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Obama to Apologize to Afghanistan Under Deal to Keep Troops There Indefinitely

:yahoo:Bad for Taliban and likes who were eagerly expecting USA's Exit from Afghanistan..
If USA is here to stay then mark my words Pakistan will be shattered by India soon, but if the USA is going then IOK would be in trouble.
If USA is here to stay then mark my words Pakistan will be shattered by India soon, but if the USA is going then IOK would be in trouble.

Some times i wonder if retarded bhartis simply post what they see in their wet dreams night before. lol
lolz so they keep remain solder if they said only 3 words ?wow itni kam keemat
Well I hope one apology you guys should also get from US/Obama but keep your troll posts with your self unless you don't come up with some thing constructive.

I personally believe that such apologies are hollow words and cant mitigate the sufferings of the people.

Its like Obama will write a letter of apology for making mistakes and sending Afghan people suffering during NATO invasion and stay, just to approve the same stay indefinite making sure the suffering continues.
US is not going to leave Afghanistan fully and they are working on this strategy
Not going to happen. Deal or no deal. US troops will stay. They will have bases. Whats being negotiated is if they can operate there by being called protectors of Afghanistan or protecting US interests. No one invests this kind of money to be told what to do by the puppets they put in place. The negotiating is being done for the newspapers and journalists. The real negotiating is being done in other countries which has little to do with what Karzai wants. Hence Karzai's tantrum of holding hostage the deal till he gets reelected. Will fail miserably.
“President Karzai didn’t ask for an apology. There was no discussion of an apology,” Mr Kerry said. “I mean, it’s just not even on the table.”
U.S., Afghanistan reach security pact - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
I guess Pakistani-Origin is lolling at you..

Neither I said US will apologize; I said earlier that it's the US who wants to accept every Afghan demand to just make a security deal with Afghanistan for a longer stay so at the early morning 8 Obama did sent a letter, a letter of no regret but commitment and promise for restricting all actions which may go against Afghan local traditions and that letter has been delivered by Karzai to tribal elders for consideration and this all shows how eager US is to stay here not us!

Now that double US flagged Pakistani-origin must be scratching his head...
Neither I said US will apologize; I said earlier that it's the US who wants to accept every Afghan demand to just make a security deal with Afghanistan for a longer stay so at the early morning 8 Obama did sent a letter, a letter of no regret but commitment and promise for restricting all actions which may go against Afghan local traditions and that letter has been delivered by Karzai to tribal elders for consideration and this all shows how eager US is to stay here not us!

Now that double US flagged Pakistani-origin must be scratching his head...

I am just wondering the reaction in Pakistan, they are putting their last hope on American withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2014 believing Taliban would return back overnight.
I am just wondering the reaction in Pakistan, they are putting their last hope on American withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2014 believing Taliban would return back overnight.

Plan is turning on it's head. Quite a few new developments taking place. Good talebans & bad talebans are turning against each other. So there are two fronts for Afghan Talebans to fight. Also there is a report of good talebans getting into ISI's bad books. Drones are dropping on settled areas.. they have started not just targeting bad talebans..good talebans too. Things are not looking rosy at all come 2014, as it looked a year or so ago.
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