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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Not our fault if the Soviet Union and China REFUSED to help Iraq. It is not as if Iraq did not know that it was going to be SEVERELY outnumbered. And where was your Pakistan? But then again, maybe after Moscow and Beijing ran the numbers, they decided to say FU to Baghdad. This is war, not a boxing match. In wars, you gain numerical superiority in both hardware and manpower whenever and with whoever you can, failure and/or refusal to do so, do not complain if you lose. And as for the peanut gallery -- YOU -- mocking the winners when you lost no skin in the game just made you look foolish and ignorant.

Clam your t!ts down kid.

First understand and READ the background of statement. What I wrote was in regards to some American poodles moaning that hey look its been three days and Ruskies havent occupied Ukraine yet. They have failed already! It was in response to remind all these idiots with memory lapses as to how long it took yanks and its allies to occupy Iraq? Iraq which was left on it's own (unlike Ukraine), an Iraq with every neighbour fingering it all over, an Iraq which got ZERO support of any sort, an Iraq which got no military industries like Ukraine, an Iraq which got bombed indiscriminately by yanks and its allies. While you at it, remind us all how long it took to occupy it?

Some news suggest that Turkey is about to apply Montreux convention article 19 limiting Russian ships and only the ships belonging to Russian bases would enter the straits. This move has risks within itself. This can be a right move or not the risks should be calculated. Russia may not attack directly to a nato country but for example putin will try to influence nearby countries for example Greece to pressure Turkey which are both nato members. Everyone should be careful and aim to end the conflict as soon as possible in my opinion this should be the main target and at the same time we all should block this fire spread to somewhere else igniting a worldwide conflict.
Since when Russia has used their air power? the day and time when Russians will start using their full air power, i wouldnt be surprise if they take out entire Ukrainian AD in max 1 - 2 hours... Even Russians still using regular troops .. no special units
Dude? Russia have launched a Shock & Awe campaign in Ukraine on a scale not witnessed in a long time from the Russian side. Just wait for the statistics to become more clear. For perspective, hundreds of TBMs have been used by now, let alone other types of munitions which are manufactured and used in much higher quantities.
This is very troubling:


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British Foreign Secretary Elizabeth Truss said she would unconditionally support individual Brits who decide to go to war with Russian troops in Ukraine

Special forces will begin to cross into Ukraine in 'volunteers' packaging. If Putin does not put an end to this, a new Syria will be created in the middle of Europe.

Not special forces, mercenaries.

This will be an escalation.
Thanks to UK and US shipments in recent months, Ukraine has acquired thousands of short and medium range AT missiles. We do not know how many launcher there are, but were there enough ATGM teams in the Ukrainian army? Because as far as I can tell, Ukraine's asymmetric warfare strategy is currently based on these systems.
Destroyed and abandoned russian equipment


Belarus poised to declare war on Ukraine​

>> War is not going well that Russia has ask Belaru to get involved.
From a historic perspective, the Ukro-Russian War we are witnessing is essentlialy a civil war within the Russian civilization.
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