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Kerala Police arrest Catholic priest for allegedly raping minor girl

How dare any one question a Catholic priest, this is intolerance of the majority community, now a days after modi came to power intolerance is raising, people are asking questions, it never happened before, majority was living like a zombie never asked any questions, a catholic priest raped a minor? Its a conspiracy by majority community to defame child welfare programmes of the holy church, even though cardinals had been busy sodomising young boys in Vatican, how dare you brown superstitious yindoos question us.
Such a sick mo##a f##k@ ... I believe he would be treated as per state law. I am not here to score a point at this issue ... For me I don't care who the childrens belong to they are all the same. Pakistani or Indian childrens are all the same to me they are like blank paper its upto u what u prefer to write over them.
How dare any one question a Catholic priest, this is intolerance of the majority community, now a days after modi came to power intolerance is raising, people are asking questions, it never happened before, majority was living like a zombie never asked any questions, a catholic priest raped a minor? Its a conspiracy by majority community to defame child welfare programmes of the holy church, even though cardinals had been busy sodomising young boys in Vatican, how dare you brown superstitious yindoos question us.
if @ranjeet is going to quibble about "minor" age and sickulars, let me present some secular news from today from the badlands of haryana...

New Delhi/ Greater Noida: A pistol shot each to her chest and abdomen and 30-foot drop onto the stony bed of a dry well. The trio thought they were done with the girl. They had abducted her in a car from the end of the lane outside her West Delhi house on November 22. For a fortnight, they had raped her inside an abandoned farmhouse in a Greater Noida village. And now her body lay in the well. It might be days before the villagers discovered it by the stench.

But Poonam (name changed) did not die on Saturday night. Police say her light build reduced the impact of the fall, the residents of Tughalpur Village, where the well is situated, say her steely will kept her alive. When she was sure the men had driven away, she cried out for help. She kept it up all night in the hope that a passer-by would rescue her.

Out in the open field the December night turned frosty and the 15-year-old didn't have warm clothing on. She had lost a lot of blood too.

source - Shot twice, she spent night in well - The Times of India
if @ranjeet is going to quibble about "minor" age and sickulars, let me present some secular news from today from the badlands of haryana...

source - Shot twice, she spent night in well - The Times of India
the problem is either we are hindu, or we are muslims or we r sikh or christians.
hence, cherrypicking of news.
its difficult to grasp how educated ppl amongst us get consumed by blind rage n malign a whole community for the wrongdoings of a few. now can u blame the hindus for not pointing out the aholes at their midst. we r individual groups n we dont blame the member of same group. same goes for muslims/christians/sikhs etc.
when i joined this forum, indians cherry picked articles which put pakistan/china in bad light and vice versa. now its indian hindus vs indian muslims vs indian sikhs vs indian christians....... and our brethren across the border are quite happy watching the show.
the problem is either we are hindu, or we are muslims or we r sikh or christians.
hence, cherrypicking of news.
its difficult to grasp how educated ppl amongst us get consumed by blind rage n malign a whole community for the wrongdoings of a few. now can u blame the hindus for not pointing out the aholes at their midst. we r individual groups n we dont blame the member of same group. same goes for muslims/christians/sikhs etc.
when i joined this forum, indians cherry picked articles which put pakistan/china in bad light and vice versa. now its indian hindus vs indian muslims vs indian sikhs vs indian christians....... and our brethren across the border are quite happy watching the show.

very true.

to defend myself, i made that post just to indicate to ranjeet his unbalanced posts.

i despair of why so many indian members are so sectarian... this is what nationalism does - bracket people into cults and sects instead of being human.

It was a young boy few days back in Mumbai.

"Secular" Media was silent then.

the problem is either we are hindu, or we are muslims or we r sikh or christians.
hence, cherrypicking of news.
its difficult to grasp how educated ppl amongst us get consumed by blind rage n malign a whole community for the wrongdoings of a few. now can u blame the hindus for not pointing out the aholes at their midst. we r individual groups n we dont blame the member of same group. same goes for muslims/christians/sikhs etc.
when i joined this forum, indians cherry picked articles which put pakistan/china in bad light and vice versa. now its indian hindus vs indian muslims vs indian sikhs vs indian christians....... and our brethren across the border are quite happy watching the show.

Must be the rising "intolerance" in India.

Can you think of any other explanation ?
very true.

to defend myself, i made that post just to indicate to ranjeet his unbalanced posts.

i despair of why so many indian members are so sectarian... this is what nationalism does - bracket people into cults and sects instead of being human.
this is not very surprising.
this phenomena is already witnessed in bengal. we have oppurtunistic leeches (not necessarily disagreeing members here) adminst us who wudnt think twice before switching sides. and when these leeches parade their loyalties, imagine who screams the loudest .... one with questionable integrity.
politics have long been a way of fulfilling private pockets/agenda. and such kind of politics thrive only in uneducated (includes pseudo educated too) masses who can be easily maneuvered to vote, to segregate n finally to kill. we have seen all these n we will continue to see so. hindu muslims everyone , especially minorities who are more downtrodden than others.
Stop being sarcastic. A rapist is a rapist and must be punished. His religion does not guarantee acquittal under Indian Laws. Every day you read of cases of Babas, Maulvis raping hapless boys and girls. Who denies that a Christian priest can not rape? Laws are same for everybody.

You wont see Christians rising up to defend that rapist Priests unlike some of your kind who openly defend a convicted offenders like Nityanand, Aasaram Bapu etc.

How dare any one question a Catholic priest, this is intolerance of the majority community, now a days after modi came to power intolerance is raising, people are asking questions, it never happened before, majority was living like a zombie never asked any questions, a catholic priest raped a minor? Its a conspiracy by majority community to defame child welfare programmes of the holy church, even though cardinals had been busy sodomising young boys in Vatican, how dare you brown superstitious yindoos question us.
Noida is in UP not in Haryana.

culturally in the same region. :)

At least you could have invested a little more time to dig a relevant news for this off topic post.

my post was not irrelevant... like i said in a previous post, it was to indicate the biased nature of your threads... why do we never see you make threads about say, the fakeness of "love jihad"??
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