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New Delhi police fire water cannon at India rape protest

At times like these, I think there needs to be a permit system in India to control number of migrants from backward states. Delhi and Mumbai especially should not be allowed to be flooded with uncivilized migrants from UP and Bihar endlessly. The migration rate must be regulated.

India should be ashamed of having someone like you as an Indian. Are you a real Indian?
At times like these, I think there needs to be a permit system in India to control number of migrants from backward states. Delhi and Mumbai especially should not be allowed to be flooded with uncivilized migrants from UP and Bihar endlessly. The migration rate must be regulated.

One of the reasons there is social mobility for people from backward or poor states is because of migration.
Hyderabad adds its voice to nationwide rape protests

In an echo of the protests in Delhi against the brutal rape of a 23-year old girl in a public transport bus, more than 1,000 protestors gathered at Indira Park here on Saturday morning to add their voice to the demand for strict action against rape convicts. Men, women, students, homemakers and many others from various walks of life covered their faces with a black cloth and held a silent protest against the attack.

“This protest is to express our solidarity with the rape survivor,” said K Satyavati, chief functionary of the NGO Bhumika Women’s Collective, and editor of Bhumika, a feminist magazine.

Although it was a silent protest initially, feelings ran high. “Our main demand is that rapes should be curbed immediately, not just in Delhi, but in Hyderabad and in every other city,” said Satyavathi.

Added Ruby Sharma, a second-year graduate student: “I travel alone late at night everyday. If it can happen in Delhi, it can happen here. We won’t stop till we are assured of safety.”

R Prashant, a student of SV Degree College, strongly condemned the incident in Delhi. “It’s not just one girl getting raped. It’s about women’s safety. As a brother and as a friend of so many girls, I want men too to join this protest against this loathsome crime,” he said.

Satyavathi explained that rape incidence is high in India because children are not exposed to the idea of women’s equality during their education. “Feminism has to be included in the curriculum. We demand that fast-track courts be set up to deal with the existing cases,” she added.

However, she was opposed to the death penalty for criminals convicted of rape. Asked why, she answered, “No one has the right to take a life. Hence we are against the death sentence.”

Sana Ahmed, a 23-year-old student of Osmania University, fumed, “Nights belong to girls too, not just men. Why is that only men can go out at night and not women? This culture of roads being unsafe for girls has to stop.”

She and her friends said that of late Hyderabad too has become unsafe for girls in the late evenings. “It’s not about feminism. It is about every single girl or woman. Even five-year-old are being raped. What does that point to?” asked Sana’s friend Renuka Choudhry.

“We condemn the attack on protesters at India Gate by the police in Delhi today. As students of Osmania University, we will march on the streets to keep them safe. If the government fails to ensure safety to girls, we will have to take matters into our hands,” said Krishank Manne, a student leader in the Osmania University Students Joint Action Committee.

Hyderabad adds its voice to nationwide rape protests - The New Indian Express
Unprecedented protest in the capital city:

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Rapists and those who have rapist mindsets, your time is up. Now you will be hunted down. So you better change your mindset before its too late for you to save your lives. You will be dead with all your masculinity, remember it. Die and rape the ghosts. We can't let you survive.
India should be ashamed of having someone like you as an Indian. Are you a real Indian?

true.....there are some bunch of idiot people who can think like that....India is a country of middle class and poor people and everybody has the right to go anywhere in India and earn their bread and butter.
If the future rapists know that once they are caught they will be hanged...they will surely finish the victim...so next time they might not throw the victim out of the bus but they will throw them right under it....i am all for stopping such cruel acts against the weaker sex but once this capital punishment thing comes into effect ...i am pretty sure the survival rate for the victims of such attack will come to near zero.
If the future rapists know that once they are caught they will be hanged...they will surely finish the victim...so next time they might not throw the victim out of the bus but they will throw them right under it....i am all for stopping such cruel acts against the weaker sex but once this capital punishment thing comes into effect ...i am pretty sure the survival rate for the victims of such attack will come to near zero.

Still they will be caught. Today's police investigation has many advanced technology that those who commit culpable homicide can't imagine, let me assure you. You rape and you kill, you will be hanged within days. In West Bengal, if I remember, many years ago Dhananjay Chattopadhyay raped and killed a girl, still he was caught and sent to the gallows.
Still they will be caught. Today's police investigation has many advanced technology that those who commit culpable homicide can't imagine, let me assure you. You rape and you kill, you will be hanged within days. In West Bengal, if I remember, many years ago Dhananjay Chattopadhyay raped and killed a girl, still he was caught and sent to the gallows.


This is subcontinent. If those rapists go hide for 2 months, they will be free.

This is subcontinent. If those rapists go hide for 2 months, they will be free.

They can no longer do this, this is why the protest is. They can run but they can't hide. Death sentence will be there for them. We will finish them sooner or later.
While protest going on to address this chronic repe problem in india specially in Delhi, underline issue has not been talked about. That is diminishing social and human value because of absolute and destructive influence of bollywood type culture under guise of extreme secular practices.Question is, is there a leader in india who can talk against bollywood tide? Until underline issue is addressed cat and mouse between aggrived people and extablishment will continue.
While protest going on to address this chronic repe problem in india specially in Delhi, underline issue has not been talked about. That is diminishing social and human value because of absolute and destructive influence of bollywood type culture under guise of extreme secular practices.Question is, is there a leader in india who can talk against bollywood tide? Until underline issue is addressed cat and mouse between aggrived people and extablishment will continue.

how does bollywood lead to rape??
smoking some some of dat dere bangla weed i see?

This is subcontinent. If those rapists go hide for 2 months, they will be free.

I cant speak for whole india here but in TN at least if you rape the police will catch you ...if the victim is minor thereis a good chance they will shoot you on the spot saying the rapist tried to attack him ....they can run but they cant hide.

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