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Secular India is a myth

Guys I am trained in three martial arts..........

Oh and I would take a jackhammer shotgun with a backup :lol: I'd make a rapid impression ;) I'd start with the guy with the moustache....he offends me .......
I dont want to kill them, except the guy with the mushe, everyone else looks kids...they needed spanking with a proper leather belt

martial arts....
the only one i know is knocking day lights out of the guy in front, keeping on banging on his head...lol...
one guy did that to me too, cereberal pulsating animorosis....i have this huge scar on my left temple.
LOL it is. However I KNOW I could easily take those 4 guys down. (even without a shotgun)

As someone will find out when I get to Toronto next week :partay:

Dear Keyser,

Please post the video of that encounter on U Tube or My Space if and when it happens.

On a serious note, I find the picture extremely disturbing.
Why are young men of both religion being easily attracted to xenophobic activities?
Most of the idiots in the picture are from a 16-21 age category. Wish I could put some sense into these idiots.
And here we have, fanatic yet tolerant hindus (or is it other way - tolerant but fanatic hindus?), burning Quran.

Was it right? can other religions publically burn and deface Hindu scriptures and statues in "secular" and "tolerant" india?

In some states Muslims are not allowed to slaughter cows, but Hindus can claim any land to be birthplace of their God and destroy a mosque. Welcome to "secular" and "tolerant" India

Number 1, IT never ceases to amaze me the sheer conscience of you, the reason you guys never get in argument in international forums.

Number 2, No, other religions cannot deface any other religious books, India is secular doesnt means it has had never experienced non-secular habitats, I just simply dont understand how can you generalise based on a incident, that way not even US is secular eh? cuz you had a NYC guy putting Quran in Toilet in news some months back! I know you will never start is US secular to live in based on NYC issue , because you'll be blasted by your own logic to begin with, There were over thousands of riots, are those secular phenomenon to happen? Appling system in a theocratic structure is not what you guys should see it, stop seeing other places as you see your place, stop interpreting other things as you do yours, Secularism isnt something like committing shirk and non-shirk based on one parametres, rather it is the framework and the parametres in the society is defines by other clauses.

Number 3, In which state Muslim are not allowed to slaughter Cow? Here is a challenge for you lets see how much balls you got, come to UP, I'll take you to deobandhis place, you should open a pig slaughtering place there and lets see if you can return with life!

Shouldnt things be quid pro-pro or you want us to show dhimmitude?
Cow slaughtering is allowed in all states, but one has do so in a certain community keeping in mind the religious sentiment of the same.

The biggest two cow slaughter in India are owned by Hindus, want proof on that?

I'll tell you a recent incident, cannot find the article as of now,
Shivakashi makes one of best firecrackers and is a very old south indian company, it wasd found among some of their firecrackers pages from Quran, actually they buys these pages in bulk from the poor peoples who collects them from rejected newspapers home to home basis, The police went there and got the guys arrested, So you see justice is there for such issues, but its not necessarily and never always succesful means the law is farce? de-centralised events are never the measure of such things, there were probably more Gita (personified) burned in your land than Quran (personified) in my country.

Your intellect never ceases to amaze me, by your logic applied above i can virtually claim anything on quid-pro-pro basis which wont look good for you in this argument so lets not put those things into perspective, if your a hatemonger and posted this topic to start a flamewar, fine if your a debater and want to debate Indian secularism with CONSCIENCE, shoot it somewhere else.

This is true secularismm onlee,

From Indian consulate site in Jaddah,

5. Maximum Amount admissible :

The maximum amount of Death Compensation (Diyya) generally admissible in Saudi Arabia, in respect of road/traffic/fire accident, murder, etc. is as under:

Death Compensation in respect of a male person:

i. Muslim - SR. 100,000/-
ii. Christian/Jew - SR.50,000/-
iii. Other religions : such as Hindu, Buddhist, Jain, etc. - SR 6666.66

In the case of death of a female, death compensation allowed is equal to half the amount as admissible to males professing the same religion. Further the amount of compensation admissible, is based on the percentage of responsibility fixed on the causer e.g. if the causer is held 50% responsible for the accident resulting in the death of a Muslim, the amount of Death Compensation admissible will be SR 50,000 only.


Secularism has a stiff opponent in this world, and they are trying their best to disembark the fabric, they do have counter-effect on the secular republic as their de-stabilizing effects carries a domino effect on secularistic society.
If hindutva force of bajrang dal is one of it, promoters of wahabism is the other.

Atleast we dont fund peoples to interpret other religions to show how supreme is mine and jump up and down reading the same of having the security of feeling that 'I'm the chosen one'.
A very good post Joey.
I am a Hindu, And i would have eaten more meat and more types of meat than most people here.

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