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PA Aviation PUMA Heli Crash - UN Mission Congo

Yes. I just saw the thread.


It was not a crash but was enemy fire.

@waz can you merge these three threads


So does this change your pov now?
No it doesn’t. It simply changes the cause of the crash. There are still no conspiracies.

As for pulling out of UN missions, I don’t think that’s a fair point either, not because I disagree with you about this not being our fight, it definitely isn’t and in an ideal world we wouldn’t breed the, but more because deployments back home are just as if not more dangerous than ones in UN missions and yet they Still pay less. I’d much rather we focus on how we can make our boys inside our own country safer than pull out of UN ops which frankly is a non issue in the big picture and only earns us goodwill and is liked by the soldiers and officers who get to attend it because of increased pay.
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No it doesn’t. It simply changes the cause of the crash. There are still no conspiracies.

As for pulling out of UN missions, I don’t think that’s a fair point either, not because I disagree with you about this not being our fight, but more because deployments back home are just as if not more dangerous than ones in UN missions and yet they Still pay less. I’d much rather we focus on how we can make our boys inside our own country safer than pull out of UN ops which frankly is a non issue in the big picture and only earns us goodwill and is liked by the soldiers and officers who get to attend it because if increased pay.

The two non Pakistanis who died are a Russian and a Serb.
PA has lost lives on UN missions before and in general these are noble causes to help humanity throughout regardless of whether money is earned or not. These men were martyred protecting or serving humanity without any political motivation.
Why cant we bring our boys home? I fail to see the point deployed thousands of miles away in some shit hole?
Call me a conspiracist or whatever but is this just a coincidence as well just when news about dislodging the government of Pakistan by foreign powers is taking center stage, a Pakistani copter is shot down in Congo resulting in the death of all our soldiers? Maybe not but I don't believe in coincidences and this smells rotten, to be honest.
Exactly what I was thinking.
Why cant we bring our boys home? I fail to see the point deployed thousands of miles away in some shit hole?
Call me a conspiracist or whatever but is this just a coincidence as well just when news about dislodging the government of Pakistan by foreign powers is taking center stage, a Pakistani copter is shot down in Congo resulting in the death of all our soldiers? Maybe not but I don't believe in coincidences and this smells rotten, to be honest.
Also had a Russian Col on board it seems.
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