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Featured Russian and Chinese bombers fly joint patrol over Pacific

Two of the Three super powers combined I do not have to explain what that means. It's an entity far superior than the US and its lapdogs having a gathering together. World order has already reshaped, unipolar world gone and the American Empire is a short lived one that couldn't outlast the British Empire thanks to the emergence of two heavy weight champions keeping the West in check.
You mean U.S. and its allies against the Russian and Chinese empires. It will keep Russia and China in check.
You mean U.S. and its allies against the Russian and Chinese empires. It will keep Russia and China in check.

There is only America empire, thanks. Btw, what's time now there, my friend, take care of yourself, Merry Christmas Eve!
USA does what is best for USA. Each and every country in this world does exactly the same including using countries for their own benefits and then dump them, but why not if they no longer serve any interest. China is no different, for China, China comes first and will do the same if needed.

People wishing for the unraveling of American power or wishing for it's demise in future don't appreciate all the good things America has also done for the world and for most part kept the peace in the world as a global cop. In the backdrop of the recent chaos rampant in the United States, and in the light of America’s growing isolation in the international arena specially due to the policies of agent orange in the white house, we are hearing claims that the world is witnessing the decline of the United States as a superpower. For as long as I can remember, I have been hearing that the United States is done for, but in practice its influence has never been stronger.

Since the 1980s arguments about the American empire sinking and other forces in the world are rising have been voiced time and again. Just recall how after the 2008 economic crisis, the dire predictions were made about the rapid deterioration of the United States, but as it turned out, those prophets of doom were too quick to write off the resilience of American economy and the resilience of American people overall. Today, USA still ranks higher than the rest of the world in the global innovation ratings and America is still the leading political and cultural power in the world.

In the new cold war that is developing between China and America, there good reasons to be apprehensive about the domination of the Chinese political model which is a centralist dictatorship that aims to maintain a tight grip on the lives of the country’s citizens. But there are also good reasons to believe that the current Chinese model could change, as political trends in China have changed in the past.
Since the 1980s arguments about the American empire sinking and other forces in the world are rising have been voiced time and again. Just recall how after the 2008 economic crisis, the dire predictions were made about the rapid deterioration of the United States, but as it turned out, those prophets of doom were too quick to write off the resilience of American economy and the resilience of American people overall. Today, USA still ranks higher than the rest of the world in the global innovation ratings and America is still the leading political and cultural power in the world.

Allow former Greek Finance Minister and Economic professor to educate the average American. "If China had not bought American debt USA would be in serious trouble, a depression". So to say the US bounced back from 2008 by herself is just an illusion. Truth is the US never truly recovered from the 2008 crisis. But if you do not believe this side of the story you can feel free to disagree.
USA does what is best for USA. Each and every country in this world does exactly the same including using countries for their own benefits and then dump them, but why not if they no longer serve any interest. China is no different, for China, China comes first and will do the same if needed.

People wishing for the unraveling of American power or wishing for it's demise in future don't appreciate all the good things America has also done for the world and for most part kept the peace in the world as a global cop. In the backdrop of the recent chaos rampant in the United States, and in the light of America’s growing isolation in the international arena specially due to the policies of agent orange in the white house, we are hearing claims that the world is witnessing the decline of the United States as a superpower. For as long as I can remember, I have been hearing that the United States is done for, but in practice its influence has never been stronger.

Since the 1980s arguments about the American empire sinking and other forces in the world are rising have been voiced time and again. Just recall how after the 2008 economic crisis, the dire predictions were made about the rapid deterioration of the United States, but as it turned out, those prophets of doom were too quick to write off the resilience of American economy and the resilience of American people overall. Today, USA still ranks higher than the rest of the world in the global innovation ratings and America is still the leading political and cultural power in the world.

In the new cold war that is developing between China and America, there good reasons to be apprehensive about the domination of the Chinese political model which is a centralist dictatorship that aims to maintain a tight grip on the lives of the country’s citizens. But there are also good reasons to believe that the current Chinese model could change, as political trends in China have changed in the past.
Britain was not surpassed by US as the dominant economic power until mid 1800's and as a military power until the end of WWI. Don't worry, the path of decline is a long road. China has existed for thousands of years. What's a few more decades?
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USA does what is best for USA. Each and every country in this world does exactly the same including using countries for their own benefits and then dump them, but why not if they no longer serve any interest. China is no different, for China, China comes first and will do the same if needed.

People wishing for the unraveling of American power or wishing for it's demise in future don't appreciate all the good things America has also done for the world and for most part kept the peace in the world as a global cop. In the backdrop of the recent chaos rampant in the United States, and in the light of America’s growing isolation in the international arena specially due to the policies of agent orange in the white house, we are hearing claims that the world is witnessing the decline of the United States as a superpower. For as long as I can remember, I have been hearing that the United States is done for, but in practice its influence has never been stronger.

Since the 1980s arguments about the American empire sinking and other forces in the world are rising have been voiced time and again. Just recall how after the 2008 economic crisis, the dire predictions were made about the rapid deterioration of the United States, but as it turned out, those prophets of doom were too quick to write off the resilience of American economy and the resilience of American people overall. Today, USA still ranks higher than the rest of the world in the global innovation ratings and America is still the leading political and cultural power in the world.

In the new cold war that is developing between China and America, there good reasons to be apprehensive about the domination of the Chinese political model which is a centralist dictatorship that aims to maintain a tight grip on the lives of the country’s citizens. But there are also good reasons to believe that the current Chinese model could change, as political trends in China have changed in the past.
Remember arecibo telescope? Old and decaying like US empire before a spectacular collapse.

While China is like FAST 500m telescope. Just build, everything is new and strong.
America is not the global cop. Instead it has been the cause of death and misery as the primary disruptive power since the downfall of USSR. China is not like the West, use countries as toilet papers after a couple of wipes flush it down the sewer afterwards. America's imperialistic traits needs to be checked by these two important counter balancing forces in today's geopolitical quagmire. Both China and Russia have to put the steel chains on America's wrists and ankles. These constraints are necessary so countries can have stability and development they long for.

Allow former Greek Finance Minister and Economic professor to educate the average American. "If China had not bought American debt USA would be in serious trouble, a depression". So to say the US bounced back from 2008 by herself is just an illusion. Truth is the US never truly recovered from the 2008 crisis. But if you do not believe this side of the story you can feel free to disagree.

Allow former Greek Finance Minister and Economic professor to educate the average American. "If China had not bought American debt USA would be in serious trouble, a depression". So to say the US bounced back from 2008 by herself is just an illusion. Truth is the US never truly recovered from the 2008 crisis. But if you do not believe this side of the story you can feel free to disagree.

Although I touched on many points as US' role in the world, but you are talking about how China helped out US by buying US treasury. Did China really help USA out because of "in health and sickness" and "till death do us apart" marriage vows? No sir, that's not all the story and it is very obvious on purpose you are not discussing all the reasons behind why China buys and keeps accumulating US treasury. The business behind the continuous Chinese buying of U.S. debt is certainly not Chinese unconditional love for USA, but rather because China is primarily a manufacturing hub and an export-driven economy hence, invests heavily in U.S. Treasury bonds to keep its its export prices low, China also chooses U.S. Treasuries to invest in, versus real estate, stocks, and investing in other countries' debt, because of US Dollars' safety and stability. Yes sir, you heard it right, " stable and good old US dollars". Chinese understand too well where they will get the most bang for their bucks and more than any other currency in the world, only U.S. debt offers them the safest heaven for Chinese forex reserves.

As long as China continues to have an export-driven economy with a huge trade surplus with the U.S., it will keep piling up U.S. dollars and U.S. debt for it's own interest. China wants to keep its goods competitive in the international markets. It’s a win-win situation for both nations, with both benefiting mutually. China gets a huge market for its products, and the U.S. benefits from the economical prices of Chinese goods.

I read key board warriors on PDF advise China to sell off all the U.S. debt, as a measure which would hamper US economic growth, Chinese know that doing so poises risk for China as well.
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With a powerful Chinese presence in the Pacific, Japan don't dare to invade Russia's Kuril islands which Japan claims as Japanese land.
Remember arecibo telescope? Old and decaying like US empire before a spectacular collapse.

While China is like FAST 500m telescope. Just build, everything is new and strong.

No doubt FAST is an achievement and congratulations to China for achieving this in 2016.
Arecibo was created way back in 1963, a few years before I was even born. At a time, when most nations in the Asia were still running around happily and bare footed in their rice paddy fields. Arecibo was one stunning achievement of America's space-science engineering strength.

The decision to decommission and stop funding of Arecibo by 2011 was already taken back in 2006. The technology has progressed, the need for new observatories with breakthrough capabilities are being recognized and are being worked on.
With a powerful Chinese presence in the Pacific, Japan don't dare to invade Russia's Kuril islands which Japan claims as Japanese land.

Kurils are for Russia to keep.

Japan got closer getting them in the 90s, but, military establishment stepped in and prevented it.

After Putin, it became a pipe dream for Japan.
Just curious how the H-6 being a faster bomber kept up with Tu-95
The H-6 may have had to slowdown to near stalling speed, unless the Tu 95s were flying independently rather than in formation.
Wonder why the Russians didn't send Tu-160s or Su 34s.
Officially Russia has retired its Tu-16s . Are there some Tu 16s in reserve?
China's H-6 and the Tu-16 have the roughly same flight performance.
A joint patrol by these aircraft would be far easier.
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Nobody invited USA to be global cop.
An expected response. The term "world's policeman" triggers negative reactions specially from the countries who have suffered, even if hardly any one can deny that police are needed.

Like other nations before it, the United States simply took on the role of ensuring global law enforcement and performed it in its own self-interest. Whether weaker nations like it or not, as a rule, it has always been the case that the powerful individual countries have left their mark on the world, for better or for worse.

Should America actually withdraw from this self-imposed task after decades since the world moans about it? I say from my perspective, most definitely yes. Washington DC must no longer play the role of the "world’s policeman." America should develop only America and put US tax dollars only in building USA. The question who will take its place? Obviously, the post of "world police" will not remain vacant. Every vacuum is filled as soon as it is created and someone will push into the gap. Already see it in Syria as Russia, Turkey and Iran will determine the postwar order there. Russia already annexed Crimea, but was stopped only by US before going any further. China is already close to being a super power and will expand its influence in Asia.

Disagreement and conflicting interests among nearly 200 countries and frequent conflicts will always prevent collective solutions.
Britain was not surpassed by US as the dominant economic power until mid 1800's and as a military until the end of WWI. Don't worry, the path of decline is a long road. China has existed for thousands of years. What's a few more decades?

Face it, the only reason why the Chinese were able to rise is because of globalism, we wanted cheap manufacturing, but now the world is turning away from the globalist system and into protectionism, the very same game the Chinese have been effectively playing through their fusion of government and business and literally everything else. Stop looking at GDP, their GDP will show "growth" even if their industries died tomorrow. Productivity index? anyone?
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