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Lahore tribute: Pakistani Sikhs remember victims of Golden Temple raid

Are your sure ppl in your country are not "demanding" anything similar???
would you you give free reign to the fringe elements in your country???

You're supporting terrorism in India!!!

Bibi no one is demanding anything like that in our country, a part from Pakistani kashmir. And we are ready to give them choice any day, just waiting for Indian terrorist goverment to do the same in IoK just like UN said.
And you sir think every hindu is a terrorist???
what do you think hindutva is???

Hindutvas does't represent hinduism or hindu.They follow a radicalized form of Hinduism based upon backstabbing and inferiority complex.

They have destroyed the peaceful Hinduism and roughly as per my calculation has also radicalized majority of the current youth of india.

The only way to stop hindutvas from further damaging the youth and the regional stability,We will be forced to support Sikh,Tamil and Kashmiri people in their struggle for Freedom which when done will inspire the rest of the hindutvas suppressed hindu brothers and sisters and will mark the end of Hindutvas(e.g modi) and their right wing(e.g india army).
Bibi no one is demanding anything like that in our country, a part from Pakistani kashmir. And we are ready to give them choice any day, just waiting for Indian terrorist goverment to do the same in IoK just like UN said.
Either you're not aware of whats happening in your country or this is a case of selective amnesia.
Hindutvas does't represent hinduism or hindu.They follow a radicalized form of Hinduism based upon backstabbing and inferiority complex.
They have destroyed the peaceful Hinduism and roughly as per my calculation has also radicalized majority of the current youth of india.
The only way to stop hindutvas from further damaging the youth and the regional stability,We will be forced to support Sikh,Tamil and Kashmiri people in their struggle for Freedom which when done will inspire the rest of the hindutvas suppressed hindu brothers and sisters and will mark the end of Hindutvas(e.g modi) and their right wing(e.g india army).
Like every religion Hinduism too has a few extremists but they dont form a majority. And our army has nothing to do with religion.

Save and protect these sikhs,you will need them for next years protest or parade.please dont kill them.
Hindutvas does't represent hinduism or hindu.They follow a radicalized form of Hinduism based upon backstabbing and inferiority complex.

They have destroyed the peaceful Hinduism and roughly as per my calculation has also radicalized majority of the current youth of india.

The only way to stop hindutvas from further damaging the youth and the regional stability,We will be forced to support Sikh,Tamil and Kashmiri people in their struggle for Freedom which when done will inspire the rest of the hindutvas suppressed hindu brothers and sisters and will mark the end of Hindutvas(e.g modi) and their right wing(e.g india army).

If you just pick up PDF members as sample you will know how radicalism is not so much in Indian members baring one or two.

And hindutwa is far larger superset and radicalism is almost nonexistent.
Do you have any knowledge of what Bhindranwale did to his own ppl???
Bhindranwale was a congressi stooge who had turned rogue.

Btw isnt it interesting to note that sikh riots preceded kashmir violence??? One way or the other someone had decided to keep India burning.
Dont think I'm taking a dig at your country.

1) Its Gandhi, which definitely is not her real surname. Her husband Feroze Jehangir Ghandy was forced to make it Gandhi.
2) That lady had a lot of spunk that men lacked, it takes a lot of courage to show middle finger to uncle sam.
So far in India we have had just 2 real leaders, Indira Gandhi and Modi.
Indira Gandhi was a leader no doubt,,,but the disappointing negotians:tsk:
how do u mess up with 90,000 POWS in hand,,,,ek addha gaon bhi de dete penduo ko,,,big opportunity to settle Kashmir missed.
Akal Takht Jathedar justifies calling Indira perpetrator of Bluestar
Perneet Singh
Tribune News Service
Amritsar, June 6
Akal Takht Jathedar Gurbachan Singh today justified naming former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi as the perpetrator of Operation Bluestar and raising pro-Khalistan slogans.

Talking to the mediapersons after an “ardaas” to mark the Army operation’s anniversary here, the Jathedar said, “The prayers are offered in a similar manner every year. We’ve not named Indira Gandhi in it for the first time. There is nothing wrong in it,” he said
On pro-Khalistan slogans being raised after the event, he said there was no ban on demanding Khalistan. He, however, declined to comment when asked whether he supported the demand. On General Shubeg Singh’s name not finding mention in the “ardaas”, he said they would keep it in mind in future. The objection regarding it was raised by Beant Singh, brother of General Shubeg Singh, who came here for the anniversary event, but wasn't allowed inside Akal Takht.
The Jathedar justified tight security arrangements in view of the last year’s clash. It was meant for the safety of the pilgrims, he said. On deployment of cops in civvies on the Golden Temple complex, he said they had come to pay obeisance at the shrine.
He also demanded that the Union Government should return the rare artefacts and books taken away from the Sikh Reference Library during Bluestar. Earlier, addressing the ceremony, he said the wounds inflicted by Bluestar were still fresh even after 31 years. “These are unforgettable scars on Sikh psyche,” he said. He said the community should make a united effort for the release of Sikh detainees languishing in different jails for years. He gave a call to the community to jointly work to root out evils like drug addiction and rising apostasy. He also asked them to curb female foeticide and respect women.
The day started with the police and the SGPC task force turning the entire Golden Temple Complex, particularly the area around Akal Takht, into a fortress for the ceremony to mark Bluestar anniversary. The SGPC task force members outnumbered others inside Akal Takht. As soon as the Akal Takht Jathedar’s address came to an end and kin of the “martyrs” were felicitated, there was intense sloganeering in support of Khalistan by those who had gathered for the Akhand Path bhog. Subsequently, the crowd, mostly comprising Sikh youth, marched around the “parikarma” of the Golden Temple with banners of “Khalistan Zindabad” in their hands. SAD (Amritsar) president Simranjeet Singh Mann was conspicuous by his absence. Prominent among those present on the occasion included SGPC chief Avtar Singh Makkar and Damdami Taksal chief Harnam Singh Khalsa.

Tension grips Phagwara Phagwara:
Tension gripped the town as Hindu and Sikh radicals held prayers at different places on the anniversary of Operation Bluestar. The police had made tight security arrangements in the town. While Sikh radicals held a meeting at Gurdwara Sukhchain Sahib, the activists of Shiv Sena paid tributes to the Army men, who died during the operation, at another place. —OC
Chabeel held Muktsar: The Sikh Virsa Council on Saturday organised a “chabeel” at Kotkapura Chowk to mark the death anniversary of Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale. — TNS
Tight security in Patiala Patiala: The city was turned into a fortress with tight security arrangement in place on Saturday. No clash was reported. Members of the Sikh community held akhand paaths at six main gurdwaras to pay tributes to the Sikhs, who died during Operation Bluestar. On the other hand, Hindu organisations held a yajna at Kali Devi Temple in memory of the security personnel who died on the day. — TNS

Akal Takht Jathedar justifies calling Indira perpetrator of Bluestar
Op.blue star was to eliminate Bhindranwale, a terrorist who was using the golden temple complex to amass weapons.
But the Anti-Sikh riots that followed assassination of Indira gandhi could have been avoided.

You're supporting terrorism.
Another post supporting Khalistan would get reported.
  1. bibi save this crap for your indian brethren.It was only after sikhs were denied their rights and were butchered that sant bhindrawale picked up arms.And then there was this propaganda done to malign sant ji which said that he was a congresss creation.2.Why do you indians keep selling this propaganda about sikhs killing hindus in punjab before 1984 blue star operation. It was before 1984 that indira was making her case through the media publishing fake accounts about sikhs killing hindus.She was just making up a case so she could attack the sikhs and teach them a lesson.It was only when the punjab police and crpf started killing innocent sikhs that sant bhindrawale took up arms.Sant ji had many demands like change the article in your constitution which says sikhs are hindus.Give the water of punjab to punjabis.There were slogans being shouted send the sikhs to pakistan.Our Guru Granth Sahib was desecrated in many parts of india .So you know our saint wasn't like dalai lama who would run for his life when his people were under opression. Your Swami Ramdev had said once that there is no difference between sikh and snake.And you know he ran wearing womans clothes to escape the police a few years back.But Sant Jarnail Singh Ji Bhindrawale didn't run and faced your coward army's tanks,mortars,hmg's. This is the order of sikh genocide commited by you hindus:1.june 1984 you attack 40 gurudwaras along with golden temple and kill more 60,000 sikhs in three days. 2:when indira is killed you kill 25,000 sikhs in delhi alone and thousands more across india. 3. from 1984 to 1995 you kill 200,000 sikh youth in punjab.You killed several sikh lawyers who had evidence of these killings and never let the genocide to go the U.N.You still haven't changed article 25 of your constitution which says sikhs are hindus.The sikhs in the constitution drafting commitee never signed this constitution.It was passed without our approval.So we are exempt from it.God Almighty will serve justice and we will avenge the blood of every sikh shaheed.We already killed your indira gandhi who you called the queen of hindus.We killrd general vaidya who led operation bluestar. cabinet ministers of indira arjan das ,lalit makan killed and many more.
  1. bibi save this crap for your indian brethren.It was only after sikhs were denied their rights and were butchered that sant bhindrawale picked up arms.And then there was this propaganda done to malign sant ji which said that he was a congresss creation.2.Why do you indians keep selling this propaganda about sikhs killing hindus in punjab before 1984 blue star operation. It was before 1984 that indira was making her case through the media publishing fake accounts about sikhs killing hindus.She was just making up a case so she could attack the sikhs and teach them a lesson.It was only when the punjab police and crpf started killing innocent sikhs that sant bhindrawale took up arms.Sant ji had many demands like change the article in your constitution which says sikhs are hindus.Give the water of punjab to punjabis.There were slogans being shouted send the sikhs to pakistan.Our Guru Granth Sahib was desecrated in many parts of india .So you know our saint wasn't like dalai lama who would run for his life when his people were under opression. Your Swami Ramdev had said once that there is no difference between sikh and snake.And you know he ran wearing womans clothes to escape the police a few years back.But Sant Jarnail Singh Ji Bhindrawale didn't run and faced your coward army's tanks,mortars,hmg's. This is the order of sikh genocide commited by you hindus:1.june 1984 you attack 40 gurudwaras along with golden temple and kill more 60,000 sikhs in three days. 2:when indira is killed you kill 25,000 sikhs in delhi alone and thousands more across india. 3. from 1984 to 1995 you kill 200,000 sikh youth in punjab.You killed several sikh lawyers who had evidence of these killings and never let the genocide to go the U.N.You still haven't changed article 25 of your constitution which says sikhs are hindus.The sikhs in the constitution drafting commitee never signed this constitution.It was passed without our approval.So we are exempt from it.God Almighty will serve justice and we will avenge the blood of every sikh shaheed.We already killed your indira gandhi who you called the queen of hindus.We killrd general vaidya who led operation bluestar. cabinet ministers of indira arjan das ,lalit makan killed and many more.

1. A Russian calls me Bibi and knows so much about Indian Punjab??? False flagger are you??? @Irfan Baloch @WebMaster @waz
2. Bhindranwale was a rabble rouser who pushed the Khalistan movement forward. Anyone who is a threat to unity and peace in the country is a terrorist. He was definitely not accumulating arms for peaceful purposes.
Yes a very peaceful person who demanded khalistan, who was a rabble-rouser, who used golden temple to his weapons.
Tell me about it!

And you sir think every hindu is a terrorist???
what do you think hindutva is???
you wannabe guide to the history and traditions of sikh's, sikh gurudwaras are incomplete without weapons.Ever seen swords and arrows inside. Infact one of the main things your hindu leaders promised the sikhs in 1947 was that sikhs could carry all sorts of weapons.But they broke that promise.And stop this B.S thing about BABA BHINDHRAWALE BEING A KILLER. it was your swamis and hindu government which was killing the sikhs. Read general brar's latest book in which he says how indira wanted to teach sikhs a lesson. There a lot of other things in the book like how the government downplayed no. of soldiers of the indian army killed by only 200 sikhs inside the golden temple complex.He says it was 50,000 and also says he has the addresses of these soldiers so if anyone doubts can check.

1. A Russian calls me Bibi and knows so much about Indian Punjab??? False flagger are you??? @Irfan Baloch @WebMaster @waz
2. Bhindranwale was a rabble rouser who pushed the Khalistan movement forward. Anyone who is a threat to unity and peace in the country is a terrorist. He was definitely not accumulating arms for peaceful purposes.
yes i am a sikh and know more about punjab and sikhs than you would ever know.Stop spreading your indian propaganda here.You kill hundreds of thousands of sikhs and still want them to not have their own country.Heck you don't even recognise the sikh genocide and don't even let us pay tributes to the hundreds of thousands of sikh women and children you butchered.
you wannabe guide to the history and traditions of sikh's, sikh gurudwaras are incomplete without weapons.Ever seen swords and arrows inside. Infact one of the main things your hindu leaders promised the sikhs in 1947 was that sikhs could carry all sorts of weapons.But they broke that promise.And stop this B.S thing about BABA BHINDHRAWALE BEING A KILLER. it was your swamis and hindu government which was killing the sikhs. Read general brar's latest book in which he says how indira wanted to teach sikhs a lesson. There a lot of other things in the book like how the government downplayed no. of soldiers of the indian army killed by only 200 sikhs inside the golden temple complex.He says it was 50,000 and also says he has the addresses of these soldiers so if anyone doubts can check.
50000 soldiers died???
This is what Gen.Brar has to say about it.
watch the video at time stamp 1:20

This is how terrorist sympathizers like you spread their propaganda, its such ppl who use their nefarious ideas to spread rumors.

yes i am a sikh and know more about punjab and sikhs than you would ever know.Stop spreading your indian propaganda here.You kill hundreds of thousands of sikhs and still want them to not have their own country.Heck you don't even recognise the sikh genocide and don't even let us pay tributes to the hundreds of thousands of sikh women and children you butchered.
You've been proven wrong!!!
50000 soldiers died???
This is what Gen.Brar has to say about it.
watch the video at time stamp 1:20

This is how terrorist sympathizers like you spread their propaganda, its such ppl who use their nefarious ideas to spread rumors.

You've been proven wrong!!!
he wrote it first and now he denies it due to backlash from your government.
he wrote it first and now he denies it due to backlash from your government.
You heard it from the horse's mouth yet refuse to believe it.
I'm sorry I cant help you beyond this.
This is going to get interesting in coming days. Modi thinks only he can play such games by sponsoring terrorism inside Pakistan. Sikhs have come out first in Kashmir and now in Pakistan. If you play with fire you get burnt.
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