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Pashtuns and Kashmiris: Similarities between brothers

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Socioeconomic Statistics & Demographics : Asian-Nation :: Asian American History, Demographics, & Issues
Here is more info. This is clearly a little outdated, so Indians now even have higher education rates compared to other groups now. But as you can see, even as far back as the 90s, Indians were doing much better than any other demographic.

And then there is this chart again for the UK.

Sorry, guys, we both are the true heirs to both Harappa and Vedic Civilization, and we outperform you everywhere we live or go.

You are avoiding my question, did your parents migrate from Punjab after 1947?

I know there is a obscure Buddhist source which claims Chanakaya from Taxila

There are another source which says he was from Mianwali, basically there is very little doubt about Chanakya being from Pakistan.
Harrapan civilization is non Hindu, Vedic civilization which came after the IVC was the precursor to modern day Hinduism. Timeline alone attests to such things and you know this already idiot.

I do agree that Pakistanis need to claim the Vedic period as well proudly since it began in modern day Punjab Pakistan before spreading eastward and this is already starting to happen.

Fake history comes from Bhartis such as yourself.
Read what I said:
The people you see in Pakistan today, and even some Punjabi groups like Jats settled thousands of years after the Indo-Aryans. India has seen many waves of migration, with those from Muslim backgrounds being the least like the Vedic Indians and Harappans (who were Dravidian, by the way). The other evidence is obviously caste and religious groupings.
Indus Valley Civilization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Read about the timings of various migrations absorbed by the Indian subcontinent and you'll see Muslims are recent immigrants with very few genetic ties to India's cultural and philosophical progenitors. Pakistanis have with more in relation to Central Asians than either Harappans or Vedic Indians.

I'm sorry, bro. The facts and historical scholarship speak for themselves. You have a culture and heritage too, but it came from Turkey and other parts of Central Asia, whereas Indians are the true sons of the soil.
You are avoiding my question, did your parents migrate from Punjab after 1947?

There are another source which says he was from Mianwali, basically there is very little doubt about Chanakya being from Pakistan.
What do you mean? I was born in Chandigarh, came here for school. My mothers side did indeed have some family living in Lahore before the partition, but they were from Jalandhar and Chandigarh.
Because you believe its non-Hindu, so can claim it. :lol::lol: Your fake history is of no use, all culture from Gandhara to Dravida east of Indus our Indian civilization, your word of wisdom distribution is useless piece of crap. :laugh:

Seriously why are you not revealing your identity,

@KingMamba @DESERT FIGHTER guys we have another identify crisis here :rofl:
Read what I said:
The people you see in Pakistan today, and even some Punjabi groups like Jats settled thousands of years after the Indo-Aryans. India has seen many waves of migration, with those from Muslim backgrounds being the least like the Vedic Indians and Harappans (who were Dravidian, by the way). The other evidence is obviously caste and religious groupings.
Indus Valley Civilization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Read about the timings of various migrations absorbed by the Indian subcontinent and you'll see Muslims are recent immigrants with very few genetic ties to India's cultural and philosophical progenitors. Pakistanis have with more in relation to Central Asians than either Harappans or Vedic Indians.

I'm sorry, bro. The facts and historical scholarship speak for themselves. You have a culture and heritage too, but it came from Turkey and other parts of Central Asia, whereas Indians are the true sons of the soil.

Harrapans were not Dravidian that is just one theory not accepted by any scholar outside of South India lol nor were Vedics. You are right that the subcontinent has seen many migrations but the locals were never uprooted in any of them the outsiders only settled and then married amongst them. There is no record of a mass slaughter of locals or locals all running down South. What you mean by genetics, genetics has already shown that while many groups in South Asia do have foreign descent there is not one group that can say they have no local ancestors in their genealogy. Pakistan's culture is a hybrid of South Asian, Central Asian, and Middle eastern culture which gives it one of the most culturally diffused cultures in the world but its heritage is as local as it gets and you Indians need to just get over it.

Nonsensical bakwas like Pakistanis do not follow Hindu customs therefore they lose their history to India is as absurd as saying Greeks cannot claim ancient Greek heritage since they are no longer pagan or Italians cannot claim Roman heritage or Egyptians the Nile River civilization or the Iraqis their Sumerian heritage anybody outside of India would laugh at such a notion.
Harrapan civilization is non Hindu, Vedic civilization which came after the IVC was the precursor to modern day Hinduism. Timeline alone attests to such things and you know this already idiot.

I do agree that Pakistanis need to claim the Vedic period as well proudly since it began in modern day Punjab Pakistan before spreading eastward and this is already starting to happen.

Fake history comes from Bhartis such as yourself.

Yes, the Pakistanis who can't even pronounce and write the word Sanskrit properly. There is new trend in Pakistan to claim claim Indus Valley and Gandhara because they believe it was non-Hindu because of the rabid hatred for Hindus in Pakistan. You claim anything or fabricate history to any extent, everything East of Indus from Gandhara to Dravida is mentioned as Indian civilization in our ancient books, you are nobody to change that historical narrative. ;) ;)
Indeed but Greek and Chinese sources say Pataliputra. Either way Chanakaya could very well have been from Punjab but almost all sources say that Chandragupta was from Pataliputra or surrounding areas.

This I agree Chanakya was probably ancient Punjabi but Chandragupta was probably from somewhere in Northern India.
Seriously why are you not revealing your identity,

@KingMamba @DESERT FIGHTER guys we have another identify crisis here :rofl:

Oh you can't speak basic Punjabi. :omghaha::omghaha: @he-man iska dubara test le. :rofl::rofl:

This I agree Chanakya was probably ancient Punjabi but Chandragupta was probably from somewhere in Northern India.

That Chanakya liberated your land and your ancestors from Greeks and you turned him a most hated villain in Pakistan. :girl_wacko::girl_wacko::girl_wacko:
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