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PLA's new 60t tank


Oct 28, 2009
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Note: The following reading and translation are not done by me, they are taken with courtesy from Sinodefence.

"中国军方自行研制的99式坦克,虽然是目前世界上较为先进的主战坦克,但是,对于中国军方来说依旧存在一些 不满足的缺陷,因此目中国军事科技机构,对此型坦克进行了改进。

改进型号称为:99改型。对外出口形式称:99B型坦克。这种坦克是一种安装有1门中国产140mm滑膛炮 的主战坦克。这种主炮也是同时采用了自动扬弹机系统。主炮的穿甲能力十分惊人。炮口动能能力达到了22兆焦 ,是M1A2坦克的120mm的11兆焦的2倍。1枚140mm主炮所发射"尾翼稳定脱壳穿甲弹"可以洞M 1A2穿前主装甲。

而自动操瞄机构也进行相关改进,随后又对他的战场环境主动作战系统,进行了改善。加大了激光眩目系统的作战 距离与能量输出的能力。改进了微光夜视系统。增加了至少200米的测距与发现距离,这使得99改型坦克,已 经可以成为对抗西方坦克的首要武器。

而在装甲方面,为了弥补前T72型坦克底盘部位的诸多不足,加大了前主装甲与炮塔装甲的动态厚度。在底盘下 部,增加了抗击反坦克地雷的洞穿能力。目前他的前主装甲已经完全可以超越M1A2的1080mm。在他的动 力系统方面,中国也做了很大的加强。换装了大功率发动机,可以达到1500 匹。

中国在早期就开始秘密研制超大口径坦克炮。这已经不是新闻的新闻了,但是,在那个时期,中国精密钢材锻造技 术,跟不能满足140mm坦克炮所需要的炮管电解渣的程度,因此,在多次试验中中国出现了2-3次"炸膛" 的严重失误。而且曾经一度导致中国大口径坦克炮研制终止。

但是,随着中国获得了来自海外的锻造精密钢材的整体锻造技术以后,情况得到了改善。而中国的所谓的"海外" 事实上是3名来自德国的中国籍回国人员。他们是原来原德国莱茵钢铁公司的雇员。他们在那里负责电解钢的锻造 与研制。在这样的人员协助下,中国的超口径火炮研制工作,终于在06年成功。

但是,目前99式改型坦克的自重由于改装了大批装备,而且换装了大口径火炮,加之引进了新型动力与新型扬弹 机的措施,导致了这种坦克自重严重攀升。目前已经达到了60吨级。这种重型坦克面对中国南方的水网大陆,是 难以承受这样的重量。但是,目前的南方部署地区,也是中国部署99式坦克的主要地区。面对台湾局势,中国部 署新型坦克是必须的选择。

面对如此局面,中国军方是不是在可能大规模去改进目前已经部署的700辆99式坦克。以及继续生产大约21 00辆99改式坦克,如果这样中国军方必须同时生产两种主战坦克,其中99式用于部署在中国南方。而99改 则可以用于部署在中国北方部分城市。但是多以大型城市为主。因为这里一些桥梁可以支撑这种"超重"坦克的能 力。"


"A quick translation of the abovementioned passage was that China self developed Type 99 MBT was known as one of the most modern in the world. However the PLA are still not very please with the tank and so the Type 99G tank was being developed.

This new tank was armed with a 140mm smoothbore gun and this type of gun produce an energy that is 2 times that of the M1A1 120mm cannon. It could penetrate the front armor of the M1A1 MBT.

Other than that there are still a couple of innovation such as automated targeting system that are improved from the original one, etc, etc.

It also stated the development progress of this tank and stuff like that.

The main problem with this new tank is that the weigh had increased to 60ton. and so it is quite impossible for the chinese to modify existing Type 99 tank to this standard. Instead new tank should be build. But in some of the area in China, a 60ton tank is not useful in its terrain and structures.

What I am interested in from the article was that China seemed to be using a huge 140mm cannon (not use by others). This prompt me to ask - how many rounds can this new tank carry. And from the passage, it seemed that this tank is already in production, even offer for export... so test should already had been completed.

However if the rounds are huge and they could only carry a few of these rounds, is it really effective? And with the increase in weigh, will it also affect the tank's flexibility and speed in the battlefield? Its engine now produce 1500bhp... but I thought standard Type 99 is also having an engine that produce 1500bhp?"
i dont think this is true, its really just too big, and the current Type-99 does have a 1500 horse power engine, what we need to work on is not a bigger gun but better training, electronics, barrel life(metallurgy), crew survivability among other things.
but at the end of the day bigger gun , with more energy does play its role.... ang engine wise ok... but think that matter in modern warfare is electronics, speed, and accuracy.... for me other things are mostly common in all other tanks

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