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Pentagon won't commit to Afghanistan troop withdrawal by May, says Taliban are not honoring commitments to US

Biden is choice of Pakistan foreign office.... but in process Pakistan lost all defense deals and now this and obviously more to come.
with afghan war in its final phase and INdia being of much more strategic value to US, Pakistan's importance to US has obviously gone down in general.
US will never leave AFG. It has made AFG its millitery base.
"Just because you can pay doesnt mean you can afford" - me.
with afghan war in its final phase and INdia being of much more strategic value to US, Pakistan's importance to US has obviously gone down in general.

"Just because you can pay doesnt mean you can afford" - me.
With the Nazi BJP /RSS in power in India the US is getting nervous in it's relationship with India. Stuck in a moral dilemma Biden is going to have to tread carefully with India. US companies are already reviewing the outsourcing with India and are recalling their jobs back to the US.
yeah, benefits Pakistan's economy at the expense of Pakistani lives. that is why Trump was better for Pakistan than Biden.
Absolutely right. Non-interference by USA is preferable for Pakistani interests.

The Pentagon, CIA, US military, mainstream media, military institutions, neocons both in Democratic and Republican party, US think tanks that support war etc. Basically those high-level elements that shape directly or indirectly policy making and profit from wars. The deep state exists. It is a state within a state. They shape the narrative. They shape the debates. They make decisions.

Who do you think was opposing Trump's plan to exit wars? The answer can be found above.


Notice the attacks in Afghanistan just today, reported as headline news in UK. As expected, "nobody has claimed responsibility" and "stalled peace talks between the Taliban and NATO" are the key soundbytes.

The tried and tested Democrat Obama-ist doctrine has returned.

Of course the Taliban won't claim responsibility because they (certainly their senior leaders) had nowt to do with it. This attack happened purely to justify extension of the NATO presence and extension of this war. This is how Democrat scum do business. These bstards are like drug barons, dominating countries through simple protection rackets.

USA Dems have learned from Escobar. These scum will simply declare that they remain needed in Afghanistan because only they can bring peace - a peace that will NEVER come because when that peace comes the mercenaries lose influence and reach; they'll never give that up.

Expect similar attacks and similar reportage in the coming weeks. Every time we get close to sending the racketeers home, these attacks escalate.

Massive Chinese infrastructure development is Afghanistan's only chance to actually rid itself of the American protection racket and its fabricated war.
Absolutely right. Non-interference by USA is preferable for Pakistani interests.


Notice the attacks in Afghanistan just today, reported as headline news in UK. As expected, "nobody has claimed responsibility" and "stalled peace talks between the Taliban and NATO" are the key soundbytes.

The tried and tested Democrat Obama-ist doctrine has returned.

Of course the Taliban won't claim responsibility because they (certainly their senior leaders) had nowt to do with it. This attack happened purely to justify extension of the NATO presence and extension of this war. This is how Democrat scum do business. These bstards are like drug barons, dominating countries through simple protection rackets.

USA Dems have learned from Escobar. These scum will simply declare that they remain needed in Afghanistan because only they can bring peace - a peace that will NEVER come because when that peace comes the mercenaries lose influence and reach; they'll never give that up.

Expect similar attacks and similar reportage in the coming weeks. Every time we get close to sending the racketeers home, these attacks escalate.

Massive Chinese infrastructure development is Afghanistan's only chance to actually rid itself of the American protection racket and its fabricated war.

Let the Democrats plot. We have all the time in the world. Even if it takes another 100 years. It is their resources that are being wasted. Russia, China, Iran and Pakistan are smiling as their enemy thinks it is playing smart.
Its politics. Biden knows that if the US leaves, and the taliban take over, it'll damage his credibility at home.

There's no money to be made in Afghanistan at this point. It's just US politics at this point, which is preventing a complete withdrawal.

There is plenty of money for defense companies and arms manufacturers to keep the troops.

Besides that, Afghanistan have trillions of $ worth minerals, stones and gems.
There is plenty of money for defense companies and arms manufacturers to keep the troops.

Besides that, Afghanistan have trillions of $ worth minerals, stones and gems.
Those minerals are practically in the control of China right now, as Chinese companies beat the US in signing contracts.

There is no money to be made for defence corps in Afghanistan. There is not enough US fighting troops to justify large scale military spending, especially with the US withdrawal right around the horizon.
How does this end then?
What does America have to gain from this perpetual war??
NATO invaded Afghanistan to have a base from where it could destabilize Pakistan, Central Asia, Russia and China.
They have spent a lot of effort doing this in the last 20 years, with successes and failures. The four years of Trump were a setback to NATO, but now with Biden in the White House, they are back. They will crash their economy doing so but NATO wants complete domination over any potential threat to the Imposter State of Israel. Russia and China are their big two enemies as they will not bend their knee to the unipolar model of International Relations. Pakistan is also a minor threat.
Those minerals are practically in the control of China right now, as Chinese companies beat the US in signing contracts.

There is no money to be made for defence corps in Afghanistan. There is not enough US fighting troops to justify large scale military spending, especially with the US withdrawal right around the horizon.

Caspian report/Shirvan from Azerbaijan thinks the US may justify staying to extract the trillions in minerals, especially after the US is experiencing a rare earth mineral supply slowdown from China. The recent souring of relations with the Russians, the only route to get the minerals out would be Pakistan. (The only other routes are controlled by the Iranians directly or the Russians indirectly; Turkmenistan)

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Pakistan should charge an arm and a leg for the supply routes, make the cost of
war go up.
Caspian report/Shirvan from Azerbaijan thinks the US may justify staying to extract the trillions in minerals, especially after the US is experiencing a rare earth mineral supply slowdown from China. The recent souring of relations with the Russians, the only route to get the minerals out would be Pakistan. (The only other routes are controlled by the Iranians directly or the Russians indirectly; Turkmenistan)

I like CaspianReport, and he and you are both entitled to your opinions. HOWEVER, the mineral wealth in Afghanistan is already difficult enough to exploit, you can ask the Chinese that, the Americans simply don't have any means of exploiting that wealth. If they did, they would have done it more than a decade ago when they found the minerals in the first place.
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I like CaspianReport, and he and you are both entitled to your options. HOWEVER, the mineral wealth in Afghanistan is already difficult enough to exploit, you can ask the Chinese that, the Americans simply don't have any means of exploiting that wealth. If they did, they would have done it more than a decade ago when they found the minerals in the first place.

That’s true. It seems more and more like a wild goose chase, consider all these decades the superpowers have been in Afghanistan.
Has the US ever left a country it's militarily occupied? Serious question.
Caspian report/Shirvan from Azerbaijan thinks the US may justify staying to extract the trillions in minerals, especially after the US is experiencing a rare earth mineral supply slowdown from China. The recent souring of relations with the Russians, the only route to get the minerals out would be Pakistan. (The only other routes are controlled by the Iranians directly or the Russians indirectly; Turkmenistan)

US has spent $6.4 trillion on wars since 2001. The supposed $3 trillion mineral wealth in Afghanistan does not even begin to cover the costs of US wars. This has been never about the mineral wealth.
Pentagon won't commit to Afghanistan troop withdrawal by May, says Taliban are not honoring commitments to US


america should not leave afghans on mercy of taliban , their last regime attracted all types of islamic militants like al qayada in afghanistan.
The USA is writing her own death warrant.....

"We were fighting against God" - Winston Churchill following the debacle at Gallipoli

biden is not churchill.
with afghan war in its final phase and INdia being of much more strategic value to US, Pakistan's importance to US has obviously gone down in general.

I am hearing this since mid 2000's, War in Afghanistan will never end because US is stuck to be honest, if they leave, Taliban will take over and it will be a official US defeat, and US can not have it as a Super Power it will be embarrassing for them, if they stay they have pour in money and lives of US citizens in a senseless and endless war, US has a huge ego problem which is understandable for them because they are Super Power, but war in Afghanistan has no end in sight specially how Americans are collaborating with India and not people who can actually make a difference on ground hint ( Islamabad ) .
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