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Message to Vegetarians

I eat all sorts of meat. Beef Chicken Pork Fish throughout the week. Cant remember last time I had vegetarian meal
Other than religion/belief, I think being a vegetarian or not is also climate dependent. I can't see myself being a vegetarian living in a cold climate. There is just not enough calories in vegetables to keep me warm unless I eat like a horse non stop.

Correctly said... it also depands on locality like if you want to be veggie & living in desert area somewhere in africa then you must starv to death..
The vegetarians think killing innocent animal for food is bad stuff and barbaric. You are actually killing more helpless creature who does have feelings, well here is a video for you.

I am vegetarion but not believe in god.
Once my NCC period my CO asked me if you trapped in behind enemy lines or other any place what would you eat. I answered that I didn't have problem to eat a world smartest creature but have a serious objection over killing a innocent animal.

The vegetarians think killing innocent animal for food is bad stuff and barbaric. You are actually killing more helpless creature who does have feelings, well here is a video for you.

The vegetarians think killing innocent animal for food is bad stuff and barbaric. You are actually killing more helpless creature who does have feelings, well here is a video for you.
chicken twice a week

so,u used to eat meat daily or what :pop:

I used to eat meat every single freaking day. Without Chicken I couldn't take my lunch and dinner. Now I have reduced the quantity to 4 times a week. Will reduce it to twice a week gradually.
I used to eat meat every single freaking day. Without Chicken I couldn't take my lunch and dinner. Now I have reduced the quantity to 4 times a week. Will reduce it to twice a week gradually.
I used to eat meat every single freaking day. Without Chicken I couldn't take my lunch and dinner. Now I have reduced the quantity to 4 times a week. Will reduce it to twice a week gradually.

:hitwall: :hitwall::hitwall: :hitwall::pissed::cray::cray::cray:
I used to eat meat every single freaking day. Without Chicken I couldn't take my lunch and dinner. Now I have reduced the quantity to 4 times a week. Will reduce it to twice a week gradually.
u r one rich bangladeshi :tup:
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