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MESSAGE OF PEACE AND LOVE New video by Bushra Ansari

Who want war ? We Pakistanis ? No. So no problem if this Pakistani women made rap song on peace between our country and India.

We could take it as a message from aurat perspective ?

And it’s good propaganda video too.

But yes we know that our jawans are giving their lives to defend their mothers, fathers, sisters, and us.

We should not forget that, but no harm to spread a peace message in my humble opinion.
Somewhere in this video some internet Indians will find admission of involvement in Pulwama, F-16 shot down and Islam being evil all in one
Nice Effort by Bushra Ansari to promote the message of Peace and Love across the border.

This Video is worth a watch

What a retarded video by the naive Pakistani neo-liberals!!

You have India which is now turned into a Hindutva extremist nation bent on exterminating Pakistan and Muslims... And you are singing stupid songs of "we are the same"...

Lol... Naive LibTurds.
Indian leadership is not interested in peace and neither are the Indian war Anchors
their public will follow what they are fed by media and leadership.

no matter how much message of peace and reason is given out.

already the video has 121 dislikes by the warmongers

indian public are a victim unfortunately. There are some very good logically sound folk over there and I repect them even if they hate us, but they get buried amongst the masses who have been deluded by the media and bollywood.
Stupid video, and even more stupid interview with BBC talking about Kashmir!
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