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Russia is now the biggest European Economy in the World ranking 5th

You know that communist Russia had the most deaths on his name in the entire world right?
Even Hitler couldn't match that.

That is not true. The most bloody elements in communist party were troztkists. Stalin gain absolute power only in 1939. Stop reading Western propaganda and try to seek trueth.
What "most death" ???
Anglosaxonians destroyed hondreds of millions in Colonial Era.
640000 were executed in USSR in 1923-1953.
That is not true. The most bloody elements in communist perty were troztkists. Stalin gain absolute power only in 1939. Stop reading Western propaganda and try to seek trueth.

For the sake of disrespecting other Russian's I will not continue this discussion.
Read some of those western sources.

As far as I know @Ahiska family went through those horrors. You can hear from his mouth.
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That is not true. The most bloody elements in communist party were troztkists. Stalin gain absolute power only in 1939. Stop reading Western propaganda and try to seek trueth.

lol, epic revisions of history right here, free of charge!

Tell me one thing comrade, how did Trotskyst manage to kill of more?
Trotsky was only a factor while Lenin (1917-revolution, Trotsky flees Russia in mid-1920's iirc) was alive and Stalin ruled for decades (mid 1920's-1953) after them?
lol, epic revisions of history right here, free of charge!

Tell me one thing comrade, how did Trotskyst manage to kill of more?
Trotsky was only a factor while Lenin (1917-revolution, Trotsky flees Russia in mid-1920's iirc) was alive and Stalin ruled for decades (mid 1920's-1953) after them?
There were fractions in communist party. One fraction - Stalin. Another one - Trozkiy, Zinov'ev, Kamenev, Bukharin. They fought for power and Stalin's fraction won. Stalin gain absolute power in 1939 when he pushed Litvinov from Narcomat of foreign Affairs.
Trozkiy and his fraction wanted the all-world Revolution made by Red Army and Soviet people. Stalin wanted socialism built in one country.
"Many of the cases of our party and people will be distorted and spat upon in the first place abroad, and in our country too. Zionism, torn to dominate the world, will be severely avenge us for our successes and achievements. He still sees Russia as a barbaric country, as a raw material appendage.

And my name will also be slander, slandered. I will attribute a lot of atrocities. World Zionism, by all means will seek to destroy our Union to Russia could never get up.
The strength of the Soviet Union - in the friendship of peoples. Forefront of the struggle will be directed primarily to break this friendship, on opening the border regions of Russia. Here, I must admit, we're not done yet. There is still a large field work.
With special power lift his head nationalism. He will press for a while internationalism and patriotism, only for a while. There will the national groups within nations and conflict. There will be many leaders of Pygmy, traitors within their nations.

In general, the future development will be even more complex and frantic ways, turns will be very steep. The case goes to the fact that especially excited the East. Encounter sharp contradictions with the West. And yet, no matter how the events unfolded, but it will take time, and the eyes of the new generations will appeal to the business and the victories of our socialist fatherland. Year after year, will come the new generations. They again would lift the banner of their fathers and grandfathers, and will give us a proper full.
Their future they will build on our past "

(Stalin. Recording of conversations with Kollontai)
For the sake of disrespecting other Russian's I will not continue this discussion.
Read some of those western sources.

As far as I know @Ahiska family went through those horrors. You can hear from his mouth.

Yes this was a horror people died in the train and they were thrown out mothers hold their dead children it doesnt matter what reason stalin had we fought for the soviets and he killed 1/3 of my people he is a monster and will forever burn in hell.
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There were fractions in communist party. One fraction - Stalin. Another one - Trozkiy, Zinov'ev, Kamenev, Bukharin. They fought for power and Stalin's fraction won. Stalin gain absolute power in 1939 when he pushed Litvinov from Narcomat of foreign Affairs.
Trozkiy and his fraction wanted the all-world Revolution made by Red Army and Soviet people. Stalin wanted socialism built in one country.
Zionism doesnt interest me we fought for the soviets and were deported and killed eventhough we were loyal and for this stalin will forever burn in hell only 1/3 of us survived the deportation and you think i care about jews?
If there were no Stalin and no industrialization - Nazi would conqer USSR. Hitler had planes to destroy 90% of USSR sitizens and enslaved another 10%.
Stalin was a cruel man. But he had no choice.
Millions of Soviet soldiers died for Motherland and Stalin. Millions. And Stalingrad was not captured only because it was STALINGRAD. When dozens of millions of Russain raise their glasses with vodka to celebrate Great Victory on 9th May they remember the heroic ancestors and Stalin.
September 8, 1942

Parliamentary Debates, House of Commons Official Report.

It was an experience of great interest to me to meet Premier Stalin. The main object of my visit was to establish the same relations of easy confidence and of perfect openness which I have built up with President Roosevelt. I think that, in spite of the accident of the Tower of Babel which persists as a very serious barrier in numerous spheres, I have succeeded to a considerable extent. It is very fortunate for Russia in her agony to have this great rugged war chief at her head. He is a man of massive outstanding personality, suited to the sombre and stormy times in which his life has been cast; a man of inexhaustible courage and will-power and a man direct and even blunt in speech, which, having been brought up in the House of Commons, I do not mind at all, especially when I have something to say of my own. Above all, he is a man with that saving sense of humour which is of high importance to all men and all nations, but particularly to great men and great nations. Stalin also left upon me the impression of a deep, cool wisdom and a complete absence of illusions of any kind. I believe I made him feel that we were good and faithful comrades in this war-but that, after all, is a matter which deeds not words will prove.
If there were no Stalin and no industrialization - Nazi would conqer USSR. Hitler had planes to destroy 90% of USSR sitizens and enslaved another 10%.
Stalin was a cruel man. But he had no choice.
Millions of Soviet soldiers died for Motherland and Stalin. Millions. And Stalingrad was not captured only because it was STALINGRAD. When dozens of millions of Russain raise their glasses with vodka to celebrate Great Victory on 9th May they remember the heroic ancestors and Stalin.
We celebrate that we won over the Nazis but that doesnt mean that i celebrate for stalin like i said because he believed Hitler many soviets died without a reason and the nazis could go to Stalingrad because stalin never thought that Hitler would attack him.......
We celebrate that we won over the Nazis but that doesnt mean that i celebrate for stalin like i said because he believed Hitler many soviets died without a reason and the nazis could go to Stalingrad because stalin never thought that Hitler would attack him.......
Stalin knew it in the day Hitler were brought to power in Germany by Anglosaxonians. Anglosaxonians did it especially for war with Russia to complete distruction of Russians and Germanies - two biggest competitors of Anglosaxonians. The Red Army was beaten at rhe start of war only becuase of incredible power of German Army. In fact it was European Army - Hitler ruled all Europe in 1941.
It took only 1 month for Germany to defeat France - one of most powerful nations at that time. Every Germans believed - Russia will fall in 2-3 weeks.
I do not know who is Stalin for you. But for me - he is symbol of most heroic and difficult victory of Russia in history. And symbol of the greatness of my Motherland what was never before.


Eternal glory to the winners
I would like to raise a toast to the health of our Soviet people, and above all - the Russian people ...
Stalin knew it in the day Hitler were brought to power in Germany by Anglosaxonians. Anglosaxonians did it especially for war with Russia to complete distruction of Russians and Germanies - two biggest competitors of Anglosaxonians. The Red Army was beaten at rhe start of war only becuase of incredible power of German Army. In fact it was European Army - Hitler ruled all Europe in 1941.
It took only 1 month for Germany to defeat France - one of most powerful nations at that time. Every Germans believed - Russia will fall in 2-3 weeks.
I do not know who is Stalin for you. But for me - he is symbol of most heroic and difficult victory of Russia in history. And symbol of the greatness of my Motherland what was never before.


Eternal glory to the winners
I would like to raise a toast to the health of our Soviet people, and above all - the Russian people ...

For me Stalin is the symbol for death and destruction he was the total opposite of Lenin and was the chief engineer to destroy turkic states.
There were fractions in communist party. One fraction - Stalin. Another one - Trozkiy, Zinov'ev, Kamenev, Bukharin. They fought for power and Stalin's fraction won. Stalin gain absolute power in 1939 when he pushed Litvinov from Narcomat of foreign Affairs.
Trozkiy and his fraction wanted the all-world Revolution made by Red Army and Soviet people. Stalin wanted socialism built in one country.

lol, shut up you tool. This is no answer to the question i asked, so i ask again:
Explain the logic of how Trotskyist managed with one "chistka" to kill off more then Stalin with his several "chistkas's" including the big one.
lol, shut up you tool. This is no answer to the question i asked, so i ask again:
Explain the logic of how Trotskyist managed with one "chistka" to kill off more then Stalin with his several "chistkas's" including the big one.
Red Terror - the work of Lenin and Trotsky. The Civil War provoked by their own actions. Blood on their hands many times more than at the hands of Stalin's group.
Red Terror - the work of Lenin and Trotsky. The Civil War provoked by their own actions. Blood on their hands many times more than at the hands of Stalin's group.

Estimates for the total number of people killed in the Red Terror range from 50,000 to over a million.

Red Terror - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They caused civil war? Wasn't it the people fed up with their disconnected king and royal family?
What they did was just to kill all the remaining burgeoisie and lump with them all other non-socialist currents that participated in the revolution.

Are you even Russian?

After the Soviet Union dissolved, evidence from the Soviet archives also became available, containing official records of 799,455 executions 1921-53, around 1.7 million deaths in the Gulags and some 390,000 deaths during kulak forced resettlement – with a total of about 3 million officially recorded victims in these categories.


So official records for Stalin (3 mill. dead) vs upper estimate for Bolsheviks (1 mill. dead). Will you stop now?
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