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Pakistan to celebrate ‘Surprise Day’ on Feb 27

Abrogation of Article 370 was part of BJP Election Manifesto for years and that just didn't happen post Operation Swift Retort. They already raised the bar by crossing LoC and had it been no response as such; we would be witnessing a demoralized nation at home with so much anger within Armed Forces for cowardly decision. As we responded the statement is made that why did we give so much to them. Conclusively, we are coward if we don't and we gave them a lot against us because we did...

In reality, we responded as per threat assessment & level on that day while the tactics & strategies keeps changing & raising level on every other day. If they have learnt so much of that, would have been responding as of yet. And if wer didn't calculate the threat further down the road, wouldn't be making any bold steps as such. India made a move in IoK so that hot headed clueless leader may fall for it immediately and charge in offensive which will ultimately make us offender/violator having all the odds against us. Wasn't that a perfect opportunity to the world so-called police to turn everything against us? We are lucky that strategic decisions aren't made like that. We achieved a lot on that day, slapped them well so they will think hundreds of times before next violation and so we told the world that don't expect anything less from us.

Indians had no intention of raising the bar after they had achieved their goal. Six months down the road they take charge of Kashmir and annex it.

So much for small victories.

We should avoid bragging too much on 27/2 ....will someone ever explain from forces ...how did they cross in formation or why didn't our ADS work....leave PAF CAP aside.
I'm waiting for the day when some will burst their brains with claims that Pakistan should be written as Paqistan.
The parade Ground Islamabad should have 3 monuments

1. Surprise day Monument
2. Monument for those martyrs civilians which lost their lives in war against Terror
3. Monument for those martyrs armed forces personnel which lost their lives in war against terror.
We should avoid bragging too much on 27/2 ....will someone ever explain from forces ...how did they cross in formation or why didn't our ADS work....leave PAF CAP aside.
Hi, that's not how AD network works, think of it like that, your airspace is divided into various three commands, northern, central and southern and then there's the air defence command, each command is subdivided into various sectors with their own sensors and offensive weapons, all the data from your airborne assets and ground based sensors is being studied in near real time, when an incursion is detected, the air defence command prioritizes it and assigns it to nearest asset be it a sam site or a flight of interceptors whichever is near,
The thing that made Indians hightail weren't fighters, it was the fact that they had been painted by one of the many radars in our air defence network and were being tracked.
One more thing a radar track/lock from the enemy is enough to make anyone lose their nerves.
Abrogation of Article 370 was part of BJP Election Manifesto for years and that just didn't happen post Operation Swift Retort. They already raised the bar by crossing LoC and had it been no response as such; we would be witnessing a demoralized nation at home with so much anger within Armed Forces for cowardly decision. As we responded the statement is made that why did we give so much to them. Conclusively, we are coward if we don't and we gave them a lot against us because we did...

In reality, we responded as per threat assessment & level on that day while the tactics & strategies keeps changing & raising level on every other day. If they have learnt so much of that, would have been responding as of yet. And if wer didn't calculate the threat further down the road, wouldn't be making any bold steps as such. India made a move in IoK so that hot headed clueless leader may fall for it immediately and charge in offensive which will ultimately make us offender/violator having all the odds against us. Wasn't that a perfect opportunity to the world so-called police to turn everything against us? We are lucky that strategic decisions aren't made like that. We achieved a lot on that day, slapped them well so they will think hundreds of times before next violation and so we told the world that don't expect anything less from us.


You are a manager on this board---. raise your thinking---raise your expectations---.

And get out of this "SLAP" mentality---.

They have killed thousands in IOK---raped countless women and girls---and you are strutting around with a slap---.

Excuse of cowards is---Ib Kay Aaa---.

The world hates the indians---they are thugs---they are criminals---they are smug---. The world was happy that we struck down their aircraft---USAF was happy we struck down their aircraft---.

The thing is that there are kids like you who are clueless how to use the situation to your advantage and manipulate the foreign public.

These indians have stolen million and millions from from older americans and older europeans over phone fraud---the world hates the indians---.

See---people with your fearful mindset also become the commanders and generals---and thus make these decisions---.

Abrogation of Article 370 was part of BJP Election Manifesto for years and that just didn't happen post Operation Swift Retort.


What a callous comment---. This action is called " testing the waters " before striking to see where the enemy stands---.

And you are a moderator of the largest defence forum of the world----.
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Indians had no intention of raising the bar after they had achieved their goal. Six months down the road they take charge of Kashmir and annex it.

So much for small victories.
that bit I agreed that they managed to sneak in and bomb some trees and returned without any problem

the Kashmir was already under their occupation they annexed it by defeating the Kashmiri population after the diplomatic support they received form our "brothers" in Hijaz
Hi, that's not how AD network works, think of it like that, your airspace is divided into various three commands, northern, central and southern and then there's the air defence command, each command is subdivided into various sectors with their own sensors and offensive weapons, all the data from your airborne assets and ground based sensors is being studied in near real time, when an incursion is detected, the air defence command prioritizes it and assigns it to nearest asset be it a sam site or a flight of interceptors whichever is near,
The thing that made Indians hightail weren't fighters, it was the fact that they had been painted by one of the many radars in our air defence network and were being tracked.
One more thing a radar track/lock from the enemy is enough to make anyone lose their nerves.

I apologise for the following question because I’m not expert in the field of radars.

Does it mean that the Indians know our radar’s war time frequencies now ? Because you said “painted” and “tracked” so I understand it as radars being in war mode if such peace/war time mods exists.

Thanks for enlightening me.
An India, that was willing to use surface to surface missiles on Day 1, would have used them turning Feb 27 events down into a spiral with no off ramps.

Unless you want a total sub conventional Indo-Pak war, the off ramp given by PAF was only logical given there was no loss of life at Pakistan’s side. And the other side took it. And backed off.

Pakistan’s economy could barely withstand this skirmish, now imagine a to-fro between PAF-IAF for SOW against each other’s airbases. Because that’s what India had planned. Strikes against all F-16 airbases in Pakistan. And keep in mind, that neither Pakistan, nor India has technical means available to distinguish a conventional from a unconventional missile strike, at the time of weapon being fired. And a very small mistake, can and will turn it into a sub conventional war.

I don’t know about how much you guys know about war, but it’d have sunk the economy and it’s already reeling.

The other side knows that they cannot operate like Chaudharies of South Asian skies, and that’s good enough for now.

I absolutely despise how they’ve made a show out of Feb 27, and somehow drilled into people’s minds that Indians will always lose. There’s no written rule, to it. If anything needs commemoration, it’s resolve of all three forces to react to foreign aggression, alongside the civilian body. Nothing more.
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I apologise for the following question because I’m not expert in the field of radars.

Does it mean that the Indians know our radar’s war time frequencies now ? Because you said “painted” and “tracked” so I understand it as radars being in war mode if such peace/war time mods exists.

Thanks for enlightening me.
it doesn't mean anything
their jets were jammed so we can rule out that Indians used this fight to paint our radar frequencies and locations.

their locations can be changed and as their search mode can be adapted as well. if Indians learnt few things about us then we also did the same about their capabilities. they shot down their own helicopter and turned around when their jets started falling.


You are a manager on this board---. raise your thinking---raise your expectations---.

And get out of this "SLAP" mentality---.

They have killed thousands in IOK---raped countless women and girls---and you are strutting around with a slap---.

Excuse of cowards is---Ib Kay Aaa---.

The world hates the indians---they are thugs---they are criminals---they are smug---. The world was happy that we struck down their aircraft---USAF was happy we struck down their aircraft---.

The thing is that there are kids like you who are clueless how to use the situation to your advantage and manipulate the foreign public.

These indians have stolen million and millions from from older americans and older europeans over phone fraud---the world hates the indians---.

See---people with your fearful mindset also become the commanders and generals---and thus make these decisions---.


What a callous comment---. This action is called " testing the waters " before striking to see where the enemy stands---.

And you are a moderator of the largest defence forum of the world----.

How did he get this job---@WebMaster----?
thats an emotional post. we should've gone to war over Indian annexation but were we as nation prepared?
I dont know.
it is debatable how much more we could've used the situation to our advantage. ok we could've downed their entire squadron they would've sucked it up or planned another raid and lost more jets then some trade of cruise missiles but I wonder .. doing all this was going to stop them from annexation of Kashmir? there is nothing short of full blown war leading to maybe nuclear stand off over Kashmir and I cant answer if we will be ever prepared for that or not?

I also rant some times saying that let it be full blown war with cities bombed and people killed and jets shot down right up to nuclear war but I am not a commander.

but our Muslim friends showed where they stood by showering Modi with national awards and receptions.
I apologise for the following question because I’m not expert in the field of radars.

Does it mean that the Indians know our radar’s war time frequencies now ? Because you said “painted” and “tracked” so I understand it as radars being in war mode if such peace/war time mods exists.

Thanks for enlightening me.

The whole air defense network was on high alert if you remember correctly, India had been threatening us for quite sometime, furthermore the radars operate in a spectrum, furthermore they would already know the locations of our radars, it's no big deal, those individual frequencies can be tweaked afaik.
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