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Sikh Biradari makes a surprise protest rally in Islamabad to complain against Sindh Govt

Pakistani Sikhs demand action on desecration of Guru Granth Sahib - IBNLive

Most of the incidents occurred inside Hindu temples, where Guru Granth Sahib is kept as many people from the Hindu community also believe in the teachings of Sikhism, he said.

The first incident occurred at Samadha Ashram in Shikarpur, where a Hindu elder was accused of "drawing pictures" in Guru Granth Sahib and enraging many Sikhs, Singh said.
Stop trying to create trouble between Sikhs and Hindus. Sikhs and Hindus are brothers and us Hindus respect their right as a separate religion. These idiots who desecrated the Guru Granth Sahib are not Hindu but either way the fact that you are pointing it out shows you are trying to cause a rift between our communities. My grandfather was Sikh and we know more about them then you.

Sikhs defended us during medieval times when Guru Tegh Bahadur sacrificed his life for us and we helped them when atheist congress attacked them, the RSS defended them. Sikhs and Hindus are brothers focus on the rifts between Shias and Sunnis instead of creating rifts between our communities.

The army was led by a Sikh and there is a lot of of stuff which speaks about Sikhs and their country like the fact that they are the richest religious group and have held many high positions.

Sikhs here are talking about Pakistani Hindus, this has nothing to do with you. Have a good day.
The army was led by a Sikh and there is a lot of of stuff which speaks about Sikhs and their country like the fact that they are the richest religious group and have held many high positions.

Those high posts and all that crap don't change the history my dear. That pic says a lot. As they a picture is worth thousands words.
History, put emphasis on that word. Also put emphasis on what the majority of Sikhs feel rather than what you feel my dear,

I don't feel anything. I won't mind if you destroy golden temple even today. Your country. Your rules. I was just bitchslapping that idiot from your country. Nothing serious though. :)
Come and Fight with us Belivers....



Wtf control yourself going to give yourself a heart attack.

When I visIted Nanka sahib for the first time in 1999, went for a cup of tea with a Pakistani.

I was given tea in a broken glass and musalmann in cup...

Later on shop keeper said we have separate cups for Kafirs and men of God.

You kill your own kind "Shias" and you think Sikhs will align with you....

We Khalsas were created to DEFEND HINDUS and will do till end this was word of Guru Gobind singh ji.

As far as Congress is concerned they will get their due credits.



LMAO seeing your harkate I am surprised you even got chai at all, I would have thrown you out of the shop.
In Pakistan Hindu temple is desecrated every week and fake beghairat Sikhs live their. No real Sikh would want to live under Muslim rule.

These Sikhs in Pakistan are Beghairats, no real Sikh will live under Muslim rule.

Lol here comes a new clown from Bharati.
In Pakistan Hindu temple is desecrated every week and fake beghairat Sikhs live their. No real Sikh would want to live under Muslim rule.

These Sikhs in Pakistan are Beghairats, no real Sikh will live under Muslim rule.

These Sikhs in Pakistan are the most patriotic minority community. Look at these Sikh gentlemen they talk more sense than many other politicians.

If you knew the slightest thing about Sikhs then you would know that it is shameful for them to accept the rule of Muslims. Soon these people will take on Muslim names and then start worshipping Allah and removing there paggs.

Yeah yeah I know the filth that you are filled with.
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