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Russia, Pakistan conduct first-ever joint military drills (PHOTOS)

My Pak Brother,

Just prepare yourself and be amazed how your great country reahes its true potential. You are young and blessed to see the transformtion unfold...

I Bless you all!

It is just the beginning. Pak-Turk Axis is unbreakable @HAKIKAT . Pak shall facilitate the reconcilliation of Sino-Turk Axis. Which will benefit both of the Great People..since the proxies of hatred are destroyed.

Sino-Pak brotherhood is ony getting stronger by the day @Chinese-Dragon

Sino-Pak-Rus Axis is just coming out in the open...expect to see Putin in Islamabad in before his re-election.

Your great country is the Gate and Gateway to the heartland @Shotgunner51

From Karachi to Moscow

From Islamabad to Beijing

From Gawadar to Shangnhai

From Srinagar to Istambul...

China is creating a new world of peace and prosperity of OBOR.

CPEC is the Flagship of OBOR.

What better endorsment you want than the Rus has announced its acceptance and solidarity with the CPEC!!!

Why are you surprised my young brother?

We are writing the History of the Future.

We shall improve the human condition... @TaiShang through a new Paradigm of mutual respect and Civilisational Revival. Time for human dignity is here. The narrative of Community of Prosperity is developing....

With CPEC infrastructure China is laying the groundwork of future prosperity of Pakistan @AndrewJin
Just like China wrote the history of the future with infra development in China. This is exciting....

The revival of the Civilisation- yours and China's and that of all the Sino-Pak Friends is here. Euraisian landmass is where the next big thing is happening. China shall remain the engine. Your beautiful country shall benefit!

Young brother, you shall see far more such excercies in the near future. Just the beginning of sending the loud and clear message...

Peace through Mutual Strength is much stronger than the global empire of chaos and destruction and its indian proxy in your region.

Head up, shoulders straight and back upright...time to create a new world of peace and harmony. It is the Way...

In my lifetiem shall I see Harmony under the Heavens!

The Great Shift is happening and your are in the middle of it, Sino-Pak Friends!!!

Your posts are so mature that I think you should b awarded with think tank analyst or some other title....Wow....Oh yes...You, I and We all will see this in our life time....In Sha Allah (God Willing) :smitten:

Iranian Ships have also arrived for joint exercise with Pakistan Navy .. PASSEX.


US would be pissed..:lol:

My Pak Brother,

What do we care who is pissed..as in your great words... Our Date is with Destiny. Our Day is here.

We just need to focus our energies in constructive and positive discourse of our people, our humanity.

You are a Civilisational and Pivitol State. Never ever forget that.

Time to become...time to change our perspective and our paradigms...

Your People are inheritors and owners of civilisations...

Let us just show Virute and Rise for Peace and Prosperity!

Congrats on this huge progress in RU-PK relationsip!

The less US in Eurasia - the calmer in Eurasia! I am glad that Russia is finally really establishing relations with such an important player as Pakistan.

Agree, the less chaos-maker's presence the better for the continent! Start with currency, RU-PK let's begin to de-dollarize in bilateral trade, and cut back dollar weight in reserves.

My Pak Brother,

Just prepare yourself and be amazed how your great country reahes its true potential. You are young and blessed to see the transformtion unfold...

I Bless you all!

It is just the beginning. Pak-Turk Axis is unbreakable @HAKIKAT . Pak shall facilitate the reconcilliation of Sino-Turk Axis. Which will benefit both of the Great People..since the proxies of hatred are destroyed.

Sino-Pak brotherhood is ony getting stronger by the day @Chinese-Dragon

Sino-Pak-Rus Axis is just coming out in the open...expect to see Putin in Islamabad in before his re-election.

Your great country is the Gate and Gateway to the heartland @Shotgunner51

From Karachi to Moscow

From Islamabad to Beijing

From Gawadar to Shangnhai

From Srinagar to Istambul...

China is creating a new world of peace and prosperity of OBOR.

CPEC is the Flagship of OBOR.

What better endorsment you want than the Rus has announced its acceptance and solidarity with the CPEC!!!

Why are you surprised my young brother?

We are writing the History of the Future.

We shall improve the human condition... @TaiShang through a new Paradigm of mutual respect and Civilisational Revival. Time for human dignity is here. The narrative of Community of Prosperity is developing....

With CPEC infrastructure China is laying the groundwork of future prosperity of Pakistan @AndrewJin
Just like China wrote the history of the future with infra development in China. This is exciting....

The revival of the Civilisation- yours and China's and that of all the Sino-Pak Friends is here. Euraisian landmass is where the next big thing is happening. China shall remain the engine. Your beautiful country shall benefit!

Young brother, you shall see far more such excercies in the near future. Just the beginning of sending the loud and clear message...

Peace through Mutual Strength is much stronger than the global empire of chaos and destruction and its indian proxy in your region.

Head up, shoulders straight and back upright...time to create a new world of peace and harmony. It is the Way...

In my lifetiem shall I see Harmony under the Heavens!

The Great Shift is happening and your are in the middle of it, Sino-Pak Friends!!!

Very poetic!

We heartily welcome you and hope our relations will flourish and go to whole new level up wards....U are welcome to join CPEC (China Pakistan Economic Corridor).....:-):cheers:

Progress is very good, China has so far invested US$ 14 billion in 30 early harvest projects. Yes, Russia is a trade and financial power, and a geo-strategic ally with common vision, should partake more in CPEC.

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/cpec-chi...-early-harvest-projects.451631/#ixzz4LU6F7Lar
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Congrats on this huge progress!

Agree, the less the better! Russia and Pakistan should begin to de-dolarize in bilateral trade.

Very poetic!

Progress is good, China has so far invested US$ 14 billion in 30 early harvest projects. Yes, Russia is a trade and financial power, and a geo-strategic ally, should participate more in CPEC.

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/cpec-chi...-early-harvest-projects.451631/#ixzz4LU6F7Lar

Bless you my young brother,

Well read, positive and balanced! I take so much delight to see the new generation coming forward to lead. You all are the future leaders....

Imagine me...in the courtyard house with the rock garden and golden carp! Where I enjoy the company of you lot and listen and smile...with perception that the Peace under the Heavens is here now.

The time of the Way is unfolding...

I am living in the blessed times!

All of you make me proud and humble!

Do the outstanding things and be the better than your best. You must always show Virtue!
Russian camo is awesome. their guys are really well built and gear suits them well

.by the way it would have made sense to have welcome banners in Russian instead of English .. which they dont speak or care about also we would have gone away with speaking in urdu for same reason with their guys.. they had the interpreters anyway
The less US in Eurasia - the calmer in Eurasia! I am glad that Russia is finally really establishing relations with such an important player as Pakistan.

Fully agreed. US has been more destruction in Asia than a blessing and it would always make sense to prioritize nations which are more nearer over nations that are across oceans. I am glad both Pakistan and Russia are streghtening relations with each other which will be mutually beneficial for both nation. Hopefully we can also work upon the economic sector of each other along with military corporation. It will take time to stregthen and build ties but I am sure we will go a long way.

For now let us enjoy the videos and pictures of these exercises.
This is History in the Making here. Bravo :smitten: :russia: :pakistan:

I guess jihad is now acceptable in Pakistan since there is Russian troops.
Yes Jihad is acceptable in Pakistan and in all Muslim Countries. Jihad can be done against your feelings(Jihad al nafs), your bad habits and in learning,reading,writing etc. If you are fasting you are doing Jihad.

Jihad doesn't means War. Jihad means Struggling or striving.

The Particular word for War is AL-Harb.
The less US in Eurasia - the calmer in Eurasia! I am glad that Russia is finally really establishing relations with such an important player as Pakistan.

Sir couldn't agree with you more, I do believe the greatest blunder Pakistan ever made was not side with the USSR when we had the chance, we potentially lost a loyal friend for a back stabbing one, we are suffering the consequences ever since.

We belong with the East, always have and always will.
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For exercise as our guests..

Hope about you shoot your nearest gay club as retaliation against the invasion and occupation of your country ?

Wait. If he does that then he will simply say that he got radicalized by talking to Pakistanis on a Pakistani forum. You know how immediately they become " Pakistani" when they conduct terror activities.
Why on earth does one believe the URI attacks were PAK sponsonsered? Indians have stationed more than 7 hundred thousands troops ,killed 100s of innocent unarmed civilians, carried out sanctioned MASS rapes and genocide on a Muslim population, and lost olny 18 soldiers, in retaliation?
The Kashmiris are indeed cowards and stupids.

Had it been Bangladesh, by this time the Indians by now,would have lost count of their body bags. DONT FORGET 1971 AND SUBSEQUENT EVENTS AFTER INDIAN ARMY'S MISADVENTURES IN BANGLADESH.


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