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Panjshair Based Indian Puppets Itching for Trouble

Gulbadin Hikmatyar was seen in Reconciliation Council video. That trio wants a share in new administration too. They should get it because of their influence and importance for stability and peace of Afghanistan. Gulbadin won't pose any problem if he gets his share.
The Panjshairis are masters of Guerilla tactics, reports of attacks in Parwan have emerged. The supply routes from Kabul to the North pass through the dreaded Salang Tunnel, these areas are still not in Taliban hands.

An air tight (especially air corridor tight) blockade of the Panjshir with a lot of the captured weapons organized to prevent a breakout might hold the line for negotiations to take place. If not preventing supplies maybe the only way.

not the time to take any chances, if there is a remote possibility this maybe true. Foreign funding can boost them quickly. Not the time to assume peaceful co-existence has been negotiated out.

It would be prudent to have the PAF fly 24 hour sorties of its AWACS (probably between Peshawar and Chitral) and ELINT/SIGINT planes, for at least the next month, to keep an eye on the air movements in an around Kabul, Panjgur and northern Afghanistan. There maybe a possibility that the Panjshiris might get resupplied by airdrops and a supply of aircraft and other weapons before the end of august. Knowing what’s happening will prevent surprises that can grow into a civil war. Is this is also why, as part of good mutual relations with Turkey, people like Dostum (and other former northern alliance leaders under Turkish influence) should be taken back to Turkey so they don’t become spoilers.

we need to prevent a potential Indian base from forming. Re-enforcing the north will be prudent for the new government, before any instability forms there.
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His still talking shit about Pakistan this Amrullah Saleh guy.. He was also lobbying for Pakistan to get nuked for the last 2 decades none stop he attended all sorts of political forums to bring the worlds attention to the dangers from Pakistan according to him..

I don't understand how his not declared a terrorist by the Pakistani state and a better chance to capture this fool has not come than right now.. The people of Panjshir don't want to fight but he wants to poison the mind of Shah Massouds inexperience son and lead him to his quick demise. THey are landlocked completely there is no way out of here and pissing Pakistan off on top of that makes things to come to a conclusion within days
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Unless Americans have an unlikely change of heart and start getting deeply involved in Afghanistan again, I see no major threat from the Panjshiris at this point. I mean they are surrounded and this time there is no Russia and Iran to support them. India is not even a minor player in Afghanistan right now! I just wonder why Ahmad Shah Massoud's son would allow non-entity like A. Saleh to ruin Panjshir. Makes no sense.

BUT... if there is even a slight chance for some kind of 'base' of resistance in Panjshir then the Taliban should go after them and destroy and get Pakistan's covert help if needed. Nip in the bid, if necessary. Otherwise, in addition to hunting down ISIS and any left-over former Kabul Regime loyalists and placating militias along with governing a country which has lost its almost ALL income (the US $$), Taliban would also have to contend with an insurgency which would claim to be 'the legitimate' govt of Afghanistan.
Unless Americans have an unlikely change of heart and start getting deeply involved in Afghanistan again, I see no major threat from the Panjshiris at this point. I mean they are surrounded and this time there is no Russia and Iran to support them. India is not even a minor player in Afghanistan right now! I just wonder why Ahmad Shah Massoud's son would allow non-entity like A. Saleh to ruin Panjshir. Makes no sense.

BUT... if there is even a slight chance for some kind of 'base' of resistance in Panjshir then the Taliban should go after them and destroy and get Pakistan's covert help if needed. Nip in the bid, if necessary. Otherwise, in addition to hunting down ISIS and any left-over former Kabul Regime loyalists and placating militias along with governing a country which has lost its almost ALL income (the US $$), Taliban would also have to contend with an insurgency which would claim to be 'the legitimate' govt of Afghanistan.
I believe Pakistan is waiting for the official recognition of students' govt. from the regional powers. Once that is done then it's game over for any resistance.
I believe Pakistan is waiting for the official recognition of students' govt. from the regional powers. Once that is done then it's game over for any resistance.

Official recognition? By who? The global community? If so then not coming soon.

The game should be over for Saleh-- IF there is a game-- regardless of recognition.
patience my countrymen..... we have waited so long for this moment, now don't throw away the prize... Inclusive government is good as long as taliban occupies the immportant position....rest of the pie can be fed to the dogs so that they can be loyal. But government needs to be announced with in days now !
Recognition would come we should wait for proper government setup. Taliban are also interested with unity government type of setup.

Few weeks ago they had the whole Afghanistan along with 400k troops and American supplied weaponry. They lost it within a few weeks.

I don't see how they can do anything of serious consequence now that they've lost most ofthe territory and military as well as the resources. They are also surrounded by Taliban controlled territory.
The entire NA is sitting in Pakistan, there's nothing happening out of Panjshir. Propaganda.
The entire NA is sitting in Pakistan, there's nothing happening out of Panjshir. Propaganda.

perhaps, but elements of the old regime are trying to reassert themselves. Hence the need to secure the northern and north eastern cities more throughly, lest there be a break out and a formation of. New northern alliance.

this is why having Karzai and Abdullah Abdullah in a future government (in some capacity) is potential at important. It will have international but potentially more importantly domestic value. Also having one of the Masood brother support the new government may prevent a new Northern Alliance forming.

Addressing the Politics and moving quickly to address these “uprisings” (in a non-violent manner) is vital to stability and a chance for a stable unity government.
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Lol he rejected Ghani call to fight against talibans earlier this year infact he and ahmed Shah masood brother both were in Pakistan couple of months back. P. S ahmad shah masood bro is in Islamabad again.
Smarty we all know he refused to fight Taliban but if he wants to fight he can cause real trouble for Taliban. He is a respected figure in afghan mujhaideen and has a vast mujhaideen network in afghanistan.
Other than gulbadin NA and massoud son can't do zilch to taliban.
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