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Pakistan rumored to be interested in additional RJAF F-16s

I will ask Elon Musk to ban the account of that guy who tweets a news on the basis of "some" sources and as for you who quotes that joker.
you should promise not to make threads again based on unconfirmed tweets by Chawal chusni from Mian Chanu.

Half of the Twitter user base will be gone with that switch flip. Lol
Meh, im not sure that has much to do with this. It's less keeping Pakistan in its corner and more throwing bone to military because it backed US position on Ukraine over its civilian govt. And to stick a finger in India's eye because it didnt.
Are you a sheep now---.

I talked about this for a decade now---J-10's came in---within months the US govt overthrows pak govt---F16 is back on the sales block---and all you can do is BLEAT---.
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Are a sheep now---.

I talked about this for a decade now---J-10's came in---within months the US govt overthrows pak govt---F16 is back on the sales block---and all you can do is BLEAT---.
Firstly i am no sheep, and dont think im one of these dudoos that gives a shit about other people's opinions of me (including you though I have always shown you respect). I call it like I see it. The US has little to no real use for Pakistan at this moment. As such, weather Pakistan operates J-10 or not is really irrelevant. The US makes zero money on this deal given the money would go to jordan. 2 extra squadrons doesnt make Pakistan any more or less under the US thumb or influence. The US known for punishing and snubbing people for doing things they dont like. Like India who didn't fall in line over Russia/Ukraine. With respect to Pakistan, its not as important to US outside of Afghanistan as Pakistani like to think.
Of course. Expecting equality is a fool's errand, given the vast differences between each country, with the further understanding that nothing remains static forever in international geopolitics.
True that!. Shah Jee at his diplomatic best!! We are all equals except some are more equal than others!!!
To be honest and fair we ourselves are responsible for our own predicament in this troubled relationship and this should be accepted by all and sundry.
However, enough of side tracking and on to the main issue.
Does the Turkish upgrade use US components, or do you mean the tampering with F-16s?
From what I recall, and correct me if I'm wrong, the early blocks we have aren't restricted or require the US to unlock the system.
My understanding is that ANY modification to the specs/systems of a platform needs the consent of the OEM. Turkiye has this consent for its own systems but not to export it to others. Neither do the US like you so much that they will grant your request even if you were to make it( I see no indication of one having been made by the PAF). Looking at it logically these upgrades mean 30-40 million dollars per platform. 75 platforms plus a possible 30 to 40 more needing upgrade is a lot of money. Why would the US pass this opportunity and let Turkiye gain from it? Is it of any benefit for the US considering they are now firmly allied with India?. A few tidbits aside US will not give you anything of any value to safeguard its own interests.
True that!. Shah Jee at his diplomatic best!! We are all equals except some are more equal than others!!!
To be honest and fair we ourselves are responsible for our own predicament in this troubled relationship and this should be accepted by all and sundry.
However, enough of side tracking and on to the main issue.

On to the main issue then: Pakistan can always get whatever it wants, including F16s, or anything else, as long as it can be shown that there is an alignment of national interests that can be served best by such support. Just as everyone is equal, but some are more equal than others, as you said, serving national interests is the best way to achieve something, as always is true in international geopolitics.
Pakistan should also seek US permission for integration of either A-darter or AIM-132 ASRAAM onto existing F-16s having JHMCS HMDS.
India has mirage 2k, mki’s, mig 21 and mig 29’s still flying. Surely MLU F-16’s are far more capable than all those jets in IAF.
Our adversary only has 36 4.5 gen Rafales in their Air Force while everything else is 4th gen or less. So even if it’s obsolete (which it isn’t), it’s still more than capable enough to give our enemy nightmares.
Exactly, and the PAF can add certain F-16 variants (e.g., the A/Bs and the Block-25/32/42/52) without any additional investment. The pursuit of used F-16s is about shoring up numbers as quickly as possible. Moreover, when we start considering the F-16 our most 'obsolete' jet, then we're in good shape.
prepare for disappointment
Kinda gotten used to it. Mastered it to a certain extent.

If the PAF Leadership believe that the Viper is the way - than who are we to question them.

I don't want to get too much into the matter or there are those Members who just want to get into an argument 'cause they've got nothing better to do (in life).

The perfect response came from @SQ8 on a another Thread linked to this Topic...
Its a “damned if you do, damned if you don’t “ - most objection to the F-16 comes from people with zero knowledge of aircraft operations , zero concept of lifecycle costs, zero concept of PAF resources in training and all stems from the hatred of the US role alleged in removal of PTI.

And their only reply - the only one they can present like a broken tape record is to go off on rhetorical tirades with repeated words “Bajwa, GHQ, cowards” and accusations.
They would rather kill me and feel empowered “men” and happy than actually have the guts to do anything about changing the factors that lead to the political events and establishment malaise.

So, basically - I think its better to let the PAF do what it is doing and simply not bother.
Sure J-10's are great too - but each one costs a pretty penny & those PL-15's don't come cheap either. Just 'cause we label China as a 'Pal' doesn't mean they're gonna hand out candies.

Norway, earlier this year sold 32 of its (MLU'ed) Vipers to Romania for US $473 Million.

$473 ÷ 32 = $14.7 (per Jet)

So, how much are those J-10's for again & do we have the budget to finance 'em?

Biden administration approves $4.2B F-16 sale to Jordan​

By Stephen Losey

Jordan wants to buy as many as 12 F-16C and four F-16D fighters, all Block 70s, as well as 21 F100 engines, either made by General Electric or Pratt & Whitney, five of which would be spare engines. Lockheed Martin in Greenville, South Carolina, will be the principal contractor for this sale.

The arms package would also include numerous weapons and systems to arm the fighters, such as six AN/AAQ-33 Sniper Advanced Targeting Pods, 72 LAU-129 missile rail launchers, 21 M61A1 Vulcan cannons, 100 KMU-556 Joint Direct Attack Munition tail kits for 2,000-pound GBU-31 bombs, 102 KMU-572 JDAM tail kits for 500-pound laser JDAM GBU-54 bombs, 200 MK-84 or BLU-117 or equivalent bomb bodies, 204 MK-82 or BLU-111 or equivalent bomb bodies, ammunition, smoke flares and flare cartridges.

“Likely cost is one notable reason Jordan is purchasing only eight; the Block 70 costs around $63 million per unit, and eight of these planes are already around a quarter of its $2 billion 2019 defense budget,” he told Breaking Defense.
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F-16 is not a way forward as it is an Obsolete technology the world has moved on to better platforms getting more A/B model is not any kind of enhancement

After Elections new Government Under Honorable Imran Khan will decide if the focus should be on Flood Releif and reconstruction effort in Pakistan or purchasing old obsolete F16

We already have 500 planes so they focus should be on Flood reconstruction for next few years after new government is formed

2022 Inshallah new government formed (Our National Priority)
2023 Economy/Reconstruction effort/Human Rights Reforms (Our National Priority)
2024 Economy/Reconstruction effort/Human Rights Reforms (Our National Priority)

2025 we discuss F16 , F22 or J10C
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F-16 is not a way forward as it is an Obsolete technology the world has moved on to better platforms getting more A/B model is not any kind of enhancement
My good man, the B-52 (Stratofortress) & the U-2 (Dragon Lady) are "Obsolete" tech too. Has that stopped the US from using them?

Scratch that... The US is still using F-16 Block 30's that are no different to our Vipers. As I mentioned earlier, Romania - a NATO Member, just recently bought used Vipers from Norway.

So please, if you're going to make an argument, make one that is based on fact & not your displeasure towards the US. Don't blame a jet that has been the sole back backbone of your Air Force for the past 4 Decades & can still hold its own.

Case In Point: 27th Feb., 2019

Though there is no comparison between the Block 15 & the up coming Block 70, but care to search articles or videos on Pakistan's F-16's from our good neighbor. I don't recall India kicking, bitching& moaning over the induction of the J-10's earlier this year.

But just the thought about us getting maintenance (not upgrades), and they started to blow rainbows from their @$$.

Its the Fear of the Vipers that has installed fear in the heart of the Enemy - something that won't go away, even with those shinny new Toys from France.

Finally, look at the state of our Nation. Politics has gone to Hell. The institution the people loved & respected the most has now become the most hated (for whatever reasons). Your Economy is Trash. You can't pump out JF-Thunders like soda cans from a factory, nor can you get J-10's from China with a simple 'I.O.U.' note.

We can't seem to replace our F-7's & Mirages fast enough with JF-Thunders & J-10's respectively, & yet THAT is what the demand is from certain Members.

The F-16 is a battle proven jet & if push comes to shove - its definitely the one i'd want in my corner.
Next Aquisition for Pakistan Airforce should be

> F22 Raptors (36 crafts )


> More J10C
> Chinese Stealth Planes

I think in 2025 once Honorable Imran Khan's government is formed, we can decide if country has enough funds to invest in weapons or should be focus on Reconstruction efforts

If we have 1 Billion Dollars in hand it is best to put it toward debt payment till 2025

There is lot of time till 2025

>We already have 150+ JF17-Block 2 Thunders
>We have just purchased J10C 16-30 planes
> On Top of 85 F16-C/D

If F22 Raptors are not on table then we can focus on our own JF17 Block III and J10-C Aquisition
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