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Secular India is a myth

Why are you asking?
If there isn't a law, you think its ok to do that?:crazy:

Yeah....I personally am not jobless enough (or filled with enough anger) to go around burning the Quran, but if there's no law against it, its perfectly fine.

Paper, cardboard and ink only rite?
Yeah....I personally am not jobless enough (or filled with enough anger) to go around burning the Quran, but if there's no law against it, its perfectly fine.

Paper, cardboard and ink only rite?

Wow. :crazy:

So if there's no law against it, forgetting all moralities, forgetting all decency, you can do it.

Look, burning or trampling a nation's flag isn't fine, even though its only cloth. Its a horrible thing to do. But its only cloth, so why not?
Wow. :crazy:

So if there's no law against it, forgetting all moralities, forgetting all decency, you can do it.

Look, burning or trampling a nation's flag isn't fine, even though its only cloth. Its a horrible thing to do. But its only cloth, so why not?

I've observed that the people who are the most offended by koran-burning and flag-trampling and such are the same ones who don't mind murdering people to express their anger.

The fact is that burning the quran is an act of rebellion against its teachings, and its perfectly fine as far as I'm concerned. Perhaps others might not agree.
In my opinion, burning any religious books or a nations flag is wrong. Have u ever seen a decent person do it? it is a vile act of desperation. more than anything else, it is a cry for attention.

but equally stupid are the ones who respond to such crude acts. it is like barking back at a dog barking at you. people should have enough sense to understand that burning a book or a flag just shows the desperation and lack of education of the idiots involved. it is something the intelligent person just sneers at. it is only those touchy, senseless zealots who start acting out.

if i see someone burn the indian flag or the bhagvat geeta, i'll get angry, but i am not stupid enough to retaliate. i'll just shake my head and sneer at the idiot who did it, for the act just shows how much of a low life he is.
I've observed that the people who are the most offended by koran-burning and flag-trampling and such are the same ones who don't mind murdering people to express their anger.

Wow....what a leap. So you say that it is ok to burn the Quran and that those who are offended by that are the extremists and murderers?

But I do remember you making some pretty strong statements about mosques that preach hatred, and banning them for making political statements or preaching something that society doesn't agree with.

Flintlock...thank you for exposing yourself.

Please tell me....is that cow avatar an expression of your religious belief?
Wow....what a leap. So you say that it is ok to burn the Quran and that those who are offended by that are the extremists and murderers?

No....but if you think its okay to kill people for revenge, then its not very nice now is it.

But I do remember you making some pretty strong statements about mosques that preach hatred, and banning them for making political statements or preaching something that society doesn't agree with.

Ah...so you have a good memory. I see.

Flintlock...thank you for exposing yourself.

Why do you assume that I've been hiding something?

Please tell me....is that cow avatar an expression of your religious belief?

Of course! I'm a religious man! Now don't offend my sentiments.
In my opinion, burning any religious books or a nations flag is wrong. Have u ever seen a decent person do it? it is a vile act of desperation. more than anything else, it is a cry for attention.

Its an act of strong protest or rebellion, depending on the situation. Now, burning national symbols is always tricky. In India, that will probably get you in jail. It depends on how mature a society is actually. See, burning a flag in California probably indicates something quite different than burning a flag in Delhi.

Of course, its to get attention. But then, aren't all protests meant to get attention. In India, protesting is considered "indecent", which is why "decent" citizens don't protest for their rights, and this very vital political space is occupied by thugs and hired troublemakers.
In better functioning democracies like US, its the common citizens who protest in the streets.
You seem to think, Flintlock, that if something is not set in stone, it can be done, no matter what the act is. There is a such a thing as morality, and that counts for something.

Btw, I think this is the first time Zyxius and I have agreed in a thread.
You seem to think, Flintlock, that if something is not set in stone, it can be done, no matter what the act is. There is a such a thing as morality, and that counts for something.

Btw, I think this is the first time Zyxius and I have agreed in a thread.

Yes, there are ethical values. But I don't necessarily have to same ethical values as you.
LOL....I'll bet this is a wet dream come true for some of the Indians on this site. Subtle as they try to be....the facade is only paper thin.

What is there to LOL in that image!

I would imagine that a Muslim will be horrified and disgusted with such an image, but to LOL! :what:

All this guy is worried about is how to score some cheap points. Obviously the act itself is secondary if some brownie points can be scored of it.

Press Trust of India

RAIPUR, Aug 29: Six CRPF personnel, including an officer, were killed in a landmine attack by Naxals in Chhattisgarh's Narayanpur district today.
The powerful blast blew up the CRPF jeep which was on its way from Konda to Narayanpur near Chheribeda, about 350 kms from here, killing one sub inspector, four constables and a driver, CRPF officials said.

The officer killed in the blast has been identified as R S Kang. While five persons were killed on the spot another died on his way to hospital, they said.
All the five districts of Bastar region including Narayanpur are affected by Naxal violence. The vehicle carrying the team was blown up in the explosion, CRPF spokesman Mr Ajay Chaturvedi said.

Combing operations have been launched to nab the Maoists involved in the blast. Terming the incident as very unfortunate, Director General of CRPF Mr V K Joshi said anti-Naxal operations have been intensified under the supervision of senior officials.
Batman nanana Batman,

I bet there are no Parsis & Bahais in Indian Police Force too...

Baniyas and Marwaris(a mercantile Caste/tribe) are totally absent from the Indian Army and police as well..

So this proves India is not secular and discriminates against people right?

PS: Low ratio proves zilch, the adherents of Islam have been able to achieve the highest positions available to all Indians..
Batman nanana Batman,

^^What does this means?

Communal riots and Indian Police, a factually well-researched and well-documented book by former IPS officer Vibhuti Narayan has exposed that policemen have always played a very prejudiced role in most of the communal riots that caused mass destruction of Muslim lives and properties.
The remarkably low ratio of Muslims in police forces is a primary cause of nurturing of such communal prejudices among the police. If this Muslim ratio in police force could reach a little bit satisfactory level, it would work against the unbridled poisoning of the minds of the police rank and file. As there is a constant fear that any partiality in action may immediately result in a counter reaction from others, the book concludes.
Perhaps due to these reasons, the ruling elite, belonging to any political party whomsoever, resort to formulating policies and regulations in such a way, that Muslim candidates could hardly find any access to police force, except for some rare inductions. Without any exception, all political parties have been successful in achieving their goals to keep Muslims out of police force, otherwise, why from independence to the present time, the ratio of Muslims in police force has either always remained lowest, or has kept decreasing as the time passes. It also implies that Congress too, along with BJP has served as merely a tool for the RSS; otherwise Muslim average must increase rather than be remarkably so deteriorating towards the end as to become extinct.

I have not written any of the words in the news. Perhaps such news should have been posted in a thread with subject 'minorities are discriminated in india on the basis of religon' In this case I request the mods to merge it in thread with befitting subject.
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