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People chanting CHOR CHOR on shahbaz sharif at masjid e nabvi

Are these the same old hundreds of billions that exPMIK promised to bring back to the country or are these some new ones stolen by PMSS?
Yes, the same billions the Establishment did everything it could to undermine the recovery of.

Maybe it’s normal for your and the Sharif’s chokidar’s to have billions in their accounts, but the rest of us mere mortals don’t have servants blessed with such wealth.
Next Lowest level of journalism SAMAA ENGLISH is sending notification titles of Bushra Bibi files for divorce with Imran Khan.
Private channels are extended arm of Mafia Empire

Mafia Empire
> Money ---> Now tapped into federal reserve
> Hoodlums
> Convicts in Prison released
> Street gangsters
> Gulu Butt
> Private contractors

> Kala Coat , Protectors Sheilds
> Private Channel , Put a spin on Story , need payment
> Undisclosed Role (Behind the Scene Strategy developers)
> Impotent Police force servant to Mafia

Of course , with blessing of who handle foreign Image for Mafia
> The foreign Conspirators
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They are sending notifications like this. But no news when we open links. This is called calculated conspiracy.

Next Lowest level of journalism SAMAA ENGLISH is sending notification titles of Bushra Bibi files for divorce with Imran Khan.
Some Pakistanis are just the worst kind of people - interestingly the rumour mill of “divorce” was initiated by an Indian Journalist.

Make of that what you will🤦‍♂️

They are sending notifications like this. But no news when we open links. This is called calculated conspiracy.

View attachment 838881
Same being reported elsewhere look:

People are showing concern over the hurmat of Prophet's mosques as they have even an iota of respect, love and honor for the Prophet, those people are showing concerns who are thieves ,dishonest , land grabbers , liars , traitors , who never give a single rupee in Zakat, who consider everyone beneath them its just funny. Why is this so hard for " Muslims " to understand that these holy sites will/means nothing if we don't follow the Prophet and his companions who are berried there, Postration towards Kaaba does not mean anything if you don't believe that Allah see/watches everything, Allah watches this act of people but he also is witness to brutal murder of 13 people in Mihaj ul Quran, Allah also witness how the house of justice sells out the country and trust of Millions, Allah also witness the buying of human beings to serve a Powerful country not Allah, Allah also witness the corruption of Sharif and Zardari families, Allah also witness what Ayan Ali was carrying in suit cases for Zardari, but none of us then worry about the Hurrmat of anything ? Pakistani's including me we are neither loyal to our country nor to the faith, nor the man who brought the message, so stop this fakeness as if they actually care for the hurmat of the Masjid of Prophet.
These patwaris are a different breed. They’ve been sucking Pakistan dry, committing murder, god knows how many of them drink alcohol, they are corrupt to the very core, but now suddenly after this incident they’ve all become such good Muslims, and imran khan has become a “Jew” and pti supporters have become anti-Islam. you patwaris need a good look in the mirror and have some shame on using Islam for your own motives when you seem it as fit.
Allah knows best - either way in my opinion this was a shameless act.
Send big boss there he will taste the same...

Arabic main Choor ko Harami bolte gaia

"Ya Harami ...."

Since in Pakistan we also have the terminology for Harami unsure if it was derived from Arabic Harami which means "A Theif or Choor"

It's fascinating , in urdu the term is mostly used for a Cunning crook or a very bad influence , or character

Just leaving it out for future Welcome for Sharif and Bhutto clan since we were in Arabic country best to use terminology locals understand
Harami means choor in arabic

Some Pakistanis are just the worst kind of people - interestingly the rumour mill of “divorce” was initiated by an Indian Journalist.

Make of that what you will🤦‍♂️

Same being reported elsewhere look:

That some lady name bushra bibi... they link with khan. Intellectual dishonesty
No Doubt Allah SWT Gives respect to Whoever He Wills and Throws others in the Abyss.

Karma bitting the Sharifs in the buds.
Long it may continues.




Mishkat al-Masabih 744

As-Sa'ib b. Yazid said that when he was sleeping in the mosque a man threw a pebble at him, and when he looked he saw that it was ‘Umar b. al-Khattab, who said, “Go and bring me these two men.” He brought them and ‘Umar asked them what tribe they belonged to, or what place they came from. On their replying that they belonged to at-Ta’if, he said, “If you had belonged to Medina I would have given you a beating for raising your voices in the mosque of God’s Messenger.
Bukhari transmitted it.
Very emotional post by you.
Are you going against

If you can stop them then stop them. If yiu cannot them speak up against them and if you cannot them in your mind don't accept them.

No where does it say you cannot do it in majad e nabwi.

Your personal feeling is that this is incorrect. I feel the humiliation was not from the people but from Allah who has promised humiliation for such people in this world and the next. They sided with the enemies of Pakistan for a small gain and Allah is humiliation them globally.
While many are rejoicing, outside the time and place argument, it's not a good development.

This will likely provide the Boyz the ammunition they needed to spark TLP and worse against PTI and its leaders. The groundwork in the form of "security threat warnings" has already been laid out.
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