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Medium-range ballistic missiles



China’s DF-21 ASBM is based on the distantly-related U.S. Pershing II MRBM (left), as is China’s DF-15 missile (center).
I read in some news Saudi Arabia is was going to buy DF-21 Missile and some USA defense sectary also went to Saudi Arabia to pressurize them but they didn't bothered to listen I hope they buy them I know the crap that no country can sell their ballistic Missiles but if you are China and the country which is buying Saudi Arabia anything can happen without any problem
May be it is the chassis of the future Russian MRBM.
isnt russia a part of intermediate missile treaty

any details ?

Russia may withdraw from a treaty as Americans did with treaty of ballistic missle defence.
No one know exactly but some time ago there was a launch test on 5800 km only - a new missle. Some says it will be future medium-range missle. But agreement is observed for now.

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