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Obama to Apologize to Afghanistan Under Deal to Keep Troops There Indefinitely

You should figure out yourself what NATO presence has brought for Pakistan in the last 12 years strictly from Pakistan's perspective because if it's from our perspective than it's been all a result of it's own policies - as my good friend @gurudutt would say in hindi "one reaps what he sows".

This seems to be the sum of all fears that "Afghanistan will invade Pakistan" - they are working hard right now to build their country so I wouldn't know when they will or will they even start demanding their land back.

Nato presense has nothing to do with all this.We and our own policies all this shit and i hope every Pakistani should accept this Because Pakistan is not the only neighbour of Afghanistan but iran and central asian countries aswell.our leaders the thekedaar of islamic world allowed all the refugees and everyone else for the sack of non existing ummah concept

Claim land back?are you insane?

this is my home town which is barely 50km from the Ghulam khan boarder into afghanistan(khost or khess in pashto).

before the 1893 durrand line agreement(also known as the Great betrayal in pashtun majority areas of Pakistan) when we pakistani pashtuns were sold off to british india by afghan elites to save their asses from British invasion.When we didnt had anything in common with the people under british India.And exactly after 100 years we gave the afghan shelter in our home,)Believe me most of my afghan friends are now having Pakistani nationality and those registered odd 1.5millions are not even 1/3rd of the total came.But all of them disguised as pakistani pashtuns and got Pakistani citizenship under KPK or balochistan domicile

My home town in bannu(baka khel wazir) was all under Afghanistan till the day of great betrayal or 1893.We did had choice to join them back after the partition with india but we didnt because we are not some beghairata pashtuns to join them back even when they official sold us to foriegners.

but as lala said we have big heart.

I still wish for the best of Afghanistan.i feel for them.half of my mother family are still in afghanistan.my eldest uncle still is in afghanistan.and i still consider it as my 2nd home.
But the invading part even i know is not going to happen at any cost but even if they did than i will support Pakistan.not only me but my whole wazir tribe be the wazir of baka khel,domail,jani khel or south waziristan.all of us will support Pakistan infact even the TTP doesnt want to merge fata with afghanistan.because it was the pakistani people that consdered us as their brother after being sold by the brothers in blood.

today as per the latest survey we in pakistani the pashtuns are upto 35-38millions while in afghanistan they have shrunk to 10-12millions and of them 2millions are still in pakistan and Balochistan is has witnessed a huge increase in population which again is believed to be because of afghan refugeees registered as citizen

Although baka khel is not visible in the map but it is slightly to the west of Bannu(banno in the map) city


Lol thinking of slaughtering Hindus or Afghans and forgetting what's going around their own homes...

We have already heared loads of crap from our brothers in Pakistan but none of them worked so well this time nor it will in the future so it's better for themselves to only concentrate on Pakistan's own issues rather interfering in ours .

I think it has worked before. Indian policy makers are well aware of their limitation and how short legged we will become when Afghan population will be mislead by Islamic preachers to go against Kafirs. Those who will/are not going to effected by such systemic propaganda are minority possibly will become mute spectators. All we need a majority of sane minded Afghans who are fiercely nationalists and will work for their national interests working to be friend with India and Pakistan.
Very much possible, as by then well be having over 15mln students up to 16th grade or higher and 10mln under 12th grade.

Once security becomes less priority (which will inshAllah) investments will be coming in mining and other sectors, we will be a transit route to many countries via rail links, we will be a power transit for energy hungry countries, we are going to join WTO next year, we are very near to self-sufficiency on our daily commodity needs, we will be having our own oil and gas, our exports will increase day by day and many other factors that could take our GPD near $80bln in a decade.

Best of luck

I have always hoped for the best of Afghanistan

You have No idea how much blind supporter of afghanistan is my father.i follow him but also being a slightly more patriotic toward Pakistan :D
Nato presense has nothing to do with all this.We and our own policies all this shit and i hope every Pakistani should accept this Because Pakistan is not the only neighbour of Afghanistan but iran and central asian countries aswell.our leaders the thekedaar of islamic world allowed all the refugees and everyone else for the sack of non existing ummah concept

And, most probably would have continued with the same policies had 9/11 and US action in Afghanistan hadn't happened and it all got exposed and derailed.

Claim land back?are you insane?

I never said they will - I said I don't know if they will or will not.
But you know what? he will lose his life if so but US is gonna lose everything it made in this region via Afghanistan if US don't obey what Karzai is asking it right now :coffee:

I'd be more inclined to the thought they would just install another corrupt puppet.
One that doesn't spit on the hand that feeds him, or better yet, keeps him alive.

I know a lot of that is due to internal consumption, ie speaking tough on the "occupier" before the tribal chiefs so he gains a name/credibility, but, this theatre will end someday.
Now where is that Pakistan-origin dude who had double US flags and rejected, laughed on same thing I said to him a month ago? :omghaha:
I had written here on PDF earlier that the US will be deploying a division strength of troops, with bases in the East, South and North Afghanistan with a brigade size force in Kabul. Bagram air base will be fully under US control, and 1000 'trainers' (officers and other ranks) from Germany will be co-opted basically for 'on job' training (meaning they'll be operating with the Afghan Army when needed).

The USAF will also be positioning attack and utility choppers in Bagram together with other assets. Bagram is also undergoing expansion projects amounting to $200 million. It is clear from what's happening at Bagram Airfield - the Afghan end of the US-to-Afghanistan lifeline, that the U.S. military is there to stay for an indefinite period.

It was always naive to suggest that the US will be withdrawing all their forces from Afghanistan. There is too much at stake there - from lucrative contracts to the enormous mineral wealth.
While Afghanistan is acknowledged as a strategic hub in Central Asia, bordering on the CAR, China and Iran, at the crossroads of pipeline routes and major oil and gas reserves, its huge mineral wealth as well as its untapped natural gas is estimated authoritatively to be of the order of one trillion dollars which was totally unknown till recently.

The US will continue to have a permanent base in Afghanistan which means it would be the 40th US base around the world!! There are 194 countries on the planet (more or less), and officially 39 of them have American "facilities," (bases the Pentagon officially acknowledges!)
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And, most probably would have continued with the same policies had 9/11 and US action in Afghanistan hadn't happened and it all got exposed and derailed.

I never said they will - I said I don't know if they will or will not.

I believe the strategic depth and all such related concept are bullshit.
how the hell they even thought of escalating back to afghanistan incase of war with India and getting lost.

I believe Pakistan real strategic depth are its nukes,they can stop a war at any point or lead it to total destruction.
I think it has worked before. Indian policy makers are well aware of their limitation and how short legged we will become when Afghan population will be mislead by Islamic preachers to go against Kafirs. Those who will/are not going to effected by such systemic propaganda are minority possibly will become mute spectators. All we need a majority of sane minded Afghans who are fiercely nationalists and will work for their national interests working to be friend with India and Pakistan.

It has worked but It is not working nor it will again, frankly Afghans are now hate to go for Jihad or something like that even they now curse the so-called mujahideens who put their country in ashes just for the sake of a bloody Jihad and being favorite of global and regional players.

So rest assured that Afghans are not going to be fooled again in the name of religion; and don't be fooled by the conspiracy theorists and propagandists about Tajik, Pashtun, Uzbek, Hazara rivalry you know what? 2500 tribal elders are participating in the Loya Jirga for BSA 95% are Pashtuns and you know the most amazing thing is? those families are also participating of whom family members are killed by American soldiers!

Pakistanis have India to make unity but we have two, Pakistan and Iran; go ask an Afghan be it Hazara Uzbek Pashtun or Tajik :coffee:
I believe the strategic depth and all such related concept are bullshit.
how the hell they even thought of escalating back to afghanistan incase of war with India and getting lost.

I believe Pakistan real strategic depth are its nukes,they can stop a war at any point or lead it to total destruction.

It's difficult to predict what will be the scenario after the US withdraws and leaves partial troops back, but if one had to take a shot at it then one can say that the attacks by the Af Taliban and Haqqani's would increase and so will the counter strikes and attacks by ANA and the international troops will increase. The drone strikes and the air strikes would also increase and cross border shelling would become a regular feature as well as targeting the Taliban both in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
want to give you an example what afghan pashtuns think About India and indians?
Afghans and Indians are the same! - Pashtun Community | Pashtuns | Pashto |

As i said earlier even if an indian reach on moon for a common Afghan and Pakistani pashtuns they always will be viewed as slave minded and probably the cowardest people ever born

Look who is teaching us bravery!!!!! You can't even call your soldiers butchred by TTP aka free Pashtuns as martyrs out of fear.....ehhh.....no....bravery!!!!! Same salwari thugs cut heads of 17 of your service man and we were watching and admiring your bravery sitting across the border!!!!!! Instead of fighting like a man, who was supporting these salwar wearing thugs or Mujahideen/freedom fighters....yea, that was a quite brave acts........We saw your bravery or flexed muscels, when couple of dozen US service men, come deep inside Pakistan and F*****d biggest thug of human history and took their body to dump in hell like deep sea!!!!!! We also saw your bravery when US killed 26 Pak service man and you have shown your a** muscles!!!!!!!! Do I need to tell more bravery acts of yours!!!!!

Your society is an example of cowardice for the whole world, shiting in their salwars while sitting in Islamabad and Lahore, when some of your actual braves were fighting against 7th century thugs with their tied hands!!!!!
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It's difficult to predict what will be the scenario after the US withdraws and leaves partial troops back, but if one had to take a shot at it then one can say that the attacks by the Af Taliban and Haqqani's would increase and so will the counter strikes and attacks by ANA and the international troops will increase. The drone strikes and the air strikes would also increase and cross border shelling would become a regular feature as well as targeting the Taliban both in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

After 2014 my view

In Afghanistan

ANA is very much capable to handle the talibastard no matter how much increase in their offensive happen only if they are provided with ebtter military equipments and if possible atleast a squadron of Older f-16 or airstrikes or even A fighter like JF-17 for bombing them.

in the meantime Afghanistan youth will become more and more educated,And the RAW material aka the youth for Taliban recruitment drive will decrease and decrease.yes it will take long time atleast a decade or even upto 2030 for ANA to get rid of talibastard but you will feel even the presence of taliban by 2020 to be almost non existing than some odd terrorist offensive.

in Pakistan

if ANA is sincere with PA and both of them go for joint operation along the border region neither would Afghanistan taliban have to cross into pakistan and take shelters neither would pakistani taliban like Mullah fazlullah take shelter in kunar province of afghanistan.

KPK literacy rate is already beyond 50% and by 2020 it may even reach 70% or may be even more.
in 2004 when Nek Muhammad Wazir was killed.The local in my village baka khel were shouting against pakistan.today everyone hate taliban more than pigs and are rather happy when these bastards aka talibastards gets killed,.yes their are poor and mullah's brainwashed who still joins them up.But things are changing

Pakistan army without the odd 1billion dollars america aid can take easily on Taliban.Because the support of Local pashtuns to army has increased many folds.

For a punjabi or sindhi it is necessary to have 60-65% marks in Fsc or 12th grade to enter into army or atleast apply but for Pashtuns it is 55% and for FATA including the F.R regions of Bannu and Dera ismail khan,lakki marwat may be it is 50%.similar case is for the Baloch.

of all my friends of high school who applied for PA recruitment 2 of them are selected.One is mehsud and the other a banusi.

So the priority for getting pashtuns into military has increased alot.The people are getting aware.

the future is all bad for taliban be it in pakistan or afghanistan and all good for the locals

want to give you an example what afghan pashtuns think About India and indians?
Afghans and Indians are the same! - Pashtun Community | Pashtuns | Pashto |

As i said earlier even if an indian reach on moon for a common Afghan and Pakistani pashtuns they always will be viewed as slave minded and probably the cowardest people ever born

Look who is teaching us bravery!!!!! You can't even call your soldiers butchred by TTP aka free Pashtoons out of fear.....ehhh.....no....bravery!!!!! Same salwari thugs cut heads of 17 of your service man and we were watching and admiring your bravery sitting across the border!!!!!! Instead of fighting like a man, who was supporting these salwar wearing thugs or Mujahideen/freedom fighters....yea, that was a quite brave acts........We saw your bravery or flexed muscels, when couple of dozen US service men, come deep inside Pakistan and F*****d biggest thug of human history and took their body to dump in hell like deep sea!!!!!! We also saw your bravery when US killed 26 Pak service man and you have shown your a** muscles!!!!!!!! Do I need to tell more bravery acts of yours!!!!!

Your society is an example of cowardice for the whole world, shiting in their salwars while sitting in Islamabad and Lahore, when some of your actual braves were fighting against 7th century thugs with their tied hands!!!!!

Easy Easy my Indian friend.

Calling you an indian is enough insult i suppose.

Wont waste my time further with you. bye
After 2014 my view

In Afghanistan

ANA is very much capable to handle the talibastard no matter how much increase in their offensive happen only if they are provided with ebtter military equipments and if possible atleast a squadron of Older f-16 or airstrikes or even A fighter like JF-17 for bombing them.

in the meantime Afghanistan youth will become more and more educated,And the RAW material aka the youth for Taliban recruitment drive will decrease and decrease.yes it will take long time atleast a decade or even upto 2030 for ANA to get rid of talibastard but you will feel even the presence of taliban by 2020 to be almost non existing than some odd terrorist offensive.

in Pakistan

if ANA is sincere with PA and both of them go for joint operation along the border region neither would Afghanistan taliban have to cross into pakistan and take shelters neither would pakistani taliban like Mullah fazlullah take shelter in kunar province of afghanistan.

KPK literacy rate is already beyond 50% and by 2020 it may even reach 70% or may be even more.
in 2004 when Nek Muhammad Wazir was killed.The local in my village baka khel were shouting against pakistan.today everyone hate taliban more than pigs and are rather happy when these bastards aka talibastards gets killed,.yes their are poor and mullah's brainwashed who still joins them up.But things are changing

Pakistan army without the odd 1billion dollars america aid can take easily on Taliban.Because the support of Local pashtuns to army has increased many folds.

For a punjabi or sindhi it is necessary to have 60-65% marks in Fsc or 12th grade to enter into army or atleast apply but for Pashtuns it is 55% and for FATA including the F.R regions of Bannu and Dera ismail khan,lakki marwat may be it is 50%.similar case is for the Baloch.

of all my friends of high school who applied for PA recruitment 2 of them are selected.One is mehsud and the other a banusi.

So the priority for getting pashtuns into military has increased alot.The people are getting aware.

the future is all bad for taliban be it in pakistan or afghanistan and all good for the locals

Easy Easy my Indian friend.

Calling you an indian is enough insult i suppose.

Wont waste my time further with you. bye

Close your eyes & take a deeeeee...ep breath and say OMMMMMM.....(not in religious sense, but in yoga sense). It will give your whining soul some peaceee.....!!!!!!!!

I sincerely think that letting alone every negative propaganda or real criticism of US, It will be a great service to humanity, If US stays neglecting every economic pressure It has and makes Afghanistan stable!!!!!
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Wherever US has sent it's forces in the past, it has never left. If we start from Japan, Philippines, Korea, Singapore to Middle East and Europe its the same story of stationing US forces and never leaving. The only exceptions are humiliation of Vietnam and South America which is close to home and deployment can be rapid. I recall, Gen. Hameed Gul, talking about giving US a graceful exit like it was given to Russians; probably Americans do not want a graceful exit.

Afghanistan is present in a strategically very important area (backyard of both rival superpowers) it is the perfect base to monitor the superpowers and restrict their strategic reach.

More worrisome is the continuous funding and lodging of terrorists which are used to destabilize the areas in Pakistan that will be the future Chinese link to Indian ocean and energy rich Iran. Karakorum highway to Gwadar will be the only direct route through a friendly nation - Pakistan - that will circumvent Malacca straits. In Thailand's Kra isthmus threat of militancy put a hold to Kra isthmus canal, Trans-Mayanmar oil and gas route is only other option but with the threat of Indian navy looming large in Bay of Bengal it has it's limitations.

Iran - Pakistan - China is the most direct/safest route of oil and gas transport which can not be stopped by U.S 5th fleet or Indian Blue Water Navy and is a safeguards against Russian foreign policy convulsions. This does not come as a surprise that Nawaz Sharif has backed away from IP gas pipeline which could not only be functional in a few years; it could also be easily extended to China. On the other hand, talk about developing Gwadar and Korakoram Highway are safer bets as both will take considerably longer time to be fully functional. That is why Sharif's patrons in Riyadh and Washington have given him to a go ahead to be vocal about it; but, they will also continue creating anarchy in the Gilgit-Blatistan/KPK/Balochistan regions so the projects do not go ahead as planned.

IP gas pipeline, as well as, Thar Coal project can also bring energy security to Pakistan; which again is not acceptable to Washingtion/Riyadh/GCC Cartel. So, Mr. Sharif has totally ignored Thar Coal deposits and gone for 6600 MW power plants running on Chinese coal which will be coming through the Sea routes which can easily be blocked at any time – hence, no energy security.

Taking all these into account, US is not only steeping over interests of Pakistan and Iran by staying in Afghanistan, It is also trying to create the same Energy/Security dilemma for China which has brought – through Military Adventurism - US Economy to it's knees. Then, there is Russia which was involved in building of TAPI, then, the project was snatched from Gazprom; Now Chevron may have a bigger say in the consortium to build the pipeline.

The question I have that yesterday US drones were targeting FATA, today it's KPK, just how long before they reach Islamabad? I wonder if somebody is thinking about that? Because to me it seems that it is bound to happen.

The other question is who or what will stop this US-Financial-Military-Industrial (let's finance another war) Complex? U.S. Imperial Over-reach; American Public; Chinese Economy or Russian Resolve (Putin stopped assault on Syria – he can go further to save Russia's interests). There is a small chance of People or Political leadership or Military of Pakistan to play a positive part; but I am not betting on that.
Best of luck

I have always hoped for the best of Afghanistan

You have No idea how much blind supporter of afghanistan is my father.i follow him but also being a slightly more patriotic toward Pakistan :D

Farhan, what is the reality, does all Afghan Pashtuns supports Taliban??
The question I have that yesterday US drones were targeting FATA, today it's KPK, just how long before they reach Islamabad? I wonder if somebody is thinking about that? Because to me it seems that it is bound to happen.

Once the majority troops and equipment move out all targets anywhere and everywhere are fair game, the US seem to compromise on a lot of things but the drone strike option is untouchable, they don't even bother to acknowledge Pakistan or its concerns on it and the more Pakistan complains the more drone strikes take place - so I would not be surprised if I see any drone strikes in places other than only FATA and NWFP.

The other question is who or what will stop this US-Financial-Military-Industrial (let's finance another war) Complex? U.S. Imperial Over-reach; American Public; Chinese Economy or Russian Resolve (Putin stopped assault on Syria – he can go further to save Russia's interests). There is a small chance of People or Political leadership or Military of Pakistan to play a positive part; but I am not betting on that.

Russians and Chinese have not at anytime objected to US actions in AFg - Pak neither have they objected to the drone strikes, infact they fully endorse and support it, Syria was a totally different issue where Syria was the last of Russia's bastions in the ME.

Taking care of terrorists in Afg Pak region is the priority for both Russia and China as well because they too are affected by it and they are thankful that the US is doing it for them.
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