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An expected response. The term "world's policeman" triggers negative reactions specially from the countries who have suffered, even if hardly any one can deny that police are needed.

Like other nations before it, the United States simply took on the role of ensuring global law enforcement and performed it in its own self-interest. Whether weaker nations like it or not, as a rule, it has always been the case that the powerful individual countries have left their mark on the world, for better or for worse.

Should America actually withdraw from this self-imposed task after decades since the world moans about it? I say from my perspective, most definitely yes. Washington DC must no longer play the role of the "world’s policeman." America should develop only America and put US tax dollars only in building USA. The question who will take its place? Obviously, the post of "world police" will not remain vacant. Every vacuum is filled as soon as it is created and someone will push into the gap. Already see it in Syria as Russia, Turkey and Iran will determine the postwar order there. Russia already annexed Crimea, but was stopped only by US before going any further. China is already close to being a super power and will expand its influence in Asia.

Disagreement and conflicting interests among nearly 200 countries and frequent conflicts will always prevent collective solutions.

Face it, the only reason why the Chinese were able to rise is because of globalism, we wanted cheap manufacturing, but now the world is turning away from the globalist system and into protectionism, the very same game the Chinese have been effectively playing through their fusion of government and business and literally everything else. Stop looking at GDP, their GDP will show "growth" even if their industries died tomorrow. Productivity index? anyone?
Tell you what. Let's give Russia this job for the next hundred years. Sanctions against them are not allowed! They get the same playing field you got post ww2. No interference and no sabotage of what they're doing. Then we shall see who is the better cop after another 50 years? Deal?
An expected response. The term "world's policeman" triggers negative reactions specially from the countries who have suffered, even if hardly any one can deny that police are needed.

Like other nations before it, the United States simply took on the role of ensuring global law enforcement and performed it in its own self-interest. Whether weaker nations like it or not, as a rule, it has always been the case that the powerful individual countries have left their mark on the world, for better or for worse.

Should America actually withdraw from this self-imposed task after decades since the world moans about it? I say from my perspective, most definitely yes. Washington DC must no longer play the role of the "world’s policeman." America should develop only America and put US tax dollars only in building USA. The question who will take its place? Obviously, the post of "world police" will not remain vacant. Every vacuum is filled as soon as it is created and someone will push into the gap. Already see it in Syria as Russia, Turkey and Iran will determine the postwar order there. Russia already annexed Crimea, but was stopped only by US before going any further. China is already close to being a super power and will expand its influence in Asia.

Disagreement and conflicting interests among nearly 200 countries and frequent conflicts will always prevent collective solutions.

Face it, the only reason why the Chinese were able to rise is because of globalism, we wanted cheap manufacturing, but now the world is turning away from the globalist system and into protectionism, the very same game the Chinese have been effectively playing through their fusion of government and business and literally everything else. Stop looking at GDP, their GDP will show "growth" even if their industries died tomorrow. Productivity index? anyone?

Although I touched on many points as US' role in the world, but you are talking about how China helped out US by buying US treasury. Did China really help USA out because of "in health and sickness" and "till death do us apart" marriage vows? No sir, that's not all the story and it is very obvious on purpose you are not discussing all the reasons behind why China buys and keeps accumulating US treasury. The business behind the continuous Chinese buying of U.S. debt is certainly not Chinese unconditional love for USA, but rather because China is primarily a manufacturing hub and an export-driven economy hence, invests heavily in U.S. Treasury bonds to keep its its export prices low, China also chooses U.S. Treasuries to invest in, versus real estate, stocks, and investing in other countries' debt, because of US Dollars' safety and stability. Yes sir, you heard it right, " stable and good old US dollars". Chinese understand too well where they will get the most bang for their bucks and more than any other currency in the world, only U.S. debt offers them the safest heaven for Chinese forex reserves.

As long as China continues to have an export-driven economy with a huge trade surplus with the U.S., it will keep piling up U.S. dollars and U.S. debt for it's own interest. China wants to keep its goods competitive in the international markets. It’s a win-win situation for both nations, with both benefiting mutually. China gets a huge market for its products, and the U.S. benefits from the economical prices of Chinese goods.

I read key board warriors on PDF advise China to sell off all the U.S. debt, as a measure which would hamper US economic growth, Chinese know that doing so poises risk for China as well.

Nobody said China bought US treasuries out of love or for humanistic reason. What Varoufakis said was had China not bought it the US would be in serious trouble and that's exactly his own wording. China also did it for her own interest why wouldn't it be? Your claim that the US economy is capable recovering on her own is not true, it needed China and that's exactly the point. Seeing the US economy collapse is in nobody's interest around the world. Do you seriously believe that printing money unlimited has no consequences for the US and that it could go on like that forever? China isn't buying more T-bills and US will have to depend on lets say South East Asian countries to pick up the bill in order to avoid their currencies appreciating too much because they are exporting countries too.
Tell you what. Let's give Russia this job for the next hundred years. Sanctions against them are not allowed! They get the same playing field you got post ww2. No interference and no sabotage of what they're doing. Then we shall see who is the better cop after another 50 years? Deal?

Have at it, no one is stopping you from handing it over to Russia, you play your part and US of A will play it's, let's see who comes on top. Truth of the matter is, no can replace the US as the world police, not even the EU. Only America can play all these roles, because of all world powers, only America alone has the resources to shape sustainable solutions. Russia is obsessed with rebuilding the empire the Soviet Union lost. China is still primarily a regional actor. Europe is weak, divided and leaderless. The old powers of Britain and France are simply too small and exhausted to play the global role they once did.

Obama was reluctant to be the world leader and we have already seen, while Europe and the U.S. slept, Russia launched a ruthless military operation in support of the Assad regime in Syria and tried to present Russia as a global power and now Syria is a glaring example of what two regional countries and Russia have turned Syria into. The Middle East is torn by war. Libya has collapsed and became a breeding ground for terrorists. In Eastern Europe, a resurgent Russia has brutally attacked and grabbed land by force from Ukraine. China is flexing its muscles against its neighbors in SCS, and North Korea is threatening a nuclear attack. In Europe, Putin is trying to carve out a sphere of influence and establish Russia while already annexing Crimea.

These are only a few examples. Terrorists and rogue states challenge leadership of the international rules-based order, which was created after World War II and which secured for the world an unprecedented period of peace, progress and prosperity.

Remember, contrary to the believes of all the third world countries, American isolationism will not make the other freedom-loving countries safer and more prosperous, it will make them less so and unleash a plague of dictators and other oppressors.
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Nobody said China bought US treasuries out of love or for humanistic reason. What Varoufakis said was had China not bought it the US would be in serious trouble and that's exactly his own wording. China also did it for her own interest why wouldn't it be? Your claim that the US economy is capable recovering on her own is not true, it needed China and that's exactly the point. Seeing the US economy collapse is in nobody's interest around the world. Do you seriously believe that printing money unlimited has no consequences for the US and that it could go on like that forever? China isn't buying more T-bills and US will have to depend on lets say South East Asian countries to pick up the bill in order to avoid their currencies appreciating too much because they are exporting countries too.

You are just confirming what I have already said, just packaged it differently. America did not force China to buy US treasuries. China made that decision for it's own interest as it was a win win situation for both countries. No country in the world goes out on a limb to bail out any other country unless there is a huge advantage for itself.
Have at it, no one is stopping you from handing it over to Russia, you play your part and US of A will play it's, let's see who comes on top. Truth of the matter is, no can replace the US as the world police, not even the EU. Only America can play all these roles, because of all world powers, only America alone has the resources to shape sustainable solutions. Russia is obsessed with rebuilding the empire the Soviet Union lost. China is still primarily a regional actor. Europe is weak, divided and leaderless. The old powers of Britain and France are simply too small and exhausted to play the global role they once did.

Obama was reluctant to be the world leader and we have already seen, while Europe and the U.S. slept, Russia launched a ruthless military operation in support of the Assad regime in Syria and tried to present Russia as a global power and now Syria is a glaring example of what two regional countries and Russia have turned Syria into. The Middle East is torn by war. Libya has collapsed and became a breeding ground for terrorists. In Eastern Europe, a resurgent Russia has brutally attacked and grabbed land by force from Ukraine. China is flexing its muscles against its neighbors in SCS, and North Korea is threatening a nuclear attack. In Europe, Putin is trying to carve out a sphere of influence and establish Russia while already annexing Crimea.

These are only a few examples. Terrorists and rogue states challenge leadership of the international rules-based order, which was created after World War II and which secured for the world an unprecedented period of peace, progress and prosperity.

Remember, contrary to the believes of all the third world countries, American isolationism will not make the other freedom-loving countries safer and more prosperous, it will make them less so and unleash a plague of dictators and other oppressors.

US doesn't have the size to be top power. Distance Los Angeles and New York is 3900 km compared to distance Moscow and Vladivostok 6400 km. You need to be a big country to be top power. And US don't meet that requirement. Top powers can be Russia by virtue of geography or China by virtue of population. US does not meet either requirement to be top power.
And, India thinks she an edge over China...

India can think whatever tickles her. China's economy is five times the size of India's and China's spending on defense far outstrips India's defense budget by a factor of four to one. The power differential between China and India is in China's favor and this asymmetry is only widening. Chinese have been deploying new weaponry to its Tibetan region, including light tanks and the new 155-millimeter vehicle-mounted howitzer.
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US doesn't have the size to be top power. Distance Los Angeles and New York is 3900 km compared to distance Moscow and Vladivostok 6400 km. You need to be a big country to be top power. And US don't meet that requirement. Top powers can be Russia by virtue of geography or China by virtue of population. US does not meet either requirement to be top power.

I don't think Washington DC ever gets wrapped up around the axle about the definitions of top powers or does even care whether America meets the Webster dictionary definitions. This discussion is not about that.
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You are just confirming what I have already said, just packaged it differently. America did not force China to buy US treasuries. China made that decision for it's own interest as it was a win win situation for both countries. No country in the world goes out on a limb to bail out any other country unless there is a huge advantage for itself.

China could have decided not to buy those debt and US would be in trouble that's the point. Yes it is in China's interest to buy the treasuries but would China be in a worse shape had China not bought it? Would China have landed in a crisis? There's no doubt the US would. So in the end US needed China, so your point of US economy is so flexible and robust that it could bounce back own her own is not entirely true now is it?
Nobody invited USA to be global cop.

American isn't world cop. America protects American/UK/European sphere interests. Lots of countries are in the American sphere or benefit from the American sphere so it seems America is world cop.
Yes it is in China's interest to buy the treasuries
Exactly, that's why China bought them and for no other reasons.
There's no doubt the US would.
Then China should have let that happen as it is competing with US and was a golden chance on a platter to down US, but that would not have benefited Chinese interests.
Have at it, no one is stopping you from handing it over to Russia, you play your part and US of A will play it's, let's see who comes on top. Truth of the matter is, no can replace the US as the world police, not even the EU. Only America can play all these roles, because of all world powers, only America alone has the resources to shape sustainable solutions. Russia is obsessed with rebuilding the empire the Soviet Union lost. China is still primarily a regional actor. Europe is weak, divided and leaderless. The old powers of Britain and France are simply too small and exhausted to play the global role they once did.

Obama was reluctant to be the world leader and we have already seen, while Europe and the U.S. slept, Russia launched a ruthless military operation in support of the Assad regime in Syria and tried to present Russia as a global power and now Syria is a glaring example of what two regional countries and Russia have turned Syria into. The Middle East is torn by war. Libya has collapsed and became a breeding ground for terrorists. In Eastern Europe, a resurgent Russia has brutally attacked and grabbed land by force from Ukraine. China is flexing its muscles against its neighbors in SCS, and North Korea is threatening a nuclear attack. In Europe, Putin is trying to carve out a sphere of influence and establish Russia while already annexing Crimea.

These are only a few examples. Terrorists and rogue states challenge leadership of the international rules-based order, which was created after World War II and which secured for the world an unprecedented period of peace, progress and prosperity.

Remember, contrary to the believes of all the third world countries, American isolationism will not make the other freedom-loving countries safer and more prosperous, it will make them less so and unleash a plague of dictators and other oppressors.
Fascinating. How many times has USA been validated and approved through the UN security council with its bloodless interventions over the last 20 years?

Half the shitt holes in the middle east wouldn't be as such if USA hadn't acted like the global supercop you keep dreaming it to be. Just like democratic countries have checks and balances that override one another and ensure no one branch of power has absolute unconditional authority, so too does this world order you yourself speak of. USA can present its case to the UN but if rejected, USA should accept the ruling instead of throwing its toys out the pram and going ahead with liberationfest anyways. USA keeps just behaving like Belarus or North Korea.
American isn't world cop. America protects American/UK/European sphere interests. Lots of countries are in the American sphere or benefit from the American sphere so it seems America is world cop.
That's fine and dandy. Some folks here DO think America is supercop of the universe and my comments are for them. If USA simply protects its interests, which I also believe to be so, then I hope it has no problems with other countries protecting theirs.
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