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Nawaz Sharif’s health deteriorates, unable to meet visitors at Jati Umra

With such outdated laws from the British, what kind of Justice do you expect in the court of law? I understand that you want to uphold principles, but how does it serve the nation?

Forget nawaz shareef, but I am in favor of retrials for every person held in the jails of Pakistan. There are so many innocent people that have had their lives taken from them. If PTI is not here to change the system, then we are simply living in the same circumstances under leaders that are a bit more merciful.

If we are going to base our judicial system on archaic British law, then nawaz should be freed alongside his daughter as long as they bring the nations wealth back in a plea deal while being exiled indefinitely. There are no two ways about it because having taxpayer money pamper them in a first tier jail cell is absolutely ridiculous.

There is no point in demanding scenarios which are not stated in the constitution. In the end these are the laws which the people made for themselves to be held accountable for.

The current government does not have the mandate to write laws into the constitution however executive ordinances can be passed. The law is taking its course and we have to stick by it.
Yeh I agree. It was dumb coming back. But to bring his daughter as well? dumb then dumber. By all means I would go face justice but why take your daughter on your side as well. Pathetic!
I think he was looking to repeat the same scenario that happened when they went out to reinstate Iftikhar Ch. Someone misguided him and we all know who that someone is. Jab bura din atta ha or Insaan Allah ki pakar main atta ha phir akal per parda dal jata hain. He is in Allah's pakar and he hasnt even begun paying for his sins.
I think he was looking to repeat the same scenario that happened when they went out to reinstate Iftikhar Ch. Someone misguided him and we all know who that someone is. Jab bura din atta ha or Insaan Allah ki pakar main atta ha phir akal per parda dal jata hain. He is in Allah's pakar and he hasnt even begun paying for his sins.

I wasn't far off the mark.

Who misled?

Cheers, Doc
There is no point in demanding scenarios which are not stated in the constitution. In the end these are the laws which the people made for themselves to be held accountable for.

The current government does not have the mandate to write laws into the constitution however executive ordinances can be passed. The law is taking its course and we have to stick by it.

Okay, tell me something I don't know.

I made my point with plenty of reasons for backing, but if you want to regurgitate the constitution then there was never a reason to have a conversation.

If you want me to throw a wrench in your dogma, then please do explain how our constitution was followed in the case of Raymond Davis. Maybe you can teach me something and perhaps I can learn the law of Pakistan.
Fun fact: his brother himself did not reach the airport neither did any senior party member of PMLN.

That I know.

So was this for political gain (emerging from shadows) or to save his own *** by turning "state witness" so to speak?

Cheers, Doc
Fun fact: his brother himself did not reach the airport neither did any senior party member of PMLN.

Shabaz fucked his brother and lured him and his daughter to jail after realizing he was not going to be head of the party. This is common knowledge.
They are only half brothers by the way.
Okay, tell me something I don't know.

I made my point with plenty of reasons for backing, but if you want regurgitate the constitution then there was never a reason to have a conversation.

If you want me to throw a wrench in your dogma, then please do explain how our constitution was followed in the case of Raymond Davis. Maybe you can teach me something and perhaps I can learn the law of Pakistan.

oh do not have any doubts about this. i also want all the reports published and no one spared. for this i blame the current government since it is their job to do so. the governments job is to ensure transparency and you and me can blame them freely. if they cannot function properly, they should go home.
That I know.

So was this for political gain (emerging from shadows) or to save his own *** by turning "state witness" so to speak?

Cheers, Doc
Political gain IMO. Shahbaz always wanted his son Hamza to be the successor of Nawaz however Nawaz chose Mariyum. This was the cause of rift. Rest is all speculation.
Political gain IMO. Shahbaz always wanted his son Hamza to be the successor of Nawaz however Nawaz chose Mariyum. This was the cause of rift. Rest is all speculation.

Like Mughal princes. Even if they were blood, the eldest would kill the younger brothers with bow string to secure his position.
Forget nawaz shareef, but I am in favor of retrials for every person held in the jails of Pakistan. There are so many innocent people that have had their lives taken from them.

It is necessary for Mariam Nawaz to serve the seven years in jail among the common Pakistanis, it is necessary that she witnesses first hand how life of a common Pakistani is filled with hardships, it was necessary for her to go through all this hardship and sorrow. If she has a working brain, learns the lesson, mends her ways, drops this current lifestyle embraces simplicity, forget about the dynastic politics ....... she has tasted betrayal, she has gone through the sorrow of not being with her mother in last moments, she must have realised that the common Pakistanis are not vermin and a species to be kept at distance but most sympathetic and forgiving ... when her jail mates came to her to condole her for loss of her mother ..... she can emerge as a popular people's leader ........ a strong opponent, a strong contender, and a force to reckon with. For her jail term and this patch of hardships can do wonders.
It is necessary for Mariam Nawaz to serve the seven years in jail among the common Pakistanis, it is necessary that she witnesses first hand how life of a common Pakistani is filled with hardships, it was necessary for her to go through all this hardship and sorrow. If she has a working brain, learns the lesson, mends her ways, drops this current lifestyle embraces simplicity, forget about the dynastic politics ....... she has tasted betrayal, she has gone through the sorrow of not being with her mother in last moments, she must have realised that the common Pakistanis are not vermin and a species to be kept at distance but most sympathetic and forgiving ... when her jail mates came to her to condole her for loss of her mother ..... she can emerge as a popular people's leader ........ a strong opponent, a strong contender, and a force to reckon with. For her jail term and this patch of hardships can do wonders.

I agree with your sentiments, but shareef khandan has no right to ever go into politics ever again. They have stolen, jailed and also killed many innocent people. We should forgive them as long as they bring looted money back to Pakistan and then exile or black list them. We will forgive them, but their final judgement will be with Allah swt. That is the judgment they should fear the most.
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