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Featured Russian and Chinese bombers fly joint patrol over Pacific

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Russian and Chinese bombers fly joint patrol over Pacific

The Associated PressStaff
Published Tuesday, December 22, 2020 12:39PM EST

In this photo taken from a video distributed by Russian Defense Ministry Press Service, on Tuesday, Dec. 22, 2020, a Chinese H-6K strategic bomber flies during a joint patrol mission over the Western Pacific. Russian and Chinese bombers flew a joint patrol mission over the Western Pacific Tuesday in a show of increasingly close military ties between Moscow and Beijing. The Russian military said that a pair of its Tu-95 strategic bombers and four Chinese H-6K bombers flew over the Sea of Japan and the East China Sea. (Russian Defense Ministry Press Service via AP)

MOSCOW -- Russian and Chinese bombers flew a joint patrol mission over the Western Pacific Tuesday in a show of increasingly close military ties between Moscow and Beijing.

The Russian military said that a pair of its Tu-95 strategic bombers and four Chinese H-6K bombers flew over the Sea of Japan and the East China Sea.

The Russian Defence Ministry said in a statement that the joint mission was intended to "develop and deepen the comprehensive Russia-China partnership, further increase the level of co-operation between the two militaries, expand their ability for joint action and strengthen strategic stability."

The ministry added that the patrol flight "wasn't directed against any third countries."

Tuesday's mission was the second such flight since a July 2019 patrol over the same area.

It follows Russian President Vladimir Putin's statement in October that the idea of a future Russia-China military alliance can't be ruled out -- a signal of deepening military co-operation between Moscow and Beijing amid growing tensions in their relations with the United States.

Until that moment, Russia and China had hailed their "strategic partnership," but rejected any talk about the possibility of their forming a military alliance.

Putin also noted in October that Russia has been sharing highly sensitive military technologies with China that helped significantly bolster its defence capability.

Russia has sought to develop stronger ties with China as its relations with the West sank to post-Cold War lows over Moscow's annexation of Ukraine's Crimea, accusations of Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election and other issues.

Soon it will also be 2 manned space mission capable nation join hands together in space.

Multipolarity is good.

But, it deeply hurts the interests of those that got very naughty during their post-Cold War two-decade long unipolar moment.

US elites are yearning for those days. But, most of them got very old. Some died.
Two of the Three super powers combined I do not have to explain what that means. It's an entity far superior than the US and its lapdogs having a gathering together. World order has already reshaped, unipolar world gone and the American Empire is a short lived one that couldn't outlast the British Empire thanks to the emergence of two heavy weight champions keeping the West in check.
Great news. However, China must never rely on Russia as an ally in the preparation for conflict. Italy and Germany were allies in 1914 in the Triple Alliance. Then Italy turned against Austria-Hungary and Germany in 1915 for many promises by the UK and France. Italy and Greece were even promised the same territory in Turkey by the West.

Russia is too happy to play China against the West, and Russia has no allies, not even Iran, Moscow wanted to offer Iran to the West though sanctions and other means to hurt Iran, to betray the Iranians as a bargaining chip for Russia to be accepted by the West. This was during Medvedev. Russians are selfish and cut-throat. That said, China does not want to be encircled with India, Russia and US pacific fleet surrounding China. Staying with friendly terms with Russia enhances China's security. Though never rely on putin in a conflict.

Here is how Russia treats their closest "allies":

Great news. However, China must never rely on Russia as an ally in the preparation for conflict. Italy and Germany were allies in 1914 in the Triple Alliance. Then Italy turned against Austria-Hungary and Germany in 1915 for many promises by the UK and France. Italy and Greece were even promised the same territory in Turkey by the West.

Russia is too happy to play China against the West, and Russia has no allies, not even Iran, Moscow wanted to offer Iran to the West though sanctions and other means to hurt Iran, to betray the Iranians as a bargaining chip for Russia to be accepted by the West. This was during Medvedev. Russians are selfish and cut-throat. That said, China does not want to be encircled with India, Russia and US pacific fleet surrounding China. Staying with friendly terms with Russia enhances China's security. Though never rely on putin in a conflict.

Here is how Russia treats their closest "allies":

Cooperation on practical & pragmatic grounds is of strategic importance.

Still, both CN and RU avoid calling it an alliance. This is meaningful.

I think both countries do not want to over-securitize. Hence, cooperation is much more comprehensive.


On Tuesday, China and Russia hailed their close and stable bilateral relationship amid the COVID-19 outbreak and agreed to enhance cooperation and coordination to overcome the turbulent situation worldwide.

In a phone call with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi hailed the high-level of mutual trust and profound friendship between the two countries as they helped and supported each other through their anti-pandemic efforts, maintaining a high level of cooperation.

China and Russia have common ground on many issues, noted Wang, calling on the two sides to jointly uphold multilateralism, safeguard global and regional security and stability, and play a leading role in international anti-epidemic cooperation while fighting firmly against "political viruses."

Next year will be significant to China and Russia, said Wang, as China will achieve its first centenary goal of completing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects, and Russia will push forward the implementation of national development goals by 2030.

Besides, 2021 will mark the 20th anniversary of the signing of the China-Russia Treaty of Good-neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation. The Chinese foreign minister said that China is willing to work with Russia to prepare for the next stage of exchanges between the two countries at all levels and make good plans for cooperation in various fields.

Lavrov, for his part, spoke highly of the progress made in bilateral relations this year. He praised the close cooperation and exchanges between the two sides despite the COVID-19 outbreak.

Russia is satisfied with the two countries' cooperation in the fight against the pandemic, said the Russian foreign minister, hoping the two countries will continue strengthening strategic coordination, jointly hold celebration activities of the 20th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Good-neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation, and open up the future of bilateral relations.

The two sides agreed to safeguard international law, maintain the common interests of the two countries, and safeguard international stability and cooperation while firmly oppose unilateralism boasted by the U.S., which severely undermines multilateralism and merely spreads chaos in the world.
Great news. However, China must never rely on Russia as an ally in the preparation for conflict. Italy and Germany were allies in 1914 in the Triple Alliance. Then Italy turned against Austria-Hungary and Germany in 1915 for many promises by the UK and France. Italy and Greece were even promised the same territory in Turkey by the West.

Russia is too happy to play China against the West, and Russia has no allies, not even Iran, Moscow wanted to offer Iran to the West though sanctions and other means to hurt Iran, to betray the Iranians as a bargaining chip for Russia to be accepted by the West. This was during Medvedev. Russians are selfish and cut-throat. That said, China does not want to be encircled with India, Russia and US pacific fleet surrounding China. Staying with friendly terms with Russia enhances China's security. Though never rely on putin in a conflict.

Here is how Russia treats their closest "allies":

Russia need to rely on China to buy it's natural resources like oil to sustain. I do not foresee this to change in next few decades. Same as the strategic goal both are working towards to.

Safe to day, this partnership will work well in many years.
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