensitive.

Their history doesn't give them the right to promote bigotry against others. As stated, Holocaust sympathy has become a carte blanche.

Seeing how Fox news is the most popular news channel in the US, the figure of 96% is total BS.

I said as much.

As a international News company, being pro or against something goes against journalistic ethics.

You've got to be kidding me!
If you believe that then you are in a miniscule minority who believes that the media still retains any semblance of objectivity. Almost everybody acknowledges that each media outlet has its bias. The trick is to sample different outlets with known diverse biases to get a balanced view. The problem in the case of Israel is that there are hardly any mainstream Western media outlets which are not pro-Israel.

But since when has anyone taken Fox seriously?

As you acknowledged, Fox is only one outlet out of the dozens owned by News Corp., and top executives' ideology sets the tone of the corporate culture and permeates their entire media empire, just like any other company.

The message is carefully tailored for the particular audience on each media outlet. The message for the meat-and-potatoes crowd on Fox News might be couched in religious or patriotic terms, whereas the more intellectual outlets might use Christopher Hitchens or Richard Dawkins to attack Islam and Muslims.

Although, there is nothing wrong in being pro Israel.

That is a matter of personal opinion and not really the subject of this discussion.

The tactics by the American media or rather most of the American media to support Israel are not subtle. The Israeli lobby is the most powerful lobby in the US. They don't need to be subtle.

People resent being bullied or manipulated, especially to cater to the interests of another country. Subtlety is very much needed -- to make it their cause.

just because the American media is pro Israel, it is then somehow anti-islam?

Demonization of the enemy is the first rule in any conflict. I am sure you already knew that.

I seem to remember a discussion we had on people with a persecution complex.

Indeed. Zionists have used the Jewish persecution history exceedingly well to try and silence any criticism of Israel.

The BBC although owned by the British government, is totally fair in trying to report on the Palestinian conflict.

This would be the same BBC that refused to broadcast a charity appeal for Gaza? Or the one that ran a prime time story about Gilad Shalit, the Israeli soldier, but routinely lumps Palestinian casualties under a nondescript number, if it mentions them at all. Perhaps this is the same BBC that parrots every false anti-Pakistan story verbatim from Indian media without any independent verification.

I will admit they are more fair than Fox or Telegraph, relatively speaking, but that's only because they want Muslim eyeballs. BBC's domestic coverage is just as rabidly anti-Muslim as any. They were very jingoistic and unprofessional in their coverage of the Pakistani student terrorism suspects, many of whom were later found innocent.

The point i'm trying to make is that the Media is not a monolith that is under the domination of a few men of a certain faith.

OK, Arab and Muslim owned media do not toe the Zionist American media line, I will grant you that. Along with some Indian media who don't want to alienate their Muslim audience within India or the Middle East.

Mocking of religions - any religion is not tolerated in any serious media organization

Perhaps you haven't watched much Western media. That's all I can say. Hint: Christopher Hitchens, Richard Dawkins, Bill Maher, are not exactly on the fringe.


Very much sense. I am not talking about people mocking their own kind; that is always allowed. But cross-ethnic jabs definitely follow a pecking order. You will almost never see a non-Jewish comedian making fun of Jews, but you will often see Jewish comedians mocking whites and Arabs, Christians and Muslims.

the American Media does not control the world

Do you agree that American culture dominates the world?
If you don't then fine. But if you agree, then that proves my assertion that American media sets the guidelines for Western media and, to a lesser extent, global media.

I say again, Pro Israel does not mean anti-Islam.

Demonization of the enemy. Rule number one.
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i note that instead of talking about whats anti-semitic and whats acceptable to say or not nobody can stick to facts.

surely this is one of those things you can just answer by having a look?

yet nobody is interested....
God is with Israel.

I guess what you really want to say is "God is with Jews".
But one trillion dollar question remains: which God? or better yet: whose God?
Remember, one man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist. :coffee:
surely this is one of those things you can just answer by having a look?

Well, there are two ways to look at it. You can look at the internal mechanics of it (how it works), or the predicted external effects of it (what it achieves).

In the first case, you look at the who owns what and who runs what.

In the second case, you look at evidence of media bias, omission, misrepresentation, disinformation, etc., etc.
Developereo, i'll come back with a detailed response later. However to end the Sacha Baron Cohen debate, let me ask you, have you seen Borat or Bruno or the Da Ali G Show? If not, you really have no business making allegations.

With regards to Ali G - It is short for Alistair Graham, does that sound like a Muslim name to you? There was even an episode where his mom called him Alistair.

Borat - The character is so over the top that no one can take it seriously. The brilliance lies in the fact that in the movie that some Americans actually believe that Kazakhstan to be to like that. Hence the satire directed against Americans, not people from Kazakhstan.

Bruno - Once again, an over the top homosexual character revealing the dark homophobic underbelly of American society.

Wrong on every single count. All three characters are intended to mock the relevant groups.

On the contrary.

Kazhakhs and Romanians objected to the movies is proof enough that I am right.
He is a bigot. But a politically correct bigot.

This is probably the first time anyone has called him politically correct. Honestly i can't believe i'm actually trying to explain Cohen's motives to someone. Lighten up and enjoy -
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Developereo, i'll come back with a detailed response later. However to end the Sacha Baron Cohen debate, let me ask you, have you seen Borat or Bruno or the Da Ali G Show? If not, you really have no business making allegations.

With regards to Ali G - It is short for Alistair Graham, does that sound like a Muslim name to you? There was even an episode where his mom called him Alistair.

Borat - The character is so over the top that no one can take it seriously. The brilliance lies in the fact that in the movie that some Americans actually believe that Kazakhstan to be to like that. Hence the satire directed against Americans, not people from Kazakhstan.

Bruno - Once again, an over the top homosexual character revealing the dark homophobic underbelly of American society.

On the contrary.

This is probably the first time anyone has called him politically correct. Honestly i can't believe i'm actually trying to explain Cohen's motives to someone. Lighten up and enjoy -
JFVN59sR4lY[/media] - Borat response

Yeah what gives him the right to hijack a nation identity for a satire
Would it be political correct to have Muslim man dressin up as an Israeli Jew and makinig fun of the world ?

What was soo hard for him not be dress as a rabi and make fun of America there is alot of anti-semite there.
Even in the film Borat, he vists area that have hatred agaisnt Jewsih or peole who have misconception about Jewish people.
and yes I did see Borat and Ali-G and both shows.
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Yes Jews control the Media....and how are you planning to stop them?...Instead of ranting about what others do think about giving them a fitting reply. It would be a better way of handling things.
Well, there are two ways to look at it. You can look at the internal mechanics of it (how it works), or the predicted external effects of it (what it achieves).

In the first case, you look at the who owns what and who runs what.

In the second case, you look at evidence of media bias, omission, misrepresentation, disinformation, etc., etc.

i think we are struggling with the first case.

i have had this debate before.

i went through all the motions of being called anti-semitic, to being called paranoid to being called a liar and so on, the usual stuff.

but at the end of the day there was no way the person i was debating with could disagree with the cold facts

in the end he said so what if its true, after spending hours debating the issue, lol.
God is with Israel.

God is with Israel.

Ahhh yes the village pindu idiot strikes again
God(swt) being the Creator the Exalt , Master of the Day of Judgement Most Merciful and Most kind to His creation is going to side to a murderous country that commits to Holocausts against Non-Zionist Jews in the Middlereast ?


Sometimes I question on the level of intelligence by Indians
Listern X11, I know exactly what you ment by this and know what you are playing. Don't you dare insulting God by making Him a villain. Especially when their are good potion of Muslims using this forum and some who had relatives and friends died in Palistine.
With regards to Ali G - It is short for Alistair Graham, does that sound like a Muslim name to you? There was even an episode where his mom called him Alistair.

He calls himself "Ali G", not "Alistair Graham". Ali is a Muslim name. The whole show is about promoting anti-Arab stereotypes, while pretending to mock the wannabes.

How many minstrel shows do we see these days?

Hence the satire directed against Americans, not people from Kazakhstan.

Same thing about promoting Central Asian/East European stereotypes. As Arsenal6 mentioned, why didn't he just dress up as an over-the-top Hassidic Jew to highlight anti-Semitism?

Bruno - Once again, an over the top homosexual character revealing the dark homophobic underbelly of American society.

Once again, gay rights groups didn't buy this rationalization either, because they know exactly what audience this movie caters to.

Would it be political correct to have Muslim man dressin up as an Israeli Jew and makinig fun of the world ?

There is plenty of homophobia in the Jewish community. I wonder if Bruno went to a Hassidic Jewish enclave in Brooklyn to showcase their bigotry. I notice he did take a gratuitous dig at Hamas/Hezbollah, though...

Yes Jews control the Media....and how are you planning to stop them?...Instead of ranting about what others do think about giving them a fitting reply. It would be a better way of handling things.

Nobody's ranting. In fact we give them credit for a job well done and are analyzing the mechanics to help emulate them.

Do try to keep up.

in the end he said so what if its true, after spending hours debating the issue, lol.

That's the part people don't understand. The subject is so touchy that most people shy away from it.

All we are doing is trying to understand, reverse engineer and copy a job well done.

Ahhh yes the village pindu idiot strikes again

Please don't feed the blatant troll. Just ignore him.

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