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Major Military Operation Begins in Baluchistan

Look at leeches here hanging by khomeni testicles and defending their pimp Iran, u breath the air of Pakistan yet u are worse than whores who spread their legs for persian ****, bloody namak haram scum trying to defend that terrorist hellhole Iran inspite of overhwhelming evidence of Iranian involvement in terrorism in Balochistan and Karachi, sectarian scum the lot of u.

dont want to get banned so not opening my mouth but thanks for saying the inconvenient truth.

Another day another operation. This shit will not stop until we hunt down their actual leaders and supporters sitting in India.

ISI should set up a wing to hunt traitors wherever they are. Mosad did this very successfully. need a balsy ISI officer to do this.
OPSEC is something we people never really understand...these pictures were supposed to be "Eyes Only" but somehow those who lack the common sense posted these on twitter for some retweets & likes....
There are more pictures with these actually but those are with held ....This is the spot where UBA Ts were captured & neutralized
View attachment 635072 View attachment 635073
@DESERT FIGHTER - one of the reason i had deleted these from your post twice , yet somehow you still posted these again :D

Who ever leaked these photos on Instagram to some other shitagram need to be kicked in family jewels. Clearly some one from the OP team took pictures
The solution for the Baluchistan conflict resides in Baluchistan and its people. Regardless of what the sectarian louts say on this thread.

I pray that the military operation is a success (Certain it would be), followed by due diligence from the political and administrative side (Which I doubt).
Eid mubarak to everyone, for me Pakistan is first, Any country that harbours terrorists and intentionally sends them across the border to cause trouble, needs to be dealt with.
What are the declared targets for this military campaign?

Hogwash... Iran will sacrifice few useful idiots. Obviously they need to do some drama before resuming supply of FIGHTERs and $ from Pakistan to Iran.
Tag me once Taftan border is open, it's going to happen sooner than later.
This is called news. I also request my Shia brother of Pakistan, don't side with Iran on this operation Think as a Pakistani first(Don't you see Iran kick out our zaryitian from Iran and give Iranian nation first preference in medical facilities, ), our nation safety lies with a strong defense of Pakistan and there shouldn't be any compromise even my brother standing on my enemy line. This is a necessity of time to execute such a crucial operation in the fast-changing geopolitical landscape.
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