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Israel launches air strikes on Syria

No, i mean your Mullahs are having fun times with 9 year old girls in the middle of the desert with their dry mouths hehehe

We dont have Mullahs here,

however speaking of young children:

As far as I am concerned, I don't care who stops the ongoing slaughtering machine of people in Syria, be it Lucifer himself, Israel or anybody else

That's why you can always see the Al-Qaeda flag in FSA video posted on internet !
@1980Warrior > mind you shut up and go to another forum with your racist ideology.
We have gay in Iran too. You are strange person: you are happy someone said our prophet was a child abuser , you congratulate the guy saying that because he said our prophet was Arab... this is sick.

@Hazzy997 > yeah i was thinking the same as this article. this seems more a message from Israel.
said that Israel sent a sign to Iran, Hezbollah and perhaps also to the US that the situation is worsening.
in another forum someone well informed in Israel said it was not only a sign for Hezbollah or Syria but for all of them... that Israel cares about what is happening and will be careful that none is having such weapons they can use against Israel.
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What is the biggest success of Israel attacking Syria? That brutal videos still coming from Banyas are no longer news.
There never was such picture, cow worshipper since I have never posted a picture of myself on a public forum. That's not something people do unless they like to get involved in illegal activities such as homosexual/raping underage girls as is the norm in India. I wonder what you guys rape seeing that you look like this and are dwarfs.






I am sexy and I know it:lol:


LMAO :omghaha:

Seeing hallucinations is a bad thing. For all you know I might be Icelandic, American or Indian. Post that supposed picture if it ever existed. Go along post that picture instead of making up hallucinations here Gypsy. Don't be ashamed of how you look. Not everyone can be tall and good-looking. Arabs are well-known to be good-looking people. That is widely known. Go ask your gay community.

Secondly Iraqis (the Arabs) themselves are know to be dark-skinned in the Arab world much like the Egyptians. Several poems about that and this is widely known. Also I do not seen any problem with that. If Middle Eastern looking = dark then I am glad to be a dark since the MIddle Eastern look is the best one.

You must have some obsession about Blacks. Did a black Iranian do something to you?

Seek help.

As, I said you don't know me and nobody on this forum know me. Just as I do not know how you look although I can imagine seeing a Gypsy/Kazakh nomad that is a Ahmedinajad lookalike.

Yeah, that's impossibel to top. Meanwhile Indian girls droll about tall and good-looking Arab/Middle Eastern men. I have been approached by several Indian girls but I politely refused. You know why now.
What a fail, the pictures posted by that dirty Arab is still much more better then the pics i have seen of ugly Yemenites and other dirty black coal looking Arabs. Al Hassani, you will always remain a subhuman Arab, dont forget this :)
What is the biggest success of Israel attacking Syria? That brutal videos still coming from Banyas are no longer news.

What Iran and Serbia did to Muslims are the very same, but the only difference is that Serbia was honest and brave, they fought in the name of Christianity while Iran slaughter Muslims in the name of guess what? Islam!! :D
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