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Kerala Police arrest Catholic priest for allegedly raping minor girl

I don't know @jamahir thinks I am getting intolerant.
He is a twit.

The point is that the sins of the individual should not be visited on the collective. That priest belongs in prison and when he has served his sentence should never be allowed near a child again.
QUOTE="baajey, post: 7968903, member: 36628"]excuse me sir, how did u come to the conclusion that christians are the "highest" rapists? pls provide me with a confirming link.
US, Latin america, Europe, Canada, Russia, Australia, newzealand, are all christian countries, and these countries lead in rapes , US is no 1, latin america ranks 2, And count Christians in all other countries, all these add to make Christians toppers in rape.
thank you sir for ir reply.
with all due respect, i beg to differ. except maybe latin america, all the countries u pointed are developed (not only as a nation but also as a society). they have highest cases of rape registered bcoz they actually go to the police station and lodge their complaint, unlike in south asian or african or south american countries. it is a common khowledge that victims in our society dont lodge complaints in fear of "izzat lut gayi" syndrome or fear of the perpetrators (much in the case of dalits, where almost 9 cases out of 10 are not reported. and even the 1 which musters some courage to report , police make them a plaything untill they are forced to give up). this is only one section of society, as u go up the ladders, matters of "maan" and "maryada" tighten their vice like grip. not to say that there are no rapes reported in india, its huge, but the no. of rapes actually reported is probably very very less than what actually happens. now compare this situation to the ones in the developed countries, where near 100% reporting is done. think without the fear, and u will come to a rightfull conclusion.
jai hind.
Why did the Villagers Allow police to arrest Him?? they should have stripped him beat the hell up in the streets.. A example should be set for the MothaFukcing Priests and other Scums
Rapist is a Rapist religion and race is irrelevant, but the issue is the person here supposed be helping Rape victims and preaching AGAINST Rape
Is he the same guy who took selfies (oh yeah the X rated one) with ladies????? It was there all over the whats app.....

Wonder what he he would be thinking while preaching.....

Bro do you've the pic?? can you upload??

Rapist is a Rapist religion and race is irrelevant, but the issue is the person here supposed be helping Rape victims and preaching AGAINST Rape

these fukcers are same. i know more than 7 priest who are having affair with teachers, cooks,bitches in village ect... like i already said in the other thread... priesthood is a Business now, they make shit load of money and raise their Family when they're supposed to help the community
LOL............. Amazing. :yahoo:

Another Christian who want to Spin this around and blame Hindus for this. What better way than to play equal equal and drag in muslims too. Wah bai Wah. Truly "Secular" :lol:

In all this the only Christian who showed Integrity is Sky lord. Some saving grace for the christian community in India.
LOL... you, my friend, are what is truly amazing because of your sickening obsession with others' religion.

btw, I'm a hindu, you twat, I wasn't blaming anyone for this but making a broader point.
LOL... you, my friend, are what is truly amazing because of your sickening obsession with others' religion.

btw, I'm a hindu, you twat, I wasn't blaming anyone for this but making a broader point.

This is a thread about a Religious leader raping a kid you twat. This thread is religious in nature.

If you find my honesty sickening, it is probably because you have never been exposed to bold honest opinions before. Or have the courage to handle the Truth. Either way it is not my problem.

What is your "Broader point" ?

That we should cover up this rape by a Catholic priests and focus attention on Maulanas and Tantriks ? That to be truly "secular" we have to drag in hinduism everytime a christian commits a Crime ? or drag in Hinduism everytime a muslim commit a crime ?

It is this Thinking that is truly Sick.

What is truly sick is that you trying to drag in Islamic Terror in a thread on Paedophile christian priests.

And you have the gall to point fingers at me ?
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This is a thread about a Religious leader raping a kid you twat. This thread is religious in nature.

If you find my honesty sickening, it is probably because you have never been exposed to bold honest opinions before. Or have the courage to handle the Truth. Either way it is not my problem.

What is your "Border point" ?

That we should cover up this rape by a Catholic priests and focus attention on Maulanas and Tantriks ? That to be truly "secular" we have to drag in hinduism everytime a christian commits a Crime ? or drag in Hinduism everytime a muslim commit a crime ?

It is this Thinking that is truly Sick.

What is truly sick is that you trying to drag in Islamic Terror in a thread on Paedophile christian priests.

And you have the gall to point fingers at me ?
my point was that I wasn't surprised to hear of a religious leader committing such a heinous crime.

anyway, bastard's in jail and the law will take care of him now, I've heard jails are particularly bad places for rape and pedo convicts.
How many haryanvi jatts are roaming around haryana and India killing and raping Dalit girls??

This is the most interesting part when culprits belongs to majority in India sometimes become quite often.

This is the most interesting part when culprits belongs to majority in India sometimes become quite often.
yes,Religion matters only when the accused is from Christian or a Muslim...Do you know how the sanghis in this forum wholeheartedly supported a pedo Hindu baba like asrmam bapu,who have raped and killed young boys and girls??..
This minor girl went to confess but the catholic priest raped her. How can you shamelessly deflect from the issue?
lol...You can't see a single Christian posters in PDF,who are supporting that priest,unlike the sanghis who found various reasons to justify a pedo like asram bapu...it says the authenticity of sanghis...
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