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Pakistan To Be Out of FATF Greylist

Shabaz was right, Beggers can't be choosers. What a great moto šŸ˜„

I agree. We need deep security, military, economy relations with China, Russia, Turkey, Iran, Middleeast, Africa, ASEAN, Central Asia. This doesn't mean be anti west but our deep cooperation should be with our allies who will treat us with respect and not those who think of us as beggers.

Pakistan army officers should be banned for training in the USA and other nations, they probably party all night with hookers and get addicted to the west. This is why they think of them as masters.
The only way to go is maintain independence with friendship with all. Remember China is there because we serve a purpose for it. The moment the aims are achieved China will be no different to the US. Therefore mutually agreed goals are the best goals. Maintain independence and national integrity friendship with all and ability to deal with anyone based on national interests of Pakistan. This way if you need to buy from or sell to Russia you do so while carrying on trading with China or the US. The door to independence is in financial and moral strength. Ik is right in that WE ALONE are the masters of our destiny.
Yup no IMF program in sight, no Russian oil, No loans from allies - even roll overs are not confirmed, No FATF. Nothing. Just loss of PKR rate, and loss of any little left self respect as a state.

Seriously who are these donkeys in charge. Why lick Usa boots after what they done to Pakistan for decades. We should have made the Iran Pak gas pipeline, and extended it to China, Cpec, Gwadar should have been ready by now, Dams should have been ready before the electricity crises which cost us billions, I am sure Pakistan deserts in Sindh/Balochistan must have oil/gas but beggers wouldn't dare to drill. Its like we have no self respect and honour.
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Seriously who are these donkeys in charge. Why lick Usa boots after what they done to Pakistan for decades. We should have made the Iran Pak gas pipeline, and extended it to China, Cpec, Gwadar should have been ready by now, Dams should have been ready before the electricity crises which cost us billions, I am sure Pakistan deserts in Sindh/Balochistan must have oil/gas but beggers wouldn't dare to drill. Its like we have no self respect and honour.
You cannot do that as it would have invited UN backed sanctions. However central asia and Russia are OK FOR gas and oil
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Tbh though as long as they're squeezing us to prevent money laundering and terror financing its a good thing. Pakistani are the biggest victims of these loopholes.

As a dual national I disagree.

People like us moved for economic opportunities not because of Papa John franchises ans retirement islands.

Dual nationals should be banned from any govt roles, including those with dual national partners, parents or siblings.

As long as I have a bridge abroad - I should not be allowed a say in govt.
Even countries such as Japan and China don't do dual nationality.
Can someone actually breakdown what they want us to do, and what Pakistan is not doing; and maybe compare it to some other countries?

if we completed 39 of the 40 required reforms then how are we still on the greylist? The greylist is for those who are non-cooperative or have a high number of harmful practices. Countries like Russia, Switzerland, India and Saudi, are hubs for money laundering yet there is zero threat of them entering the greylist?
Can someone actually breakdown what they want us to do, and what Pakistan is not doing; and maybe compare it to some other countries?

if we completed 39 of the 40 required reforms then how are we still on the greylist? The greylist is for those who are non-cooperative or have a high number of harmful practices. Countries like Russia, Switzerland, India and Saudi, are hubs for money laundering yet there is zero threat of them entering the greylist?

Pakistani laws allow transfering money using unofficial channels.
You cannot do that as it would havd invited UN backed sanctions. However central asia and Russia are OK FOR gas and oil

But aren't China, Turkey and India buying oil and gas?
Do takay ki izat nahi rahe is Bajway and tabar establishment ki na bahir na andar lol subha dupehar shaam zaleel hutay hain dawai ki tarhan apni he young generation se lol

Pakistani laws allow transfering money using unofficial channels.

It says in this article that Pakistan is technically compliant, but the effectiveness is limited which is why it is considered non-compliant. How is the effectiveness determined?

Or is it a case of formalising the black economy, and then most transactions will be considered compliant?
Shabaz was right, Beggers can't be choosers. What a great moto šŸ˜„

I agree. We need deep security, military, economy relations with China, Russia, Turkey, Iran, Middleeast, Africa, ASEAN, Central Asia. This doesn't mean be anti west but our deep cooperation should be with our allies who will treat us with respect and not those who think of us as beggers.

Pakistan army officers should be banned for training in the USA and other nations, they probably party all night with hookers and get addicted to the west. This is why they think of them as masters.
Even a country like Japan forbids dual nationality. Saudi Arabia forbids dual nationality.

We too should do the same. Pakistan First.
Another wonderful success for the imported $hit.
If you were going to sell yourselves at least do so for more than a all year season pass at Disney World.

I seriously believe they were brought in to do the bidding of the international Western NATO imperialist... Top disarm the city of its Mike and forever compromise on the Kashmir cause.

So far the plan is unfolding as planned.
Take a bigger view here.

Regime change operation entails multi phases.

Phase 1 - overthrow the regime on VNC pretext (lettergate), for this a grant of 200m dollar or so was provided.

Phase 2 - is to consolidate to make sure the imported government game the system so that PTI never comes back. The carrot will be US ambassador assigned to Pakistan and a couple of million $$$.

Phase 3 - Once elections are announced and PDM wins elections then some peanuts like FATF etc will be thrown but making sure Pakistan continues to leech off the West.

Hope you guys get the gist.
Take a bigger view here.

Regime change operation entails multi phases.

Phase 1 - overthrow the regime on VNC pretext (lettergate), for this a grant of 200m dollar or so was provided.

Phase 2 - is to consolidate to make sure the imported government game the system so that PTI never comes back. The carrot will be US ambassador assigned to Pakistan and a couple of million $$$.

Phase 3 - Once elections are announced and PDM wins elections then some peanuts like FATF etc will be thrown but making sure Pakistan continues to leech off the West.

Hope you guys get the gist.
Only phase 3 left my bro
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