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Kashmiri children forced to chant "Pakistan Murdabad"

And what about the innocent mother and sister who will get raped in order to make the rapist repent? They are human being too and not merely a tool to be used to present a lesson to somebody.

Please think about it.

Lets not be a satan to fight satan.

I would have avoided had it been a curse to India, Indians or our army as I understand that there is a conflict in our thoughts about right and wrong which can always be debatable, it's just I love mothers and sisters, you too must as well be, so spare them from our nasty thoughts would not do any harm to all of us.

Lets pray only love to all mothers and sisters of world and not rape.

:(....I frankly apologize to you or anyone who gets offended by that post....I have deleted it...Yes, mothers and daughters are all same for us irrespective of their origin/relation/nationality or religion...

Yes, who wouldn't love one's mothers and sisters. Men always love them despite so much jhagra/debate...specially with our sisters...:-)
What a desperation by Indians. The idiotic tactics by shameless Indians cannot hide the fact that the people of Indian Occupied J&K hate India. They have always made it clear that they don't want to be Indian. They are determined to get freedom from illegal Indian occupation.

This is the psyche, the deep-seated, indelible Hindu resentment towards Muslims that, in the decades preceding the partition, progressively unveiled itself in all its grotesque nudity - shattering the prospects of any peaceful Hindu Muslim co-existence, and leaving our forefathers with no choice but to seek separation. Through their sagacity and political foresight, they thankfully came to realize that life for Indian Muslims under Hindu majority would be a constant suffering, both mental and physical and therefore exerted themselves towards the goal of an independent, and sovereign state.

I strongly believe one should not make any blanket generalization regarding an entire nation but the attitude of Indians forces me to reconsider my views. While children as young as 5 to 6 year old are getting pallets pumped into their eye balls, and now this sickening show of fascism, a majority of them are still either cheer-leading for these disgraceful men of uniform, deflecting the blame, or concocting all kinds of justifications for this revulsion.

And mind you this event is one among many that never get recorded or reported). Such occurrences (and worse) are commonplace in Indian occupied Kashmir.

I'd suggest every individual of subcontinent who hasn't had the taste of Hindu tyrannical mindset, and particularly those Pakistanis who have qualms about the need for partition to watch, re-watch, and then watch this video again a dozen times to understand how fortunate we are to be living in a free country free from constant harassment of majority.

Thankyou MA Jinnah and all the men who stood up for our rights, liberties, and freedom 70 years ago. We're forever indebted to you!
Kill them, shoot pellets, beat them all you do is remind them, their families, the people of their village or town why they hate indians

Long live the resistance
Disgusting fucckers this is torture. You cant force loyalty out of people as this is scar this will scar them for hatred for life. If Indians have forgotten then i would remind you that Burhan wani became a terrorist after his brother was tortured and killed in the same way so keep it up.

One of the poor kids said Pakistan zindabad on his ugly hindu mug.
I request all pdf members especially Pakistanis to spread this video all over social media and make India naked again in front the whole world so that it knows that it is not working and it may stop coercing young boys this way. I will share it on my fb, twitter, and other accounts
I request all pdf members especially Pakistanis to spread this video all over social media and make India naked again in front the whole world so that it knows that it is not working and it may stop coercing young boys this way. I will share it on my fb, twitter, and other accounts

send to shabir he spread it he got a alot of following. he got facebook but i dont.

There is nothing damning in the video, just little intimidation. I bet they must have been at the front of the crowd indulging in stone pelting.
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