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Man sentenced to death for blasphemy

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Bilal, Yaar I'm very busy at the moment and I'm really not in the mood to engage into a debate, I posted AUTHENtIC Ahadith, WHOLE Ummah have consensus on the issue and I have argued enough with many members lately, you don't agree? alright! :) Keep going that way!
These scholars have unanimously declared that, not Islamic sources.

So Allah will bring to light all that one fears, not man. Again, I don't see what this has to do with the Blasphemy Law in question.

Again, where has it mentioned in the Quran that the punishment of anyone blaspheming is death? The wrath of God is different from the man-made Blasphemy Law.

You didn't quote me any specific Quranic verse or Ahadith where it was mentioned that a person that Blasphemed was killed, as per the Blasphemy Law. There is no mention in the Quran that there is even a Blasphemy Law.

Again, why would our Holy Prophet(S), who was the Rahmat Al il Alamin, do such a thing? I would say that fake & zaeef Ahadith such as these, & the people who believe them disrespect our Prophet(S)'s "shaan", & disrespect & tarnish our religion Islam.

I can't believe you would think our Holy Prophet(S) could permit & encourage brutality & violence when each & every action of the Prophet(S) in his life was in accordance to the Quran, the Quran explicitly says that killing one innocent person is equivalent to the killing of the whole mankind. If insulting & attacking the Prophet(S) was a crime, then the Prophet(S) would never have treated the lady who threw garbage at him from her house everyday with such kindness. I suggest you use your mind & look past these maudu/zaeef/fake Ahadith, & stop disrespecting our Prophet(S) by quoting such things.

There is no mention of any punishments for apostasy either in the Quran, it is the consensus of faulty "scholars" that advocate the death sentence for apostasy, when there is no such ruling in the Quran.

the guy evoking the whole muslim world on things like 'satanic verses' is a representation of humanity?? which does he represent?? you, or disturber of humanity??, same is the case with a robber, thief or a killer

according to US laws, osama should not have been killed, but he was killed, americans let all their angers out on him and killed him extra judicially

if we make detentions for criminals, it will happen what happens in american detention centres, that the criminals only become more violant etc, so by making detention centres we are protecting the violance
I find it hilarious that the all powerful, omnipresent, creator/destroyer God still needs protection from us mere mortals.

Hmmm, may be these scholars know something we don't know...

(That statement was designed to please both the parties in this argument. Interpret the way you want :P)
This thread, and the justifications of the actions offered, make me ashamed to be a member of the human race, and tempt me to say disrespectful things about the whole pack of mad misogynistic monotheism mongering mullahs from Moses to the Mormons, but at great effort I refrain.
I repeat, you make me ashamed to be human.
the guy evoking the whole muslim world on things like 'satanic verses' is a representation of humanity?? which does he represent?? you, or disturber of humanity??, same is the case with a robber, thief or a killer

No, he (Salman Rushdie) is not a representation of humanity. I have contempt for many things he wrote in his book "The Satanic Verses'. However, there is no punishment advocated in the Quran against him blaspheming against the Prophet(S), or against the Danish cartoonists who drew pictures of the Prophet(S). We can be sure that they will be punished by God after this life, but there is no such thing mentioned in the Quran or authentic Islamic sources that mentions that the person blaspheming must be killed as for blaspheming. I hope I have made myself clear. There can be other actions that can take place that can express displeasure against those blaspheming, but not killing them. It is Allah that gives life, & takes it away. Which is why suicides are haram in Islam. Yes, capital punishment has been advocated by Islam through courts against murderers (forgiving & blood money are strongly encouraged & prefered in this case) as a form of justice, but blaspheming is not equivalent to murder. If it was, it would have been mentioned in the Quran.
arnt you ashmaed to be an illegal mexican immigrant to united states??

I came to Oklahoma through the birth canal. The US came to Dinehtah with an Army. How am I at fault for being in an occupied country?
This thread, and the justifications of the actions offered, make me ashamed to be a member of the human race, and tempt me to say disrespectful things about the whole pack of mad misogynistic monotheism mongering mullahs from Moses to the Mormons, but at great effort I refrain.
I repeat, you make me ashamed to be human.

NYT: Pakistanis rally in support of blasphemy law - Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life


Yes, there are a few Pakistanis that support the Blasphemy Law. But there are many more Pakistanis that are against it, especially when there is no ruling in the Quran that supports the Blasphemy Law.

I've mentioned it to you before, & I mentioned it to you in another thread before. The definition most Pakistanis have for Islamization is different from the Taliban extremist definition of Islamization. I don't want to repeat that thread all over again (you know what thread I am talking about). The Hudood Ordinance clause against women (rape laws) was taken out by Musharraf in his era, & the people supported him for it. I have no doubt that a similar thing will happen to the Blasphemy Law, once a more sincere government is in power. As of now, it is hard to speak against the Blasphemy Law, not because of its "Islamic" or "un-Islamic" nature, but because is a part of the legal system here.
I came to Oklahoma through the birth canal. The US came to Dinehtah with an Army. How am I at fault for being in an occupied country?

since you are an occupied country, the people occupied have no rights to criticise our religion, sort out your problems first, btw it would be us whom you are too ashamed, the first people to support your liberation from US :D
This thread, and the justifications of the actions offered, make me ashamed to be a member of the human race, and tempt me to say disrespectful things about the whole pack of mad misogynistic monotheism mongering mullahs from Moses to the Mormons, but at great effort I refrain.
I repeat, you make me ashamed to be human.

I think, when people ask me my religion, I will reply that I practice the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution. The only blasphemy that knows of is the very idea of blasphemy itself, and the only sin is censorship.
Some of the authorities cited here, tho, almost make me think Pol Pot had the right idea. I am ashamed of myself for that.
Brothers, sisters, there are people starving, plagues ravish the world, people are imprisoned in concentration camps called prisons for the crimes of the poor, children are being taught to eat junk food and pray to an imaginary being for Christmas toys, or not taught at all, instead of being taught humanity, and we are all in danger of dieing gruesomely from climate collapse while the kleptocrats rob every country blind!
And you want to kill someone because he said, what? That Mo had a ghost writer. That Joseph Smith, L Ron Hubbard andeven Stephen King write better fiction than...(self-censored out of a desire not to be murdered you fear mongering bastards.)
At the moment, if I were not concentrating on my shame that I belong to your species, I would be temted to think you are worse than Catholics, or Pol Pot.
Let me have peace in my heart, so I can remember the love I feel for you, and which you and each human being deserves. That is the wisdom of Ahimsa.
I think, when people ask me my religion, I will reply that I practice the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution. The only blasphemy that knows of is the very idea of blasphemy itself, and the only sin is censorship.
Some of the authorities cited here, tho, almost make me think Pol Pot had the right idea. I am ashamed of myself for that.
Brothers, sisters, there are people starving, plagues ravish the world, people are imprisoned in concentration camps called prisons for the crimes of the poor, children are being taught to eat junk food and pray to an imaginary being for Christmas toys, or not taught at all, instead of being taught humanity, and we are all in danger of dieing gruesomely from climate collapse while the kleptocrats rob every country blind!
And you want to kill someone because he said, what? That Mo had a ghost writer. That Joseph Smith, L Ron Hubbard andeven Stephen King write better fiction than...(self-censored out of a desire not to be murdered you fear mongering bastards.)
At the moment, if I were not concentrating on my shame that I belong to your species, I would be temted to think you are worse than Catholics, or Pol Pot.
Let me have peace in my heart, so I can remember the love I feel for you, and which you and each human being deserves. That is the wisdom of Ahimsa.

muslims are nothing like catholics, this is the problem, you compare us muslims you own kinds and imagine us to be like them which infact we are not :bad:, or beliefs are nothing like catholics, please dont ashame yourself more in this forum and take another other cyber space plzz

and please no muslim is responsible for global warming or other environmental issues, your US is!, people blame all crazy stuff to muslims

we muslims have given worlds best architectural to the world like taj mehal and alhambra palace
since you are an occupied country, the people occupied have no rights to criticise our religion, sort out your problems first, btw it would be us whom you are too ashamed, the first people to support your liberation from US :D

Excuse me, I thought this was a public forum. I know you don't respect the first amendment, but I will practice it until I am banned in as much a spirit of satagaha as I can manage.

Thankyou for your part in the struggle of the world proletariat against the kleptocrats and their pharoahnic puppets.

By the way, I am ashamed to be a member of the human race most of the time. I don't watch television, or go to church or sporting events because they induce the shame. Saul of Tarshish only thought we were borned damned by original sin. I think we are delusional apes.
Yes, there are a few Pakistanis that support the Blasphemy Law. But there are many more Pakistanis that are against it, especially when there is no ruling in the Quran that supports the Blasphemy Law.

I've mentioned it to you before, & I mentioned it to you in another thread before. The definition most Pakistanis have for Islamization is different from the Taliban extremist definition of Islamization. I don't want to repeat that thread all over again (you know what thread I am talking about). The Hudood Ordinance clause against women (rape laws) was taken out by Musharraf in his era, & the people supported him for it. I have no doubt that a similar thing will happen to the Blasphemy Law, once a more sincere government is in power. As of now, it is hard to speak against the Blasphemy Law, not because of its "Islamic" or "un-Islamic" nature, but because is a part of the legal system here.

Let's leave it to the neutral outsiders to judge.
muslims are nothing like catholics, this is the problem, you compare us muslims you own kinds and imagine us to be like them which infact we are not :bad:, or beliefs are nothing like catholics, please dont ashame yourself more in this forum and take another other cyber space plzz

and please no muslim is responsible for global warming or other environmental issues, your US is!, people blame all crazy stuff to muslims

we muslims have given worlds best architectural to the world like taj mehal and alhambra palace

Muslims are even less like the Khmer Rougue, but you are human beings, and the difference between the Prophet Mohammad, a starving child, a man imprisoned for smoking pot, a woman dieing from a botched clitorectomy, Stephen Hawking, you, and me, is unimportant to me compared to the overwhelming fact of our common humanity.

I am going on vacation soon, but for now, I am here, and I have accomplished my purpose. I think I have made you ashamed Skylab, because you protest too much. I never said Muslims were responsible for any of the problems of the world. People are reponsible for the problems of the world. The kleptocrats are mainly responsible, and you must admit, my friend, the Saudi-Bahrani princes and the Pharoahs of the other "nation states" the kleptocray carved out of the corpse of the Ottoman caliphate are part of that club.

One world, one people, Brother Skylab (I was once Sputnik, to my freinds) Peace be unto you. Wa'alakum salaam
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