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He's probably 5'7" and 60 kilos.

Most Pakistanis I've met are.

God knows where they get their bigger taller stronger airs from.

You are talking about a culture where all self-knowledge is based in stories passed on from one generation to another. Stories of conquest and glory by some martial race in the distant past, and then another story linking their ancestry to these races.

Having repeated these tales ad nauseum, of course their self image is of 6'3" 95 kilo quarterbacks. The earth shakes when they are on the warpath and their enemies hide in fear - that kind of nonsense.
He's probably 5'7" and 60 kilos.

Most Pakistanis I've met are.

God knows where they get their bigger taller stronger airs from.
The tallest state in India is Punjab. Take a guess why.
Bless your words, my Friend, Brother!

It is just disturbing to see this onslaught of uncontrolled hate and malice against Pak.

I am a student of Indus Valley Civilisation...and what goes even farther back. If your people only knew and embrace their Heritage...

I have no doubt about the People of Indus. Your Time has come now.

With all my heart I wish you very best in becoming who are meant to be.

Your wise words are truly comforting here.

Let my Pak Friends here at PDF see in your words, what you have made me Percieve.

I am reassured now.

Bless you and all Paks like you. Bless Pak!



Thank you for the warm and honest words. Just remember all Pakistanis are the same and take me as witness

Bless every Pakistani alike. There is no difference between different drops of the same body of water.

It is not hate or malice but just pure jealousy. English language can be very precise too.

Indus valley is a mirror image of the yellow river valley. Their future intertwined by design not to be explained by human analogies.

Why do you think that rest of the world confuses us so much? We look and act too much similar.

yeah like they consider all orientals to be the same . Then one might argue that the French germans britishers , slavs , polish, greeks --------- are all the same folks .

and going by pure Indian logic of race , do add Ethiopians and other Negroid Christian nations in the list coz they all share a common religion, also. :o:
Thank you for the warm and honest words. Just remember all Pakistanis are the same and take me as witness

Bless every Pakistani alike. There is no difference between different drops of the same body of water.

It is not hate or malice but just pure jealousy. English language can be very precise too.

Indus valley is a mirror image of the yellow river valley. Their future intertwined by design not to be explained by human analogies.

Yes, Bless all Pak Peoples!

Indeed, this connection of the Two Civilisations is a historic event. A synthesis will only emerge after good waters have passed through the Two Great Rivers.

Meta-material Dynamics do effect the material world.

We should continue showing Virtue and finish with single minded focus what has been agreed and designed.

Jealousy has its energy, it is a fact.

However, indifference and neglect of this intent can be a sheild.

CPEC is not just a road. Is it now?

Perhaps this is the cause of the burn... effect being jealousy.

We keep moving forward. Our Date is with Destiny. Nothing must distract us.
yeah like they consider all orientals to be the same . Then one might argue that the French germans britishers , slavs , polish, greeks --------- are all the same folks .

and going by pure Indian logic of race , do add Ethiopians and other Negroid Christian nations in the list coz they all share a common religion, also. :o:
This 'rest of the world' is ignorant Americans who see all the 'brown world' as the same. The types that recently killed an Indian couple from South India thinking them to be Iranian migrants in Kansas. By the same logic we may consider all Europeans to be the same, look same, act same etc.
The people who use this are the ones whose life revolves around what white people think of them, they have no self esteem and seek validation from Europeans and their view of them.
Yes, Bless all Pak Peoples!

Indeed, this connection of the Two Civilisations is a historic event. A synthesis will only emerge after good waters have passed through the Two Great Rivers.

Meta-material Dynamics do effect the material world.

We should continue showing Virtue and finish with single minded focus what has been agreed and designed.

Jealousy has its energy, it is a fact.

However, indifference and neglect of this intent can be a sheild.

CPEC is not just a road. Is it now?

Perhaps this is the cause of the burn... effect being jealousy.

We keep moving forward. Our Date is with Destiny. Nothing must distract us.

Cpec is not a trade corridor nor its a road. Cpec is the last chance for humans to realise history repeats itself. It is one of nature's defence mechanism.

Call it destiny in human analogy as it suits our understanding of this dimension in multi dimensional existence.
You are the one whining about Indian treachery. Fact is, the claim over Kashmir has been the defining feature of Pakistan's existence. And if all I had to show for 70 years of fighting was a bunch of college kids pelting stones, I would be extremely ashamed and re-assess my approach.

But what do I know? I am just a low IQ Bharati.

again low IQ comment, i am not whining, i am clearing the delusions and wet dreams you were having in this thread over a funny statement from Iranian MP.. i repeat it again, there is no trust between our states.

look at your history, Rajput, Jats fought 1000 years for independence, if they would be like you (low IQ person) they would have accepted slavery and you would still be slave of Mughal , are you ashamed of history of resistance? for independence let Kashmir fight for 100 years..

till then i agree we should re-asses our approach since we are dealing with terrorists who are happy with their atrocities, not hesitant to kill all Kashmiri people for piece of land. i hope we elect someone like Hafiz Saeed or Masood Azhar since they both are cleared from Pakistani courts (like Modi is clear from Hindu courts) for early justice or lets say final match.

now quote me in related thread, this thread is about Iran..
Cpec is not a trade corridor nor its a road. Cpec is the last chance for humans to realise history repeats itself. It is one of nature's defence mechanism.

Call it destiny in human analogy as it suits our understanding of this dimension in multi dimensional existence.

My very dear Pak Friend,

Surface reality. It shimmers in the morning light... and yet... from what...?
Is it worthy or is it not. Difficult.

For myself this truely is a fascinating occurance, this synthesis is.
The Nature's Defence Mechanism is profound and far reaching indeed.
Your keen sight shows you how it is.

When we detach ourselves from the illusions of daily madness and take a distant view of things... surface reality gives way to both the Above and the Below.

I say we need to study, in each and everything, the fundamental Telos... for herein lies true understanding.

On the way to this synthesis many disturbances shall occur... slipstreams of the great ship... many troublemakers will raisse their hollow noises, many an agent shall try their best... the ship is seaborne now!

What matters is the synthesis.

Cycle completes itself. Yet all cycles have a centre...however, minute, however, insignificant/invisible... its the Centre. It always is.

I have tried to make my Pak Friends aware of nature of things... it is a slow process.
Perhaps my voice is alien.

With you breaking the omerta... I feel strengthend. Thank you for this generosity!

again low IQ comment, i am not whining, i am clearing the delusions and wet dreams you were having in this thread over a funny statement from Iranian MP.. i repeat it again, there is no trust between our states.

look at your history, Rajput, Jats fought 1000 years for independence, if they would be like you (low IQ person) they would have accepted slavery and you would still be slave of Mughal , are you ashamed of history of resistance? for independence let Kashmir fight for 100 years..

till then i agree we should re-asses our approach since we are dealing with terrorists who are happy with their atrocities, not hesitant to kill all Kashmiri people for piece of land. i hope we elect someone like Hafiz Saeed or Masood Azhar since they both are cleared from Pakistani courts (like Modi is clear from Hindu courts) for early justice or lets say final match.

now quote me in related thread, this thread is about Iran..

Look, we are not the ones who are in this unique situation of border tensions with three different countries. If there is any trust issues, then it is on Pakistan's part to resolve. It seems everyone in the neighborhood dislikes you. Now you would obviously have us believe that everyone else is bad and you are otherwise, but how plausible is that?

As for your historical blather, save it. You are not the legatees of any historical empires, and neither are we. Stop making up stories to please yourself.

And as for IQ, only on PDF can a person who cannot even structure one correct sentence in English, does not even understand the basics of punctuation and grammar, accuse someone else of being low IQ. I suggest you take a crash course in English before commenting further. I recommend this book called Rapidex English Speaking Course - specifically meant for rural folk and housewives.
What the fcuk did I just read?

Cryptic mystical bambastic imaginative flowery hyporbole passes off as reason, logic, reasonableness and intelligence in the hope that all that gibberish will mask the white hot hatred of petty minds.

There is another member who periodically posts on this thread trying to sound like the voice of reason, except that his agenda is quite clear.

I am not specifically pointing him out because I usually have polite exchanges with him on other threads.:p:

I mean the delusion of grandeuer is splashed all over the forum but this is absolutely mind numbing weird. CPEC cures cancer would have been still OK.

Also note its almost like the same person using two different ids and having that conversation.

The sane part of me is, of course, concerned at how so many people have staked their entire future on one infrastructure corridor. However, there is a vile part that is actually quite enjoying it.

It is like the guy who never studies for exams and has full faith in the fact that he will sit behind the studious one during exam. Imagine his surprise...
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