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Basically you fought against Greece and a tiny Armenian force which was trying to defend a huge area.
French forces weren't interested in keeping their zone in Cilicia,thus they fought only a bit and retreated there,as Ataturk had predicted.

Stop derailing the thread with your dreams of glory.

270.000 Turks vs 450.000+ Greeks+French+British+İtalians+Armenians and 55 Warships

only İtalians withdrew their forces
60.000 French Forces fought against the Turks in Anatolia

Southern Front

The Southern Front covers the war of the Turkish forces against the French legionnaires consisting of French, Algerian and Armenian soldiers

France and UK invaded Adana , Mersin , Osmaniye , Antep , Maras , İskenderun , Kilis and Mosul

Turks kicked French legionnaires and France withdrew from the Southern Region by signing the Ankara Agreement in 1921

also Turks beat Armenians in the Eastern Front and Turks beat Greeks in the Western Front

Stop derailing the thread with your dreams
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Greece has not increased the territorial waters to 12 miles in the Aegean even though it is our right to do so,if we want.

1923 Lausanne Peace Treaty established a delicate balance between Turkiye and Greece by harmonizing the vital interests and legitimate rights of both countries including those in the Aegean Sea

but Greece has been tilting the Lausanne balance through unilateral acts to the detriment of Turkiye's vital interests since 1930's

and in 1995 Turkiye declared a war ( CASUS BELLI )
if Greece increase the territorial waters to 8-10-12 miles from 6nm

without a war Greece can not change delicate balance between Turkiye and Greece in the Aegean Sea
Greece is not trying to steal oil/gas reserves from anyone,the entire world cofirms that Greece's EEZ and its rights in the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean.

By international law , Nobody cofirms that Greece's EEZ based on trash Seville Map which has no any value

The US does not consider the Seville Map on maritime boundaries of Greece

the European Union does not consider the Seville map to be a legally binding document

Seville map is a dreaam and no any value by international law
270.000 Turks vs 450.000+ Greeks+French+British+İtalians+Armenians and 55 Warships
Why do you lie to people? :)

You mostly fought against Greeks and Armenians. Italians and British didn't fight. French fought a bit,but didn't care and left.

France and UK invaded Adana , Mersin , Osmaniye , Antep , Maras , İskenderun , Kilis and Mosul
These parts were given to them by the Treaty of Sevres.

Turks kicked French legionnaires and France withdrew from the Southern Region by signing the Ankara Agreement in 1921
Compared to the Greek threat, the French seemed less dangerous to Mustafa Kemal Pasha, who suggested that, if the Greek threat could be overcome, the French would not hold its territories in Turkey, especially as they mainly wanted to settle in Syria.

By international law , Nobody cofirms that Greece's EEZ based on trash Seville Map which has no any value

The US does not consider the Seville Map on maritime boundaries of Greece

the European Union does not consider the Seville map to be a legally binding document
View attachment 883240

Seville map is a dreaam and no any value by international law

Why don't you take the matter to the UN and the ICTY then? :D Everyone supports Greece's claim and rights. The EU,NATO,Russia. Pakistan too has signed UNCLOS,as well as China. Instead of crying about "Sevilla map" all the time,you should accept the fact that you screwed up by delimiting your EEZ in the Black Sea in a different way and no demanding to delimit the EEZ in the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean,in another way.

Now,all you can do is watch the world support our claim.
Why do you lie to people? :)

You mostly fought against Greeks and Armenians. Italians and British didn't fight. French fought a bit,but didn't care and left.

You are lying to People ...
that was multi-front war against Greeks + French + British + Armenians

Only İtalians withdrew their Forces

The UK, USA and France agreed to send the Greek Navy to Izmir

even USA assisted Greece in the occupation of Anatolia.
The US aid to the invasion was not limited to logistical support.
The USA provided protection to the occupation of İzmir with the USS Arizona and 3 warships.

Total of 73 British French Warships and 50.000+ soldiers invaded İstanbul and Gallipoli

-- British fought against the Turkish Forces in Mosul/İraq ( Al-Jazeera Front )

-- 60.000 French legionnaires consisting of French, Algerian and Armenian soldiers fought against the Turkish Forces in the Southern Front

-- Armenian Forces fought against the Turkish Forces in the Eastern Front

-- 250.000+ Greek Forces fought the Turkish Forces in the Western Front

Turks bought weapons from Bolsheviks ( Russians ) with Azeri-Uzbek-Pakistani-Indian muslims money-gold

and Turks kicked all of you in 1921-1922

today same senario USA,France,Greece,Armenia
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These parts were given to them by the Treaty of Sevres.

We Turks kicked the Treaty of Sevres and all Enemies between 1919 and 1922

Compared to the Greek threat, the French seemed less dangerous to Mustafa Kemal Pasha, who suggested that, if the Greek threat could be overcome, the French would not hold its territories in Turkey, especially as they mainly wanted to settle in Syria.

Greek threat was with 250.000+ soldiers

French threat was with 60.000+ soldiers

also Armenian and British Forces ... Turks fought in 4 fronts against outnumbered enemies

with most modern weapons Greeks lost the war against the Turks
Why don't you take the matter to the UN and the ICTY then? :D Everyone supports Greece's claim and rights. The EU,NATO,Russia. Pakistan too has signed UNCLOS,as well as China. Instead of crying about "Sevilla map" all the time,you should accept the fact that you screwed up by delimiting your EEZ in the Black Sea in a different way and no demanding to delimit the EEZ in the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean,in another way.

Nobody support Greece's claim based on trash Seville Map which has no value

only bandit thieves USA-France use Greece as a pawn against Turkiye to stop Turkish military operation against PKK/YPG terrorists in Syria

by international law , USA,France,Greece can not do anything against Turkiye
because Turkiye is 100% right by international law

therefore USA,France,Greece wants to use military power to force Turkiye to give up from its rights in the Eastern Mediterranean

even UNCLOS doesnt give right to Greek Islands to generite EEZ of 200 nm in the Eastern Mediterranean

Greece wants to use UNCLOS to increase territorial water to 12 nm from 6nm in the Aegean

USA,İsrael,Turkiye and many more Countries did not sign 1982 UNCLOS
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Nobody support Greece's claim based on trash Seville Map which has no value

only bandit thieves USA-France use Greece as a pawn against Turkiye to stop Turkish military operation against PKK/YPG terrorists in Syria

by international law , USA,France,Greece can not do anything against Turkiye
because Turkiye is 100% right by international law

therefore USA,France,Greece wants to use military power to force Turkiye to give up its rights in the Eastern Mediterranean

even UNCLOS doesnt give right to Greek Islands to generite EEZ of 200 nm in the Eastern Mediterranean

Greece wants to use UNCLOS to increase territorial water to 12 nm from 6nm in the Aegean

USA,İsrael,Turkiye and many more Countries did not sign 1982 UNCLOS


Screenshot_2021-10-12 The Ordeal of the Greek EEZ - Energy News - Institute of Energy of South...png

Screenshot_2021-10-12 The Ordeal of the Greek EEZ - Energy News - Institute of Energy of South...png

You cry with useless wikipedia's useless paper

there is no any Island in the Black Sea .. and no any problem
The situation in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Aegean is completely different.

No fear , nobody can steal oil/gas reserves and 150.000+ km2 of area from the Turks in the Eastern Mediterranean

Turkiye is not Iraq or Syria or Libya or Mali
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You cry with useless wikipedia's useless paper

there is no any Island in the Black Sea .. and no any problem
The situation in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Aegean is completely different.

No fear , nobody can steal oil/gas reserves and 150.000+ km2 of area from the Turks in the Eastern Mediterranean

Turkiye is not Iraq or Syria or Libya or Mali
First of all,it's not wikipedia.

Second,you can't choose the way it suits you,to delimit an EEZ. You can't use UNCLOS in the Black Sea and different methods elsewhere. You're just a cheater. So,either accept it or go to Hague and lose there.
First of all,it's not wikipedia.

Second,you can't choose the way it suits you,to delimit an EEZ. You can't use UNCLOS in the Black Sea and different methods elsewhere. You're just a cheater. So,either accept it or go to Hague and lose there.

Who cares about Greeks ? nobody

Russia,Turkiye,Bulgaria,Romania,Ukraine,Georgia have agreed about maritime jurisdiction areas in the Black Sea

No any problem in the Black Sea .....

The situation in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Aegean is completely different

Greece's stupid claim and there is no other example in the world

Greece is not archipelagic state like Indonesia , Philippines , New Zelland , etc

a tiny Greek Island which is just 10 km2 and 580 km away from Greek Mainland and just 2 km away from Turkish Mainland can not generate EEZ of 200 nm ...

so Greek EEZ should start from Greek Mainland ,, not from every tiny Greek Island

what a stupid claim by Greece

a tiny Greek Island which is just 10 km2 and just 2 km away from Turkiye can not block 783.562 km² Turkish Mainland which has the longest coastline in the Eastern Mediterranean
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When you talk about "beggers",remember how desperate your government is for a new fighter jet and how much Erdogan and Cavusoglu have been trying to meet Biden and keep asking for F-16s. You had been nagging for months ever since that Congress speech. You haven't stopped nagging. Akar has been mumbling ever since we got the Rafale and the F-16Vs and you guys only got sanctions. Yeter,you're being ridiculous when you mention that.

The salesman started with the dreams and imaginary future superweapons again?

How many times have people told you? Will is equal to "maybe" in this case. Just like Altay. 10 years ago Turks online were talking big about Altay and it's still...coming. So,forget the "will" and concentrate on the "now".

Sweetheart,what makes you think most of Western Europe can't survive physical contact with Turkey? Because that's the enemy we're talking about now. What makes you think Germany,France,Britain,Spain,Italy,Austria,Sweden,Norway,Portugal cannot smash Turkey. Even less than half of them can wipe out the Turkish navy and air force right now,if they want it.

A French,Italian,Spanish fleet and expeditionary force,supported by the Hellenic Navy and Hellenic Air Force,can annihilate the entire Turkish navy and wipe out all the air bases from the coast to central Anatolia.

Greece the beggar is begging to America not to sell Fighters...

case closed troll...
oh boy you got your bearing wrong
Who's going to help Turkey then? Aren't you implying Russia? Do you really think Putin would get involved in an open war against NATO for Turkey's sake? Out of all countries,for Turkey's sake? When he knows that Erdogan's been going back and forth,one day with USA and one day with Russia?

Unless you are implying Azerbaijan,which is expected to help Turkey,although at a degree that would probably not anger the West or Israel.

Greece the beggar is begging to America not to sell Fighters...

case closed troll...
No F-35s,no F-16Vs,if you behaved you might have had both of them right now. But you didn't want to...
No F-35s,no F-16Vs,if you behaved you might have had both of them right now. But you didn't want to...

stop trolling....

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