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Secular India is a myth

Hey, I don't eat meat but I just learnt how to make great mutton kurma in Lahore style.
And I bought a beef burger for my Yindoo friend.
Number 1, IT never ceases to amaze me the sheer conscience of you, the reason you guys never get in argument in international forums.

Number 2, No, other religions cannot deface any other religious books, India is secular doesnt means it has had never experienced non-secular habitats, I just simply dont understand how can you generalise based on a incident, that way not even US is secular eh? cuz you had a NYC guy putting Quran in Toilet in news some months back! I know you will never start is US secular to live in based on NYC issue , because you'll be blasted by your own logic to begin with, There were over thousands of riots, are those secular phenomenon to happen? Appling system in a theocratic structure is not what you guys should see it, stop seeing other places as you see your place, stop interpreting other things as you do yours, Secularism isnt something like committing shirk and non-shirk based on one parametres, rather it is the framework and the parametres in the society is defines by other clauses.

because of the guy like you BJP & Hindutva are in power.

Dont even begin to compare US with India; US never had any religious party elected; that commited genocide in the name of hindu supermacy.

These people are the members of Hindutva, the party that is in power in some states.

please give me an example of US senator burning Quran.

Number 3, In which state Muslim are not allowed to slaughter Cow? Here is a challenge for you lets see how much balls you got, come to UP, I'll take you to deobandhis place, you should open a pig slaughtering place there and lets see if you can return with life!

Shouldnt things be quid pro-pro or you want us to show dhimmitude?
Cow slaughtering is allowed in all states, but one has do so in a certain community keeping in mind the religious sentiment of the same.

The biggest two cow slaughter in India are owned by Hindus, want proof on that?

I'll tell you a recent incident, cannot find the article as of now,
Shivakashi makes one of best firecrackers and is a very old south indian company, it wasd found among some of their firecrackers pages from Quran, actually they buys these pages in bulk from the poor peoples who collects them from rejected newspapers home to home basis, The police went there and got the guys arrested, So you see justice is there for such issues, but its not necessarily and never always succesful means the law is farce? de-centralised events are never the measure of such things, there were probably more Gita (personified) burned in your land than Quran (personified) in my country.

Your intellect never ceases to amaze me, by your logic applied above i can virtually claim anything on quid-pro-pro basis which wont look good for you in this argument so lets not put those things into perspective, if your a hatemonger and posted this topic to start a flamewar, fine if your a debater and want to debate Indian secularism with CONSCIENCE, shoot it somewhere else.

This is true secularismm onlee,

From Indian consulate site in Jaddah,

Secularism has a stiff opponent in this world, and they are trying their best to disembark the fabric, they do have counter-effect on the secular republic as their de-stabilizing effects carries a domino effect on secularistic society.
If hindutva force of bajrang dal is one of it, promoters of wahabism is the other.

Atleast we dont fund peoples to interpret other religions to show how supreme is mine and jump up and down reading the same of having the security of feeling that 'I'm the chosen one'.


Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): The Madhya Pradesh Cabinet Friday decided to impose a complete ban on cow slaughter, a promise made by the Bharatiya Janata Party before the elections. Presided over by the Chief Minister, Uma Bharti, the Cabinet also decided to reinstate thousands of retrenched daily wage earners, wind up the district governments and bring the Narmada water to Bhopal.

Ms. Bharti had announced during her election campaign that once she came to power, a decision would be taken at her very first Cabinet meeting to impose a complete ban on cow slaughter. Similarly, she had emphasized that a decision would also be taken at the meeting to reinstate thousands of daily wage earners appointed after December 31, 1988, clear the Narmada water supply scheme for Bhopal and abandon the system of district governments that had been imposed on the Panchayati Raj system by the Digvijay Singh Government. The BJP Government has also decided to properly equip the cowsheds for keeping sick and ailing cows.


Raipur (Chattisgarh): The BJP Government in Chhattisgarh, headed by Raman Singh, Wednesday banned the killing of cows and decided to provide relief to farmers by writing off their soft loans. "It is now totally banned in the State and anyone engaged in it will attract punishment,'' the Chief Minister told reporters here after the first meeting of the Cabinet. The Government also decided to set up new `Gaushalas' and strengthen the existing ones as promised in the election manifesto

The main Idea behind passing such laws is to make lives of Muslims difficult in particular parts of India.

Seems to me like that you are the one who is flaming here by trying to defend the action of BJP members.

Your assumption on Pakistan burning more Gita is false.

Your argument about Saudi Arabia holds no water; Saudi Arabia never claimed to be secular state.

In conclusion if RSS & BJP get continual support, they will turn India into 100% Hindu theocracy, which it is already in some states under the disguise of secularism
that commited genocide in the name of hindu supermacy.

There has been no genocide committed in the name of Hindu supremacy yet.

The main Idea behind passing such laws is to make lives of Muslims difficult in particular parts of India.

The main idea behind passing such laws is to respect the faith of Hindu's.

In conclusion if RSS & BJP get continual support, they will turn India into 100% Hindu theocracy,

If it does happen, learn to live with it.
because of the guy like you BJP & Hindutva are in power.

What the hell? Where are they in power? They were reduced to rubbles in the last elections. Why dont you look at your national assembly and see how many radicals are in power there?

Dont even begin to compare US with India; US never had any religious party elected; that commited genocide in the name of hindu supermacy.

The 'nigger' periods.

Your assumption on Pakistan burning more Gita is false.

You wont get a gita in Pakistan. Do you?

Your argument about Saudi Arabia holds no water; Saudi Arabia never claimed to be secular state.

So its ok to kill others just because they believe in anothjer way of life? How sick?

In conclusion if RSS & BJP get continual support, they will turn India into 100% Hindu theocracy, which it is already in some states under the disguise of secularism

If we need a hindu theocracy we shall do it. But then we shall let know the whole world about it.
Dont even begin to compare US with India; US never had any religious party elected; that commited genocide in the name of hindu supermacy.

Oh Gujarat sydrome again....lol
Its called a Riot; bastard Modi can be accused of Inaction and nothing else

The world community calls it riot and never had a genocide in its name, while pakistan has the record of 3 million people genocide of 'dark' bangladeshi's.

We have had our wrongs,but whatever it is you cant even dream of reaching us. period
because of the guy like you BJP & Hindutva are in power.

Dont even begin to compare US with India; US never had any religious party elected; that commited genocide in the name of hindu supermacy.

These people are the members of Hindutva, the party that is in power in some states.

please give me an example of US senator burning Quran.

The main Idea behind passing such laws is to make lives of Muslims difficult in particular parts of India.

Seems to me like that you are the one who is flaming here by trying to defend the action of BJP members.

Your assumption on Pakistan burning more Gita is false.

Your argument about Saudi Arabia holds no water; Saudi Arabia never claimed to be secular state.

In conclusion if RSS & BJP get continual support, they will turn India into 100% Hindu theocracy, which it is already in some states under the disguise of secularism

Do you even know what secularism is?
It means that there are no laws discriminating against the minorities. That the court will not make any discrimination on the basis of religion and the government shall not conduct its affairs with religious preferences.

If the people have riots, if there is a hindu muslim riot, then both will kill each other, it does not relate to secularism. The people have to show restraint, and that is universal for all countries citizens, secular and non secular.

Next of all, i dont give a damn what you call hindutva, or what you understand BJP is. Im going to vote for BJP in the next elections. Its a political party, a term you might have trouble understanding. Modi has made Gujarat an industrilaised state, because of him, Gujarat is turning into a mnaufacturing hib of India. It is to his credit. Now i dont give a fu*k why he did not do anything when the riots were going on in 2002. If the investigation finds him guilty, he will goto prison, else not.
Dont even begin to compare US with India; US never had any religious party elected; that commited genocide in the name of hindu supermacy.

I can certainly compare India with Pakistan, cant I? I dont see India committing genocide in Bangladesh do i? And you talk of Muslim brotherhood.
I can certainly compare India with Pakistan, cant I? I dont see India committing genocide in Bangladesh do i? And you talk of Muslim brotherhood.

Muslim brotherhood, my foot. They hate each other more than the percieved hatred they jtly have against the jews.
hehe lets see what you got, ofcourse as long as you can debate sensibly I can already see you have started using ad hominems

because of the guy like you BJP & Hindutva are in power

BJP is not extremist party, If you recall they are the one who first started the Kashmir peace process, if you recall they were the ones who were repsonsible for failure in Kargil and responsible to downhill of Indian nationalism after nuke blasts.

They are just like any other party vested for their interest more than anything

However, There are certain small groups on which BJP uses them to gain vote bank, If congress can use the EJ card time and time for vote bank, BJP uses Ranbir Sena, Bajrang Dal for such.

Atleast try to understand the realpolitik before talking jack.

Dont even begin to compare US with India; US never had any religious party elected;
I did not compared US with India, I'm challenging you to prove it.
I compare US with India on the Point of Secularism based on the analogy/context of a incident of burning religious book as you have said.

I merely questioned the viability of the point you raised of measurement of Secularism in light of the incident you have posted up there with that of the other contemporary secularist countries.

that commited genocide in the name of hindu supermacy.
It was a riot Do you want me to pull up definitions from oxford?, but we indeed are ashamed of it unlike you who have destroyed over 1000 temples; but you wont see us singing like a untuned guitar cord how you treated them on every thread pointlessly, First learn to dance in your floor before asking someone else how to dance in their.

These people are the members of Hindutva, the party that is in power in some states.
Developement index of Muslims is much higher in Gujrat than in West Bengal, reading dawn and dailytimes or Times of India wont give you actual insight unless you travel, I'll give you one example in West Bengal right next to the CM';s house there is a cow slaughter house, WB is a communist state from past 30 years, Can you explain how yet there has been more hindu-muslim issues here than in Gujrat, and how come even after enjoying the benefits of equal-equal (as you want it to be) they are worst and most poor in the social index in WB, Can you explain why? Does it holds your personal fetish of anti-india whims? nope it doesnt, there are only buyers of such things yes in these forums only.

please give me an example of US senator burning Quran.
US Senator didnt burnt Quran, did a Indian MP burnt Quran? For all we know that thing is done by a few fanatical peoples,

The main Idea behind passing such laws is to make lives of Muslims difficult in particular parts of India.
hehe, Look now you have no economic idea as well, if from tomorrow all Hindus declares we wont touch halal meat, do you know the number of Muslims effective will be n*2000 times more than n Muslims are being effected by banning Cow slaughter in certain areas?

And oh Indian Muslims dont have a festish of eating cow, for your kind information, I'll be glad if you can prove it that without cow Muslims cannot survive, or you are the self-styled lawyer with them as clients, can i have a look into the original file please?

I want to know the source of your articles, can you provide them PLEASE?
Just called up my friend, beef is there in Chattisgarh. Dont know where your getting the beautiful articles from, As I said if cow slaughter is banned it is banned from certain places and not state as a whole, same pig slaughter is also not allowed in certain places, do we cry over it?

Seems to me like that you are the one who is flaming here by trying to defend the action of BJP members.
Oh really? tsk tsk, told ya you guys canot debate in international forums , because there is soemthing called conscience which you lack is what I can find out from this post.

Your assumption on Pakistan burning more Gita is false.
If you see I have used the word called personifcation (Its a Figures of Speech), Gita is used to personify Hindus and Quran to personify Muslims, Indeed you guys didnt burnt Gita but just a alien came and decreased minorities from 20% to 2%.

Your argument about Saudi Arabia holds no water; Saudi Arabia never claimed to be secular state.
You need to read my posts better way, That is from INDIAN CONSULATE FROM SAUDI ARABIA. Do you get Why I posted it now? surprisingly you wont see us crying over it in each thread.

In conclusion if RSS & BJP get continual support, they will turn India into 100% Hindu theocracy, which it is already in some states under the disguise of secularism

So far you havent proved the same thus I have no problems if you recite a poem and think its good, hold on the conclusion where you get support for it, dont come among the intellectuals, trust me you havent seen what intellectual debate is like now unless you have visited evening party of Presidency College.
And here we have, fanatic yet tolerant hindus (or is it other way - tolerant but fanatic hindus?), burning Quran.

Was it right? can other religions publically burn and deface Hindu scriptures and statues in "secular" and "tolerant" india?

In some states Muslims are not allowed to slaughter cows, but Hindus can claim any land to be birthplace of their God and destroy a mosque. Welcome to "secular" and "tolerant" India



LOL....I'll bet this is a wet dream come true for some of the Indians on this site. Subtle as they try to be....the facade is only paper thin.
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