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Nawaz Sharif’s health deteriorates, unable to meet visitors at Jati Umra

Nawaz Shareef and his daughter should be released from jail under the condition that they bring stolen wealth back to the nation and are black listed from ever entering again. This is not only fair, but completely logical. I await the PTI fan boys foaming at the mouth.
Good idea. But this rule applies only to NS...right!!! AAZ, Dr Asim etc etc should enjoy their freedom and also roam around freely without any hinderance.
Sure better in this sense that he had courage to face trail along with his daughter but rest there is no comparison

I actually agree. He is very old and if agree to return more than half of his wealth voluntarily for DAM then not bad deal to release him then obviously his political career would become zero ..money is more needed for Pakistan than having him in jail for few years

That's a hell of a lot.

Small time crooks never come back.

Mallayas and misc Modis never come back.

Musharraf was minting money on the lecture circuit outside your country. What sort of soldier is that?

Cheers, Doc
Nawaz Shareef and his daughter should be released from jail under the condition that they bring stolen wealth back to the nation and are black listed from ever entering again. This is not only fair, but completely logical. I await the PTI fan boys foaming at the mouth.

This suggestion is contrary to beliefs of how justice should be. Not to mention the absurdity of sending 3 time PM in exile.
Wa tu izu man tushaa... Wa tu zilu man tushaa

And Allah blesses respect to whoever He chos, and sends humiliations to whoever He chose.
This suggestion is contrary to beliefs of how justice should be. Not to mention the absurdity of sending 3 time PM in exile.

And since when has Pakistan ever followed the beliefs of Justice? The last time somebody tried that, it was Zia ul Haq and he is still getting cursed in his grave. If nawaz is guilty of corruption, then hang him. Why make a fucking circus about it? If not, then let the former prime minister leave as long as the nation receives some benefit. Watching him die in a cage does nothing.
And since when has Pakistan ever followed the beliefs of Justice? The last time somebody tried that, it was Zia ul Haq and he is still getting cursed in his grave. If nawaz is guilty of corruption, then hang him. Why make a fucking circus about it? If not, then let's let the former prime minister leave as long as the nation receives some benefit. Watching him die in a cage does nothing.

It is in the Nation's interest that 3 time prime minister serves his sentence like other ordinary citizen and not be exiled.

The courts have sentenced him to jail and only the courts can offer him a way out.

The government has nothing to do with this. It can only help the courts in implementing the rule of law as indicated in the verdict.
You are right but if he would be smart like musharaff then he would have been staying in England along with his wife, sons and daughter instead of coming to Pakistan and be in jail. I am sure he knew what verdict is coming and future is dark for him in Pakistan and he had plenty of wealth to enjoy rest of the life in Uk

I think he was looking fragile and boring even when he was prime minister
Yeh I agree. It was dumb coming back. But to bring his daughter as well? dumb then dumber. By all means I would go face justice but why take your daughter on your side as well. Pathetic!
It is in the Nation's interest that 3 time prime minister serves his sentence like other ordinary citizen and not be exiled.

The courts have sentenced him to jail and only the courts can offer him a way out.

The government has nothing to do with this. It can only help the courts in implementing the rule of law as indicated in the verdict.

With such outdated laws from the British, what kind of Justice do you expect in the court of law? I understand that you want to uphold principles, but how does it serve the nation?

Forget nawaz shareef, but I am in favor of retrials for every person held in the jails of Pakistan. There are so many innocent people that have had their lives taken from them. If PTI is not here to change the system, then we are simply living in the same circumstances under leaders that are a bit more merciful.

If we are going to base our judicial system on archaic British law, then nawaz should be freed alongside his daughter as long as they bring the nations wealth back in a plea deal while being exiled indefinitely. There are no two ways about it because having taxpayer money pamper them in a first tier jail cell is absolutely ridiculous.
Yeh I agree. It was dumb coming back. But to bring his daughter as well? dumb then dumber. By all means I would go face justice but why take your daughter on your side as well. Pathetic!

Maybe "someone" went back on his word.

Cheers, Doc
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