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PTI Azaadi March 2022: Updates and Discussion

If the police is still shelling on people then it means its not obeying the SC…..but obeying someone elso more powerful than the SC…..
Judges ki bhi aukaat khul gai…..or they were just giving lolipops to citizens!!
Well, the problem here is that there is conflicting witness testimony and reports, credible journalists (e.g Roohan Ahmed) and witnesses are saying a few protestors did it while others say Police so it's hard to determine it based on that (See Afghanistan).
(while writing this i just found a video of a protestor lighting a tree on fire)

My other issue is that there is so much video evidence of trees and shrubbery on fire while protestors are there, one could make the argument that it was because Punjab Police prevented so but i doubt this because i don't think the regular police are good at OpSec and given the frequency of videos coming out, hard to see why there wouldn't be videos of the incidents happening.

Note to others who may reply, i don't see them as representative of all the protestors, they are a few bad apples and are present in every group.
Bush fire starts with either tear gas shells or protestors do it as smoke produced from it allegedly reduces the effects of tear gas especially the colossal amount of shelling they had to endure at D-Chowk.
Bush fire starts with either tear gas shells or protestors do it to reduce the effects of shelling especially the colossal amount of shelling they had to endure at D-Chowk.
Does it mitigate the effects? I mean smoke+more smoke sounds like a dizzying combo. Anyways i do think the police also started fires via shelling, it's just that the frequency of such is lower than the few protestors who did so, in my own opinion. I could very well be wrong.
Some one has become Joffrey while uncle bajra still supporting him
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I'll put it in my checklist of things to do there :p: . On a lighter note is savour as good as they really say it is?
Savour is a staple for me , Birthday? Savour , Maiyat? Savour , Party? Savour , Aus vs Pak? Savour You name ittt
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