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People chanting CHOR CHOR on shahbaz sharif at masjid e nabvi

Qasim Suri was attacked today in Islamabad. Forgot TLP protests lol? Gold fish memory? Ready for below again?

This poster joined 38 minutes ago and posted non stop anti PTI and Imran Khan posts.
It's not the only new account doing this.

Something is afoot here.
@Foxtrot Alpha
Where is the Pakistani flag ??? Pakistani flag not seen behind Shahbaz Sharif's chair..

as per diplomatic protocols flags are placed only in Official or State visits, on personal visit flag is not placed, same is the case here SS is not on official visit so the Pakistani flag is not placed while the other dignitary who is having a meeting with SS is representing KSA in Official capacity therefore KSA flag is present.
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This poster joined 38 minutes ago and posted non stop anti PTI and Imran Khan posts.
It's not the only new account doing this.

Something is afoot here.
@Foxtrot Alpha
It’s the same source creating multiple sock puppet accounts.

We have seen and dealt with indian trolls, these guys are amateurs in comparison.
Arabic main Choor ko Harami bolte gaia

"Ya Harami ...."

Since in Pakistan we also have the terminology for Harami unsure if it was derived from Arabic Harami which means "A Theif or Choor"

It's fascinating , in urdu the term is mostly used for a Cunning crook or a very bad influence , or character

Just leaving it out for future Welcome for Sharif and Bhutto clan since we were in Arabic country best to use terminology locals understand
Harami حرامي derivates from the word Haram حرام, means Forbidden, Sin.

In middle East they use the word Harami for Thief, in North Africa we use the word Sarek سارق
Am i the only one Sad to see these visuals from Masjid e Nabvi

May Allah be Raheem on us, and on these specially
This is not good. PTI supporters should restrain themselves from doing this in a holy place like this!
this incident did not happen inside the Masjid-e-Nabvi (PBUH) but outside area b/w the Masjid and Bazar of Madina, you can see carts moving and people wearing Shoes in the video
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