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So in the end US needed China,
It's not entirely true. With 3 trillions of U.S. dollars, China has found the U.S. Treasury securities to offer the safest investment destination for Chinese forex reserves. Without US China has no where to park it's money. China understands that stability and safety of it's investment take priority over everything else. Eurozone has been in existence for around 18 years now, it still remains unstable and can't compete with the stable US economy. Chinese need US to consume it's export based economy.
It's not entirely true. With 3 trillions of U.S. dollars, China has found the U.S. Treasury securities to offer the safest investment destination for Chinese forex reserves. Without US China has no where to park it's money. China understands that stability and safety of it's investment take priority over everything else. Eurozone has been in existence for around 18 years now, it still remains unstable and can't compete with the stable US economy. Chinese need US to consume it's export based economy.

You could not proof China would be in economic trouble if China chose not to buy the debt is that correct?
USA hadn't acted like the global supercop you keep dreaming it to be.
I never said that US is a super cop or dreaming to be a super cop. Where are you getting that? All along I have only been saying that as long as evil exists, someone will have to protect peaceful people from predators. Without an effective force, the world community would fall apart faster, and more completely, than New York City did in the 1970s. I don't see any EU countries complaining about USA.
You could not proof China would be in economic trouble if China chose not to buy the debt is that correct?
Prove what? Show me in all my posts when and where did I say that China would be in trouble had it not bought US Treasury and bought US Treasury to keep itself out of trouble?
Prove what? Show me in all my posts when and where did I say that China would be in trouble had it not bought US Treasury and bought US Treasury to keep itself out of trouble?
Exactly so China was not the one who desperately needed to buy the T-bills, but US would be in trouble had China not stepped in. You were trying to argue that the US could do without China's help.
That's fine and dandy. Some folks here DO think America is supercop of the universe and my comments are for them. If USA simply protects its interests, which I also believe to be so, then I hope it has no problems with other countries protecting theirs.

That is a good statement! "America is supercop of the universe?" Perhaps. it was supposed to be like that. Maybe, Americans tried but where there is wealth, women or profits to be had things always get twisted and tainted. So in the end America didn't protect the universe. America protected and enriched those we all know it did.
You also know, other countries always try to protect their interests. Thus there are fights in one form or another.

Writers of this song obviously though the Universe didn't need protecting.
Some folks here DO think America is supercop of the universe and my comments are for them.
No one ever said US is a super cop or even trying to be and irrelevant insinuations don't prove anything.

The international society needs governance and undeniably the United States provides it through its enormous military and economic might. The United States is not present everywhere and I accept it doesn't act perfectly every time... but neither does any police force. Every police force is subject to criticism, legitimate criticism. But criticizing a police force is not the same thing as arguing that there should not be one.
No one ever said US is a super cop or even trying to be and irrelevant insinuations don't prove anything.

The international society needs governance and undeniably the United States provides it through its enormous military and economic might. The United States is not present everywhere and I accept it doesn't act perfectly every time... but neither does any police force. Every police force is subject to criticism, legitimate criticism. But criticizing a police force is not the same thing as arguing that there should not be one.

Quit flattering yourself. The world does not need a police force.
You were trying to argue that the US could do without China's help.
I am a bit confused about your statements. Sometime it is about I said China needing US and sometime it is about I am saying US did not need china to buy its Treasury, while both statements are not what I am saying in my arguments.
Quit flattering yourself. The world does not need a police force.
No need to get personal if you don't have arguments.
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I am a bit confused about your statements. Sometime it is about I said China needing US and sometime it is about I am saying US did not need china to buy its Treasury, while both statements are not what I am saying in my arguments.
There's no confusion, it's a simple fact that the US was the one who needed China's help. Do you agree or not on this point? If you say the US did not need China back in 2008 buying the T-bills to recover you have to come up with strong evidence showing that the US could recover as to prove your argument that the US has a resilient economy capable of rescueing herself without assistance.
US was the one who needed China's help

No, it is not as simple as you stated. So let me say in a layman's way. Due to economic crisis US offered to sell it's Treasury in the international market and it was for any and I repeat, it was for any country in the world to purchase the Treasure. Theoretically it could have been any country or many countries come together to buy US Treasury, the Treasury would have been sold in the market regardless, US Treasury is the safest. China in the meantime, loaded with US dollars saw a great opportunity to park it's trillion US dollars cash and jumped on the opportunity and bought the Treasuries. Did China do that for the love of US? no, but for it's own interest. Did that help US financially, of course yes as US need the cash pumped in. I said very early in one of my posts, It was a win win situation for both. No one did no one a favor and at the same time both countries did help each other. China ended up with US Treasury and US ended up with cash it needed.

This was not the first time or the last time for China. China has always steadily accumulated U.S. Treasury securities over the last few decades. As of today, only US forex is the safest bet. China owns approx. $1.08 trillion, U.S. national debt, which is more than any other foreign country except Japan.
No, it is not as simple as you stated. So let me say in a layman's way. Due to economic crisis US offered to sell it's Treasury in the international market and it was for any and I repeat, it was for any country in the world to purchase the Treasure. Theoretically it could have been any country or many countries come together to buy US Treasury, the Treasury would have been sold in the market regardless, US Treasury is the safest. China in the meantime, loaded with US dollars saw a great opportunity to park it's trillion US dollars cash and jumped on the opportunity and bought the Treasuries. Did China do that for the love of US? no, but for it's own interest. Did that help US financially, of course yes as US need the cash pumped in. I said very early in one of my posts, It was a win win situation for both. No one did no one a favor and at the same time both countries did help each other. China ended up with US Treasury and US ended up with cash it needed.

This was not the first time or the last time for China. China has always steadily accumulated U.S. Treasury securities over the last few decades. As of today, only US forex is the safest bet. China owns approx. $1.08 trillion, U.S. national debt, which is more than any other foreign country except Japan.

And that was what Varoufakis said China pumped money into the US which desperately needed the money. You kept on argueing for the sake of arguing. Your earlier remark suggested the US economy is so resilient it can survive the 2008 financial crisis on her own so i posted the video pointing out that it was China who rescued the US. Do not expect the EU could have done that as the Eurozone was also in trouble.
No, it is not as simple as you stated. So let me say in a layman's way. Due to economic crisis US offered to sell it's Treasury in the international market and it was for any and I repeat, it was for any country in the world to purchase the Treasure. Theoretically it could have been any country or many countries come together to buy US Treasury, the Treasury would have been sold in the market regardless, US Treasury is the safest. China in the meantime, loaded with US dollars saw a great opportunity to park it's trillion US dollars cash and jumped on the opportunity and bought the Treasuries. Did China do that for the love of US? no, but for it's own interest. Did that help US financially, of course yes as US need the cash pumped in. I said very early in one of my posts, It was a win win situation for both. No one did no one a favor and at the same time both countries did help each other. China ended up with US Treasury and US ended up with cash it needed.

This was not the first time or the last time for China. China has always steadily accumulated U.S. Treasury securities over the last few decades. As of today, only US forex is the safest bet. China owns approx. $1.08 trillion, U.S. national debt, which is more than any other foreign country except Japan.
Out of somewhere around 26 Trillion USD debt, China owns just above 1 trillion USD worth of Treasury which is peanuts for a country who just defense budget itself is about 756 Billions.
And that was what Varoufakis said China pumped money into the US which desperately needed the money. You kept on argueing for the sake of arguing. Your earlier remark suggested the US economy is so resilient it can survive the 2008 financial crisis on her own so i posted the video pointing out that it was China who rescued the US. Do not expect the EU could have done that as the Eurozone was also in trouble.
You kept arguing for the sake of arguing. I have always maintained that China bought Treasuries for it's own interest, not because it loved USA so much that it wanted to rescue USA. China is all export based economy and buying US Treasuries is the only way for China to keep its RMB low and keep its goods competitive in the international markets. As I said in my other post at this time, China only owns a little above 1 Trillion dollars in US treasuries which is not a big amount for an economy of US size. In our budget, we spend close to that in just in one area in our huge budget.
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