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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Palestinians are human beings who get massacred, whose land is confiscated, and who faces an apartheid system on daily basis by your state: The only apartheid state on earth. Let us hope and pray the promise day is near - a world where cruel and apartheid state of Israel no longer exists. Spare us with your crocodile tears, buddy.

This is amonge the aspects that make me loath and detest USA so much

Joining Israel in practically gang raping of Palestinians and embargo of arms to Palestinians while supplying Israel with all the arms Israel wanted.

Quite likely including nukes for Israel
today 1 USD = 66 RUBLES

Before the war it was hovering around 1 USD= 75-80 rubles

March 6th, 1 USD = 135 rubles

The ruble lost half its value in a few days after western sanctions shock. It is unbelievable how the Western propaganda machines are ignoring this. "crippling western sanctions" "Russia collapse" was all they were screaming about when the ruble plunged.. what happened?

Youtube comment of the day I read:

4 stages of western depression/grief:

1. Denial
2. Depression
3. Anger
4. Paying in Rubles :)
Well, in your first link (which i already read a month ago or so) there are a lot of western sources which had proven told lies over decades.

Your second link (which i also already read cause you already linked it to me a month ago or so) is also biased. For example "Georgia (2008) - invasion" - what is a lie. Sakashwilli/Georgia first attacked Russia (in the hope to become member of the EU and NATO). Even the EU admit it

So as you can see a lot "sources" that you - honorable wise - try to give the members at hand are sources which lie as long as they can go if it is against a non westener state. And even against a westener state if it would demask US bullshit.

This is not a valid argument. My thread contain links which provide professional coverage of the war (Mapping Information; Facts & Figures), and links which debunk disinformation in relation to the war.

My thread is not a collection of subjective viewpoints - Russian or Western. You get plenty of both in this thread.

My 2nd link is apolitical and factual as well. The link you shared is peer-reviewed? Never seen it before.

Much better information in following links:

You need to understand that no country accepts separatism by default. Georgia was experiencing separatism in South Ossetia and Abkhazia respectively. These regions demanded political autonomy and chose the path of separatism upon refusal. Russia was supporting separatists in this matter. Georgian leadership(s) attempted to bring these regions to the fold through use of force but Russia under Putin administration annexed them in 2008. Georgia could not fight Russia of-course.

Russia is repeating similar game in Ukraine. Check following report:

Russia have its rationale for intervention in political affairs of other countries but it is logical and sensible to respect internationally recognized borders of any country.


Russia is allowed to reshape countries around it as it sees fit?

International order should have rules, or WE are back to the Age of Empires and nothing changed.

What if other big countries start doing the same?

Would you welcome balkanization of Germany? Your country was split between NATO and USSR in times of the Cold War but Pakistan and NATO made it possible for your country to reunite. Be thankful to these forces including my country.

To be fair to Russians, their decision to defeat separatism in Chechnya is FINE. Chechnya was not an independent SSR.

Same principle extends to other countries.

International order should have rules, or WE are back to the Age of Empires and nothing changed.

Human nature does not change. Human nature is shaped by millions of years of evolution. War is human nature. Every day since the dawn of humanity there is war. Just because you don't see it in the news does not mean it is not happening. The denial of war is keeping your head in the sand.
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Your statments are utter bulshit probably from some twisted ideological background.
Your ignorance is not exuse for stupid claims about my country.

This "claims" are from the UN and the UN personal who were on spot.
The link you shared is peer-reviewed? Never seen it before

Sure, most of the people in the world dont know the fact that Georgia attacked Russia first. But for you here is a source you prefer

So please change your list in the second link.

Also Krim was no invasion. Krim had the right to move away from Ukraine and did it by peoples referendum as it was given in their special statutes. So no invasion.
This is amonge the aspects that make me loath and detest USA so much

Joining Israel in practically gang raping of Palestinians and embargo of arms to Palestinians while supplying Israel with all the arms Israel wanted.

Quite likely including nukes for Israel
And china sees this happening and decides to establish excellent relations with Israel and not help the Palestinians at all. Nice

today 1 USD = 66 RUBLES

Before the war it was hovering around 1 USD= 75-80 rubles

March 6th, 1 USD = 135 rubles

The ruble lost half its value in a few days after western sanctions shock. It is unbelievable how the Western propaganda machines are ignoring this. "crippling western sanctions" "Russia collapse" was all they were screaming about when the ruble plunged.. what happened?

Youtube comment of the day I read:

4 stages of western depression/grief:

1. Denial
2. Depression
3. Anger
4. Paying in Rubles :)
Do you have any Rubles? If you do, why dont you try buying some USD with them. See how it goes for you.

Make sure you tell the Bank you want USD at the advertised rate of 1USD = 66 Rubles.
Or tell the black market money changer you want that rate. See what they say.

During the chechen war Ukrainians commided heinous crimes in chechenya. Payback is a b1tch
When will they pay the Russians back?
Really! What are you smoking?? NATO expansion towards east is the issue, which Russia had assurance from US and UK will not happen, NATO rejected when Putin asked for it's membership now NATO is at the border of Russia and you think Russia will keep quite about it

Russia and Nato signed an agreement in 1997 where Russia agreed that Ukraine (and anyone else) have the right to become a NATO member.

Any alledged promises before that are invalidated by the agreement.
Russia and Nato signed an agreement in 1997 where Russia agreed that Ukraine (and anyone else) have the right to become a NATO member.

Any alledged promises before that are invalidated by the agreement.

Can you show me a russian equivalent to this? NATO lied a lot since existing.


I read it and surprise: Ukraine is not mentioned.
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