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Rangers raid MQM workers' convention in Karachi, dozens of activists detained.

We are discussing about current event not stories of 3 decades .............
I do not know what age group you belong. But I have seen start of MQM. I had been advocating for them till very long as I saw their counselors and MPAs cleaning gutters. Once they started militancy and extortion (you may give it any name like fitra or chanda) I knew that they are not any different. Then it was a further turn off when things went to the extent of Piri Muridi, picture on tiles and leaves, etc etc.
I really appreciate what they did during Gen Musharaff's time in Karachi and provided what Karachi needed for long time. But all this does not change reality. They have developed into a Mafia which is doing all sorts of crimes in the name of protecting rights of Muhajirs.
You didn't answer of my query ...........
i answered your query bro....you said 'then you must know why they started retaliation' so naturally i thought because of the 92 targeted operation and i gave my justification in the last post. you were the one though who couldn't reply to my post. what justifies them killing their own workers? and using fire is really not the way to fight fire. if the mqm honestly believe they were innocent and were being unjustly targeted, then they shouldve launched agitation movements, violent protests or riots, but instead they resorted to using guns. i wholly believe the mqm is india and bhatta-funded, and thus i dont want to even affiliate myself with anyone supporting altaf hussain. i can tolerate nawaz sharif more than that terrorist pakora.
We are discussing about current event not stories of 3 decades .............

This means MQM don't want to go in deadlock and trying to on reconciliation ... Because they no people will face problems if the matter doesn't solve ........
If by reconciliation you refer to briefcase then you are very right. Matter has been resolved. Moreover, they cannot compete with current sit ins going on in Islamabad and Karachi. They can gather people for sometime putting them in distress, but now people are not willing to be part of them. They have seen their performance and actions in last three decades. They have seen what they did to the families of those workers who died working for their party. It is due to this reason their vote bank (though rigged) shows around 58% whereas in the first election they contested they undisputedly got 98% of the vote. Is it not the sign of people's awareness? I tell you that had they not rigged this election they would have lost a number of seats to PTI. I say this because I personally know people who had been stamping bogus vote and filling the ballot papers. Their rigging was very well organised.
Please learn to debate with civility, after all you are in Japan not in Laloo Khait. For the rest of your post, threads after threads have discussed and rebutted the allegations furnished by IK/PTI opponents.
I think I hit on your nerves so you brining up personal stuff:wink: btw I'm a punjabi who lived years in Karachi and know how MQM emerged in Karachi politics and what was facts urdu speaking population start taking about their genuine rights. Karachi is not personal property of any one they vote to them who stand for their rights and MQM is one and last option. Did Hazrat IK did ever talk about Karachi,s real problems? He can't coz it's a damn bitter pill to take, and don't quote me again if you start talk on personal matters.
( jo ke mushkil hai coz ptians can't debate without insulting or abuse someone)
i answered your query bro....you said 'then you must know why they started retaliation' so naturally i thought because of the 92 targeted operation and i gave my justification in the last post. you were the one though who couldn't reply to my post. what justifies them killing their own workers? and using fire is really not the way to fight fire. if the mqm honestly believe they were innocent and were being unjustly targeted, then they shouldve launched agitation movements, violent protests or riots, but instead they resorted to using guns. i wholly believe the mqm is india and bhatta-funded, and thus i dont want to even affiliate myself with anyone supporting altaf hussain. i can tolerate nawaz sharif more than that terrorist pakora.

Actually you claimed that you know MQM politics from its start ... That's why I asked to you a question but you still didn't answer ... Ok I tell you ...........
While MQM had formed Pakistan was involved into Afghan war and many Afghan drug dealers were resided in Karachi area named Sohrab goth ……….
Karachi was a biggest market to marketing heroine and many youngsters of Karachi were addicted … MQM was the first who had raised voice against those drug dealers … CM Ghous Ali Shah had conducted the failed operation clean up against them and in retaliation very next day an unprecedented massacre of innocent citizens had taken place in Qasba Colony, Aligarh Colony and Sector 1-D of Orangi in the early hours of the morning as several hundred marauders who were in fact Afghan origin drug dealers open fire on residents with Kalashnikovs and 7mm rifles, setting fire to homes in the area ... The police refuse to intervene in what is viewed as a revenge attack by Pakhtuns on a largely mohajir locality ... The carnage continues until around 4 pm ... When the army is finally called in and 50 persons lost their lives and several hundred more were injured … After this massacre Altaf Hussain had told to people that sell your TV & VCR and buy ammunition to compete to them because government could not protect to you ..

After these incidents anti-MQM forces had started to portray to MQM in rest of Pakistan that this is a militant & terrorist organization ..

I do not know what age group you belong. But I have seen start of MQM. I had been advocating for them till very long as I saw their counselors and MPAs cleaning gutters. Once they started militancy and extortion (you may give it any name like fitra or chanda) I knew that they are not any different. Then it was a further turn off when things went to the extent of Piri Muridi, picture on tiles and leaves, etc etc.
I really appreciate what they did during Gen Musharaff's time in Karachi and provided what Karachi needed for long time. But all this does not change reality. They have developed into a Mafia which is doing all sorts of crimes in the name of protecting rights of Muhajirs.

Again you are avoiding to debate on current event ... That why did rangers raided on their office and they started sit-in gatherings in various points of city .........

If by reconciliation you refer to briefcase then you are very right. Matter has been resolved. Moreover, they cannot compete with current sit ins going on in Islamabad and Karachi. They can gather people for sometime putting them in distress, but now people are not willing to be part of them. They have seen their performance and actions in last three decades. They have seen what they did to the families of those workers who died working for their party. It is due to this reason their vote bank (though rigged) shows around 58% whereas in the first election they contested they undisputedly got 98% of the vote. Is it not the sign of people's awareness? I tell you that had they not rigged this election they would have lost a number of seats to PTI. I say this because I personally know people who had been stamping bogus vote and filling the ballot papers. Their rigging was very well organised.

Later in by-election while army's presence in polling boothes MQM had won :D
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Economy is already on the path of disaster owing to their extensive internal and external borrowing. Free distribution of money to every tom dick and harry. Printing of currency notes and devaluing the currency constantly.

Change does not come free of cost, I think economy loss due to dharnas is negligible in comparison to what damage they have done. Let this be cost of change and support it. BTW, which economic sector has suffered because of this. I am into corporate sector, I havent felt any unusual decrease in activity, except for stock exchanges. That too has shown increase since last one month and it is reasonable increase. Though stock exchange is not indicative of economy in countries like Pakistan where stocks are being manipulated to suit the interest of brokerage houses.
He also gave government a leeway of one month (because of the holy .... organise Independence Day celebration in the nation's capital and revived the ..... Pakistan suffered economic losses of ₨ 490 billion due to PTI's sit-in protest and long ...
Rs.490 billion is a huge amount specially for the nation whose economy already shaking, MQM and AH have a clear stance
on this protest from day one, now it's day 43rd and we are still on point Zero, the economy we are losing not concern with Nawaz Govt it's hurting state treasury, and in the end PTI/PAT roll back every thing without any positive result, just watch!!
That's why AH from day one requesting both parties to finish it as soon as possible other wise pakistan going toward a dangerous situation.
He also gave government a leeway of one month (because of the holy .... organise Independence Day celebration in the nation's capital and revived the ..... Pakistan suffered economic losses of ₨ 490 billion due to PTI's sit-in protest and long ...
Rs.490 billion is a huge amount specially for the nation whose economy already shaking, MQM and AH have a clear stance
on this protest from day one, now it's day 43rd and we are still on point Zero, the economy we are losing not concern with Nawaz Govt it's hurting state treasury, and in the end PTI/PAT roll back every thing without any positive result, just watch!!
That's why AH from day one requesting both parties to finish it as soon as possible other wise pakistan going toward a dangerous situation.
Remember wiki is written by people like you and me so it is not always authentic. Nevertheless, I still look forward to hear about which segment of business activity has been effected by these protests. Yes shortage of electricity and gas has definitely moved our textile industry to Bangladesh.
hahaha bro my grandparents themselves were muhajir from up, india and we're purely an urdu speaking family living in karachi, so as you might guess my family were mqm supporters back in the day. they had been closely related with the mqm during its days of inception but then the violence began. young kids from my father's neighborhood (bolton market, and probably everywhere else in karachi) were given arms and ammunition by the mqm. loyalist supporters who started to voice disagreement were being killed (my close relative's father, and even 2 of her second year batchmates, were killed by the mqm, and this is back from the early 90s). the sector incharge or i guess the guy the mqm gave the ticket to from bolton market area was a petty criminal who was once caught stealing fans from a mosque. these women cry when their sons and husbands are kidnapped, but they don't know just how many other women have cried because of their sons and husbands. altaf hussain even killed his own comrades azeem tariq and imran farooq. oh and far as 'natural residents of karachi' are concerned then i dont think sindhis really face much of a problem here. but if youre talking about yourself, then please do tell me how you've been "silenced".

I wonder which 'Karachi' your parents belonged to because in my life, of 35 years yet, I have not witnessed the terrorism of MQM or even their violence/extremism unless it is in response to something. MQM's has always been a response, a reaction to some other event or action. It is, in most situations, less then appropriate and in my opinion very very mild at times. What Karachiites and Urdu speaking in general have gone through over the decades first at the hands of Pathans and then Sindhis is well documented. Even today all LEAs are controlled directly or indirectly by Sindhis who use them at will to abuse any and all.
Remember wiki is written by people like you and me so it is not always authentic. Nevertheless, I still look forward to hear about which segment of business activity has been effected by these protests. Yes shortage of electricity and gas has definitely moved our textile industry to Bangladesh.
Alright, I give u a neutral source beside I have a claim from PMLN govt which is Rs570 billion, only stock market suffered 35 billion just in starting days. Well, thanks for your input actually I was replying to another posters crap in which he was crying about MQM dharna.
Alright, I give u a neutral source beside I have a claim from PMLN govt which is Rs570 billion, only stock market suffered 35 billion just in starting days. Well, thanks for your input actually I was replying to another posters crap in which he was crying about MQM dharna.
I dont know how stock exchange suffered as I have gained on my shares in last one month.
hahaha bro my grandparents themselves were muhajir from up, india and we're purely an urdu speaking family living in karachi, so as you might guess my family were mqm supporters back in the day. they had been closely related with the mqm during its days of inception but then the violence began. young kids from my father's neighborhood (bolton market, and probably everywhere else in karachi) were given arms and ammunition by the mqm. loyalist supporters who started to voice disagreement were being killed (my close relative's father, and even 2 of her second year batchmates, were killed by the mqm, and this is back from the early 90s). the sector incharge or i guess the guy the mqm gave the ticket to from bolton market area was a petty criminal who was once caught stealing fans from a mosque. these women cry when their sons and husbands are kidnapped, but they don't know just how many other women have cried because of their sons and husbands. altaf hussain even killed his own comrades azeem tariq and imran farooq. oh and far as 'natural residents of karachi' are concerned then i dont think sindhis really face much of a problem here. but if youre talking about yourself, then please do tell me how you've been "silenced".

So Did your fathers distant relatives chacha phupas and neighbors kids ever told you why violence started in the first place ?
@Patriots : as I said, you can not fight fire with fire. you should not fight fire with fire. for example, please see how PAT is protesting against killing of 30 of their workers. Are they killing police personnel in retaliation? No. Also, binging up this issue of Muhajir~Muhajir has only worsened the situation of Muhajirs and nothing else. Has the MQM really done anything for you (except Mustafa Kamal?). Ok let's suppose you are right and this was the only way to get revenge. What was the end result? It was only families of innocent 'Muhajirs' whose young, educated sons were now being criminalized and brainwashed with a separatist ideology. the MQM itself is a paradox because they've done nothing but destroy the 'Muhajir' society by corrupting it.
@Mav3rick : you must belong to a rich family then, because in Pakistan it's always the poor who suffer. My parents both belonged to purely middle class areas of Karachi, and they tell me that it was only in the 90s that gun culture in Karachi introduced by the MQM shot up like a bullet.
@pak-marine refer to the above paragraph I've addressed to Patriots.
They are just picking random guys.. If they arrest actual culprits, then we see Peace from long time. Again nawaz sharif & PPPP is turning this operation against MQM. Again Political motivated operation i must say.
Mastermind of 1990s operation

Still no success of PMLN & PPPP after 15000 killing, 100,000+ injured. They are power hungry. One reason, PMLN & PPPP is finished in Karachi.
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@Patriots : as I said, you can not fight fire with fire. you should not fight fire with fire. for example, please see how PAT is protesting against killing of 30 of their workers. Are they killing police personnel in retaliation? No.
Had MQM retaliated against state or drug dealers...?? Or was it a crime to countering drugs dealing in the city...???????
Also, binging up this issue of Muhajir~Muhajir has only worsened the situation of Muhajirs and nothing else.
First of all I don't believe the term of Muhajir ... So I don't agree with MQM leaders on it ... It is just like Sindh card as PPP being a national party doing politics on Sindh card ... Whereas MQM had started its politics on ethnic basis ...........
Has the MQM really done anything for you (except Mustafa Kamal?).
Had anyone given opportunity to MQM with full authority to doing something good with Karachiites except Musharraf ... So Altaf Hussain chose Mustafa Kamal ... And he proved that MQM can do much more for people if got a chance ... You must have to give credit to Altaf Hussain to choosing right person for right job :D
Ok let's suppose you are right and this was the only way to get revenge. What was the end result?
This was not a revenge ... You can understand if you read my post with concentration ... They buy arms so that they could be saved from carnivorous people and Orangi Town incident could not be repeated ............
It was only families of innocent 'Muhajirs' whose young, educated sons were now being criminalized and brainwashed with a separatist ideology. the MQM itself is a paradox because they've done nothing but destroy the 'Muhajir' society by corrupting it.
First of all always remember that educated people don't be brainwashed & criminalized ... And you are talking about separatist ideology :lol: I think you believe on Jinnahpur conspiracy which has been proved a bull$hit :) ... Rest is your opinion not necessary to me to be agreed ...........

@Mav3rick : you must belong to a rich family then, because in Pakistan it's always the poor who suffer. My parents both belonged to purely middle class areas of Karachi, and they tell me that it was only in the 90s that gun culture in Karachi introduced by the MQM shot up like a bullet.
Rich people didn't join to MQM at first place ... Only poor & middle class people welcomed to MQM ... Second thing is your parents might not have so much knowledge about Karachi ... Gun culture was introduced in colleges in late 70s and in whole city in early 80s ... So investigate the things by yourself don't believe on one's words ...........
^ he forgot or don't wanna mention JI terror squad in colleges and universities. Laton ke bhoot baton se nahi mante, need to know the philosophy behind that phrase.

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