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Muslim denied job in Delhi as hijab made her 'look Muslim from distance of a kilometre'

Why move to their country and stay on their forums then? Have some shame already :lol:
I am not moving to any Muslim country ... not even if I get paid twice what I am getting paid here in India.... so take your chugat-giri somewhere else....
Muslims.... they want everyone else to be secular and forward thinking while they enjoy their 18th century lifestyles.

By your logic every Sikh is living in the 18th century and is backward-thinking.

These same people would cause an uproar if a Sikh wasn't hired because he wears a turban. Quit you horse$h1t, her Hijab does absolutely nothing to interfere with her job.
It's a private Orphanage... and In europe... private sector have the obligation to let anyone, express his religion IF and only IF it doesn't dusturbe the biz... But we are not in Europe... anD India has laws against discrimination in private sectors too...

- The most Important Q is what a religious free Humans should look like?

- I'm concerned by the well being of that orphanage... Orphans are one the most discriminated group of children in society... they are seen as a burden...smthing not needed and therefore disposed of... And now we can see an "Educator" being a discrimator himself...

- Something that most ppl seems to forget... is that supression of smthing does not mean being protected from it later on... Kids Education is not to suppress what we fear or don't like... but to give them the tools and the mindset to be able to choose wisely...suppressing the view and understanding of religion at young age could be problematic later on...when this same kid want to choose for himself... he will be unable to ( if he seeks to choose one ofc) Religion and other sensible subjects should be taught and seen by everyone...

And we have a exemple in Islam... the religious uneducated... are those who play with fire in the Name of it... Same goes for any other religion or not...

Thats wrong. In Europe private business can ban religious symbols. The high court decided just that.


If i own a business i can ban a women to wear a scarf and fire her because of that.

I doubt i would be allowed to wear a cross around my neck in Tunisia if i had a job there.
Thats wrong. In Europe private business can ban religious symbols. The high court decided just that.


If i own a business i can ban a women to wear a scarf and fire her because of that.

I doubt i would be allowed to wear a cross around my neck in Tunisia if i had a job there.

Yes, you can legally decide not to hire someone because of their Hijab. You can legally also f*ck somebody's wife but that makes you a c*nt and I'm legally free to call you out on being a c*nt. See what I mean? No one's forcing him to hire her, we're only criticizing. :)
What is my mindset? I would love to hear another one of your looney assumptions :lol:
You shouldn't carry religious symbols around kids of that age be it Muslim/Hindu/Christian.It's shameful itself & you are justifying it is even more shameful.
Recruiter clearly said it's cause of scarf,not cause she's Muslim.Every Pvt organization is entitled to set own parameters.
I am sure you would love to hear my ideas but I can assure you you wouldn't like it.
You shouldn't carry religious symbols around kids of that age be it Muslim/Hindu/Christian.It's shameful itself & you are justifying it is even more shameful.
Recruiter clearly said it's cause of scarf,not cause she's Muslim.Every Pvt organization is entitled to set own parameters.
I am sure you would love to hear my ideas but I can assure you you wouldn't like it.
Scarf is a religious symbol? :woot: Women have worn it even before the age of Religion.
Yes, you can legally decide not to hire someone because of their Hijab. You can legally also f*ck somebody's wife but that makes you a c*nt and I'm legally free to call you out on being a c*nt. See what I mean? No one's forcing him to hire her, we're only criticizing. :)

I would never accept a muslim teacher with a scarf at school.

A teacher is oblieged to teach children neutral and not use religious symbols.
Scarf is a religious symbol? :woot: Women have worn it even before the age of Religion.

Italy for example is a deeply christian country. Women here dont walk around like a muslim. If you are in Italy, you dress like an italian. Evrything else is not acceptable. And that counts for evry country.
I would never accept a muslim teacher with a scarf at school.

A teacher is oblieged to teach children neutral and not use religious symbols.

Yes, because seeing her hijab will make everyone want to convert to Islam, right? :rofl:

Please explain to me how a hijab will interfere with her teaching the kids? You shouldn't care if someone wants to cover their head, it's none of your business.
Don't.... Who gives a fcuk...
Sounds like you do


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