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Musharraf: Army 'May Intervene Over Pakistan's Decline'


Oct 29, 2009
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Army 'May Intervene Over Pakistan's Decline'

Alex Crawford, special correspondent
Pakistan's former president Pervez Musharraf has warned the army may have to intervene again in politics, if the country continues to decline.

He added Pakistan may be forced to take matters into their own hands - which could include working with the Taliban - if it continues to feel alienated by the rest of the world.

Mr Musharraf was speaking exclusively to Sky News from his new home in the United Arab Emirates, where he is in self-imposed exile.

"There is no bar against me going back to Pakistan. But the conditions have to be right," he said.

The former general is building his own political party with the intention of returning to Pakistan to take on the current government in a bid for power.

It would be an astonishing turnaround for a man who resigned more than two years ago before almost certainly being impeached.

Mr Musharraf spoke extensively in a wide-ranging interview which covered his return to politics, his regret at the circumstances surrounding his resignation and the future.

He was most concerned over the threat he sees coming from the developing relationship between America, India and Afghanistan.

"They are creating an anti-Pakistan Afghanistan and America has to realise that," he said.

"What should Pakistan do? What should ISI (the Pakistan intelligence agency) do? What does the Army chief do? They'll make a strategy of protecting themselves."

I asked whether that would mean working with the Taliban.

He replied: "No comment, no comment.

"We must understand, the protection of Pakistan is everything as far as I’m concerned.

"If someone is disturbing that I will go to any extent to protect Pakistan, because that's what I'm meant for. So you can see the answer yourself."

He issued this warning to the West: "Pakistan has to be protected. If you don't help, if no-one helps and instead is helping the other side, the side which is trying to disturb and destabilise us, well, then Pakistan has to take its own measures."

Pakistan, he said, is in a terrible state - with its economy in crisis, high unemployment, mass discontent - and this as well as having terrorists on its soil.

Mr Musharraf said his return and his attempt to become an elected politician would this time "give me the legitimacy which maybe last time I didn't have because, in the eyes of the world, I was a dictator."

The man who first took power in a bloodless coup also said the army may still have to play a role in determining the future leadership.

"You have to remember, in Pakistan the armed forces play a very big and important role," he said.

"It is strong and well-administered and wherever there is turmoil, the people run to the army.

"I have always been of the opinion the army should have a role in the constitution, so it can voice its opinion and influence what happens in the country.

"The whole world thinks that is politicising the army. It isn't."

But he went onto say the army chief always had the quandary of upholding national security, ensuring the survival of the state as well as balancing that against upholding democracy.

"Is democracy more important than the state?" he asked.

"This is the question that arises. And the army is in between. The Army is the saviour. The Army can save the state. It cannot save democracy."
"We must understand, the protection of Pakistan is everything as far as I’m concerned.
If someone is disturbing that I will go to any extent to protect Pakistan, because that's what I'm meant for. So you can see the answer yourself."

This seems to be inline with one of his earlier comments regarding human rights violation, where he had told that nation comes first and then human rights and all others.
Lets see wat happens to pakistan..
Who will take pakistan to top..
Zardari or Mushraff...
I hope army takes over as soon as possible. The democracy has once again completely failed in Pakistan as it always has. The only person who was able to run the democracy in Pakistan was Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto he was one of the great leader of Pakistan in the history of Pakistan's democracy. Now all the democrats we have seen are American agents or American dogs.

Pakistan have always progressed when ever the army took over. Pakistan progressed alot at the time of Gen. Musharraf.

I hope the army takes over soon and all these corrupt leaders are punished and steps should be taken from now so that these corrupt leaders don't run from Pakistan. They should be caught and punished and an example should be set so that no corrupt person is ever born.

Pakistan Zindabad Pakistan Paindabad.Pak Fauj Zindabad
Musharraf fooled many of us outside of Pakistan that he was really trying to end the Taliban and al Qaida menace. These comments from and by him prove he and his ISI top ranking buddies were always in bed with the terrorists with the flemsy and absurd excuse that bedraggled, beat up, completely broke and hapless Afghanistan represented a threat to Pakistan. Ditto his constant harping on India as the threat to Pakistan. In fact the real threat to Pakistan is compromising remarks such as Musharraf gave here which enables, encourages, and secretly funds both the Taliban and al Qaida. Musharraf has become a public disgrace to the good name of Pakistan. Democracy is always the best way to go, even when you have a mixed ethnic population as does Pakistan. Folks must learn to live and let live and all work together for the common good in a democratic, not in an autocratic nor dictatorship manner.
Musharraf fooled many of us outside of Pakistan that he was really trying to end the Taliban and al Qaida menace. These comments from and by him prove he and his ISI top ranking buddies were always in bed with the terrorists with the flemsy and absurd excuse that bedraggled, beat up, completely broke and hapless Afghanistan represented a threat to Pakistan. Ditto his constant harping on India as the threat to Pakistan. In fact the real threat to Pakistan is compromising remarks such as Musharraf gave here which enables, encourages, and secretly funds both the Taliban and al Qaida. Musharraf has become a public disgrace to the good name of Pakistan. Democracy is always the best way to go, even when you have a mixed ethnic population as does Pakistan. Folks must learn to live and let live and all work together for the common good in a democratic, not in an autocratic nor dictatorship manner.

Are you a Pakistani American Or The 'White' American ?
Gen Keyani is not Mushy & frankly i dont see PAK Army planning to bring the current Gov down.
If army takes over now there will be no resistance at all from public only people suffering will be either 'fake degree holder corrupt ' so called representatives of people or their stooges in the media 'telling us about the virtues of democracy' . Even SC is failing people's expectations now (i hav sympathy for SC though because courts can never be popular for long ) . Come on Pak Fauj Mulk , Qaum , Naam aik Fauj aur Awam aik .
Mushy believes that Pakistan exists for the benefit of the Army, not its people. He talk smacks of religious dictatorship, not improved democratic governance. Are any Pakistanis here at PDF willing to challenge Mushy before he or his ilk make another grab for more power?
intervention does not mean a coup (that is a direct control). intervention is already happening behind the scenes.
Mushraff Remarks sum up Pakistan,S ENTIRE HISTORY since independence.

Mushy speaks of Pakistan decline, THE WORLD IGNORING PAKISTAN, and outside neighbours destablizing the country.

MUSHRAFFS answer as a x military man bring in the ARMY.

When will these people learn LOOK AROUND YOU AT SUCCESSFUL NATIONS.

3 things stick out.

Successful democracy ,,, education of the people,, and industrial might,,
Gen Keyani is not Mushy & frankly i dont see PAK Army planning to bring the current Gov down.

Most probably your army is considering to follow our army's footstep by not coming to power directly by installing a puppet caretaker government like us in january 2007.
If army takes over now there will be no resistance at all from public only people suffering will be either 'fake degree holder corrupt ' so called representatives of people or their stooges in the media 'telling us about the virtues of democracy' . Even SC is failing people's expectations now (i hav sympathy for SC though because courts can never be popular for long ) . Come on Pak Fauj Mulk , Qaum , Naam aik Fauj aur Awam aik .

Very unfortunate expectation by us .whenever a democratic government fail to fulfill the demand of people we start thinking about army .why not to try support other political party who didn't comes to power before and bring some change . A army what ever good govern they show case cannot be a replacement/option for democracy .army's main focus should be only toward treat posed by external /internal enemy .

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