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PTI Azaadi March 2022: Updates and Discussion

One thing is for sure, conspiracy did happen but it happened against Patwaris.

All Imran Khan has to do is to sit back and relax and keep riling up public against this imported govt till next year election. His popularity is all time high. He's gonna win for sure. And if he doesn't win because of rigging etc. then well dama dam mast qalander time, if and only if public wants it.

One thing is for sure, conspiracy did happen but it happened against Patwaris.

All Imran Khan has to do is to sit back and relax and keep riling up public against this imported govt till next year election. His popularity is all time high. He's gonna win for sure. And if he doesn't win because of rigging etc. then well dama dam mast qalander time, if and only if public wants it.
Thats the ulmiya of this nation ultimately eveeyone does politics

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Qasim Suri ko koi tissue paper dy..is ka rona dekha nahi ja raha. Sakoon mein Qasim Suri rehta,,becharay sy sarkari bangla/gari cheen liya gya hai


Agree sir..its work for me i am so happy
The other day i sent 700$ and it was at 206

Niazi shahab ney tu hamarey leya kaam mushkil kar deya tha..now the poor are more in line.. they use to be out of line in the past

Love you sharif

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