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New Delhi police fire water cannon at India rape protest

While protest going on to address this chronic repe problem in india specially in Delhi underline issue has not been talked about. That is diminishing social and human value because of absolute and destructive influence of bollywood type culture under guise of extreme secular practices.Question is is there a leader in india who can talk against bollywood tide? Until underline issue is addressed cat and mouse between aggrived people and extablishment will continue.

Mind your own business Bangladeshi.Rape statistics of Bangladesh is way higher than India.Real reason is misogenic culture of Sub continent not Bollywood.
Rape statistics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Still they will be caught. Today's police investigation has many advanced technology that those who commit culpable homicide can't imagine, let me assure you. You rape and you kill, you will be hanged within days. In West Bengal, if I remember, many years ago Dhananjay Chattopadhyay raped and killed a girl, still he was caught and sent to the gallows.

Yeah the police force has become pretty effective...if some murder occurs they track every cellphone in the area at that time now.....getting away with murder is pretty tough.
how does bollywood lead to rape??
smoking some some of dat dere bangla weed i see?

That is epic arugument, when it is indians who are raping and fighting police. Nothing better expected from indians and their capital of epic drama.
true.....there are some bunch of idiot people who can think like that....India is a country of middle class and poor people and everybody has the right to go anywhere in India and earn their bread and butter.

India should allow its people to move any where in the country like America. If most India and Indian people feel that this is not ok, than most Indians are no different than CCP.

They can no longer do this, this is why the protest is. They can run but they can't hide. Death sentence will be there for them. We will finish them sooner or later.
Death penalty should be reserved for taking life. If the rapist spare life, then their life will be spared. But the family jewel will be removed, with its video posted on youtube as a warning for other rapist. The message should be clear, if you rape, you lost your junk.
While protest going on to address this chronic repe problem in india specially in Delhi, underline issue has not been talked about. That is diminishing social and human value because of absolute and destructive influence of bollywood type culture under guise of extreme secular practices.Question is, is there a leader in india who can talk against bollywood tide? Until underline issue is addressed cat and mouse between aggrived people and extablishment will continue.

Can you tell me how is bollywood making you a rapist???
India should allow its people to move any where in the country like America. If most India and Indian people feel that this is not ok, than most Indians are no different than CCP.

well Indians can go anywhere in India and can do job and stuff.....also one can buy property in any state except some NE states and some other due to various reasons...though agree on you that some(not majorty) Indians feel like no backward people should come to their state for jobs and business and thats pathetic!! Where will they go???
i dont wanna jump into it but the way these policeman are holding/carrying this girl is ridiculous ...there should be a respect for a woman and any security personal should be careful in such cases ,may it be any country ..

She is protesting for a good cause and not for someone's personal benefit; its a national cause the way rapping has increased in delhi for some years now .....this is ridiculous on the part of police
Should I reply in similar fashion ? :azn:

We are not perfect but no one, absolutely no one comes close to the brutal treatment of girls in India. Not even Arab mullahs are this bad.
Indians just rape and kill women for fun. Psychotic crackpots.
India should allow its people to move any where in the country like America. If most India and Indian people feel that this is not ok, than most Indians are no different than CCP.

Death penalty should be reserved for taking life. If the rapist spare life, then their life will be spared. But the family jewel will be removed, with its video posted on youtube as a warning for other rapist. The message should be clear, if you rape, you lost your junk.

Just type "delhi rape" or "rape India" on Google news and see the results date wise, even after the brutal rape of the girl, many many many other brutal rapes, gang rapes, some of even three year old girls, have already been committed in Delhi as well as in other parts of India. So, we need to look at rape as crime in the Indian context where it appears that death sentence is the only deterrent. Even today, massive massive protests are taking place across Delhi and India as well. Police are using batons, tear gas canisters and water canons to disperse still people, particularly girls are risking their lives to show agitation.


We are not perfect but no one, absolutely no one comes close to the brutal treatment of girls in India. Not even Arab mullahs are this bad.
Indians just rape and kill women for fun. Psychotic crackpots.
Don't generalize.

I am curious to know whether in any way, you support violence against women in form. Be clear and take a stand because its time to take side.

I would like to say to everyone, "Hawa ghoom raha hain, topi samhalo, oor jayenge"

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