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Is the country collapse imminent?

I don't call it a collapse. I feel there are still many who can defend this country against foreign threats. People actually hate the system and how it is used for massive corruption. My sympathies are with the soldiers who are guarding us but the problem is deep. I have no sympathy for people who use their position to interfere in political affairs. I hate to say but I think we need a civilian army, just like the volunteer army when Pakistan was formed. Again equal opportunities for all provinces. No lion's share for only one province. All political parties involved in corruption should be disbanded as well and their political workers and leaders should be jailed for 100 years. Punishment is the way forward. without accountability and punishment, we can't proceed.

The same should be applied to all citizens. accountability is necessary. Pakistanis are unable to understand the economy and how to run a country. Christians should run this country but only on economical and financial matters. Those who oppose minority rights should be jailed as well. We must develop Balochistan and NWFP. We need new industries in our other neglected provinces as well.

We must seal the Afghan border and kill anyone who wants to cross illegally. This country should ban entry of every Afghani. Afghanistan is a much bigger enemy of Pakistan than India. We should move towards normal relations with India. We should listen to Indian grievances. People in our country follow Indian youtube channels because they are more educated and they share knowledge, unlike us. People from both countries should move freely. Jehadis should all be dumped in Afghanistan or Saudia. People who incite violence should be killed on the spot.

We must get rid of terrorism asap. Ban all terror organizations. Put them all in jail and if their students and followers try to attack police, rangers, etc then put them all in jail and hang them publicly. Enough terrorism. Nuke pak afghan border areas. I know it's extreme but sometimes you need violence to end violence. Taliban should be sidelined. Nuke TTp and include India and America in military operations. Build trust. Allow India to trade freely with Afghanistan. Open the gates and save Pakistan as well. India can still send thousands of stuff. Talk to them. Forget Kashmir. Urge Kashmiris to nuke themselves because nobody cares. Kashmir is not bigger than Pakistan. We lost Bangladesh. we can't allow more pieces of this country.
. Nuke pak afghan border areas. I know it's extreme but sometimes you need violence to end violence. Taliban should be sidelined. Nuke TTp and include India and America in military operations. Build trust. Allow India to trade freely with Afghanistan. Open the gates and save Pakistan as well. India can still send thousands of stuff. Talk to them. Forget Kashmir. Urge Kashmiris to nuke themselves because nobody cares. Kashmir is not bigger than Pakistan. We lost Bangladesh. we can't allow more pieces of this country.

You've lost it
But you and @Menace2Society should get on very well
Inflation is just one symptom. Inability to earn enough foreign exchange to pay for essential imports is the problem.
There is also an elephant in the room. IMF doesn't like Pakistan's bookkeeping habits. They give pocket change and ask a lot of probing questions. Frequently. And show disappointment with answers. Argentina has high degree of corruption, but much less than Pakistan.

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In 2018, When Argentina had a debt crisis, IMF wrote a $57 Billion check for a smaller country of 47 million people.

Argentina gets biggest loan in IMF's history at $57bn​

with this loan if pakistan gets pmln will make another metro train and this time bigger for all over the lahore for $10Billion and then that project will run on subsidy giving 0 dollar revenue.

All will chant sher sher ans after 5 yeara crying for more loan
Country will not collapse but quality of life for 99% Pakistanis will take huge hit.
life be okay if you are a farmer with land and ave guns and guard dogs.
Twitter Translation:
Those countries whose development and economy are responsible for Allah and those countries whose development and economy are responsible for humans.
Faith in God is good but asking Him to do the heavy lifting is not fair. God helps those who help themselves. Recent exhibit #1: Finance minister Dar, whose prayer alone 'strategy' did not save the day.
Your country does not have a strong ideological base, that is the root cause. Pakistan chose religion as its holding glue, its reason to exist as a nation and has not done a good job with that. Divisions within the same religion coupled with corrupt, selfish leaders (political+military) is a recipe for disaster. Fights within the same religion is more dangerous than those between different religions, as your reasons to stick together is slim.

This lack of strong base is evidently reflecting in the lack of strong national institution:

> A good political system: India, despite its many problems, has a better political system and parliament, which overall takes the country forward no matter what. Be it Congress or BJP or some one else. There is corruption, there is religious agendas but, the overall spirit is to do the nation good. Grass root level Political workers and more importantly, the people see to that their leaders are held accountable.

> Strong Central Bank: I get goosebumps about Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on how they run the show in India when I see the situations in Pakistan and Sri Lanka. The amount of control and guidance they extent from top to bottom, all the while staying within their mandate.

There are many more, a strong constitution, other bodies like an election commission, judiciary etc.

All these institutions are weak in Pakistan if I am not wrong. All these arises from the lack of a strong base.

Had there been a strong base, there would've been a set of rigid rules, a set of minimum conditions to which the rulers would have to abide by. India got this part right- no matter how corrupt or what the agenda of the top class is, they stick to some rigid rules- you don't go non secular (at least openly), you don't violate the constitution etc. For Pakistan, there has been an array of leaders, each one of whom has ruled the country according to their wishes without a common base for themselves or for the generations to come.

Since, Pakistan has chosen religion as its base, it should have at least tried to be a good religious country, promote the values of religion . Is Pakistan a good Islamic nation in any counts? Definitely no. There also, it has failed. Had they at least sticked to the teachings of the religion, it wouldn't be facing these issues. Mark my words, Pakistan might come out of this present crisis, but its bound to repeat again, like it has before, in future also. It won't happen unless Pakistan reinvents itself , this time with a strong ideological base.

NB: Its not my intention to portray India as a successful nation, we have our own set of issues. I wish all good people of Pakistan the very best in bringing back their nation from this crisis.
The establishment had a central role in this country's state from day one. The Native American's always believed that within every soul, there is a good and bad, and the one you feed the most will win. So time after time, this establishment always chose the worst, low-class khandani families who one wouldn't even allow to clean one's toilet bowl as PMs, Presidents, etc. On top of allowing back-handed deals to be made, they leave the country and cause more chaos once out of reach, and have selective memory lapses when it comes to punishing individuals who bad mouth the establishment, case in point when the susral ka kutta (Capt. Safdar) was barking at the army recently no action, PTI speaks gand ma ag lag gai.

Also, the other significant facilitator of this is those jahil kuri chod PDM voters. No amount of words will satisfy my hate and disgust for them being alive and wasting oxygen. I would have gladly taken you to the gas chambers and kept the Jews live. But, at least, they bring some value to humanity.

The totality of everything has led you here, and now the chicken eggs are hatching.

PS: The biggest fita ma I would love to give to PAF for flying Dar's as* back home when he escaped on false claims, etc.
Establishment choose that because people love Nawaz sharif
Look at maryum jalsas
Your country does not have a strong ideological base, that is the root cause. Pakistan chose religion as its holding glue, its reason to exist as a nation and has not done a good job with that. Divisions within the same religion coupled with corrupt, selfish leaders (political+military) is a recipe for disaster. Fights within the same religion is more dangerous than those between different religions, as your reasons to stick together is slim.

This lack of strong base is evidently reflecting in the lack of strong national institution:

> A good political system: India, despite its many problems, has a better political system and parliament, which overall takes the country forward no matter what. Be it Congress or BJP or some one else. There is corruption, there is religious agendas but, the overall spirit is to do the nation good. Grass root level Political workers and more importantly, the people see to that their leaders are held accountable.

> Strong Central Bank: I get goosebumps about Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on how they run the show in India when I see the situations in Pakistan and Sri Lanka. The amount of control and guidance they extent from top to bottom, all the while staying within their mandate.

There are many more, a strong constitution, other bodies like an election commission, judiciary etc.

All these institutions are weak in Pakistan if I am not wrong. All these arises from the lack of a strong base.

Had there been a strong base, there would've been a set of rigid rules, a set of minimum conditions to which the rulers would have to abide by. India got this part right- no matter how corrupt or what the agenda of the top class is, they stick to some rigid rules- you don't go non secular (at least openly), you don't violate the constitution etc. For Pakistan, there has been an array of leaders, each one of whom has ruled the country according to their wishes without a common base for themselves or for the generations to come.

Since, Pakistan has chosen religion as its base, it should have at least tried to be a good religious country, promote the values of religion . Is Pakistan a good Islamic nation in any counts? Definitely no. There also, it has failed. Had they at least sticked to the teachings of the religion, it wouldn't be facing these issues. Mark my words, Pakistan might come out of this present crisis, but its bound to repeat again, like it has before, in future also. It won't happen unless Pakistan reinvents itself , this time with a strong ideological base.

NB: Its not my intention to portray India as a successful nation, we have our own set of issues. I wish all good people of Pakistan the very best in bringing back their nation from this crisis.
Seems as though india has also chosen religion. Modis Hindutva india. Remember, Pakistan goes down India will be severely affected.
Establishment choose that because people love Nawaz sharif
Look at maryum jalsas

The establishment is made of the same base; Nawaz and the remaining khanjar's got their support. However, this doesn't mean the populace is intelligent.
I do not care about their rallies as it means nothing; if they have money, they can collect all of Pakistan's garbage and bring it with them.

A man, woman, or child with work and responsibilities does not waste time attending rallies, more so the PDM side, as I have first-hand experience with their demographics. But, on the other hand, fazol people that sit at home and burn time and oxygen are always called for a plate of biryani.
with this loan if pakistan gets pmln will make another metro train and this time bigger for all over the lahore for $10Billion and then that project will run on subsidy giving 0 dollar revenue.

All will chant sher sher ans after 5 yeara crying for more loan
And sharif family will take $1 billion for themselves through bogus contractors and commissions.. that’s how they made their billions on motorway and other construction projects..
And sharif family will take $1 billion for themselves through bogus contractors and commissions.. that’s how they made their billions on motorway and other construction projects..
And people said khata hey tu lagata be hey

People deserve what they got
Your country does not have a strong ideological base, that is the root cause. Pakistan chose religion as its holding glue, its reason to exist as a nation and has not done a good job with that. Divisions within the same religion coupled with corrupt, selfish leaders (political+military) is a recipe for disaster. Fights within the same religion is more dangerous than those between different religions, as your reasons to stick together is slim.

This lack of strong base is evidently reflecting in the lack of strong national institution:

> A good political system: India, despite its many problems, has a better political system and parliament, which overall takes the country forward no matter what. Be it Congress or BJP or some one else. There is corruption, there is religious agendas but, the overall spirit is to do the nation good. Grass root level Political workers and more importantly, the people see to that their leaders are held accountable.

> Strong Central Bank: I get goosebumps about Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on how they run the show in India when I see the situations in Pakistan and Sri Lanka. The amount of control and guidance they extent from top to bottom, all the while staying within their mandate.

There are many more, a strong constitution, other bodies like an election commission, judiciary etc.

All these institutions are weak in Pakistan if I am not wrong. All these arises from the lack of a strong base.

Had there been a strong base, there would've been a set of rigid rules, a set of minimum conditions to which the rulers would have to abide by. India got this part right- no matter how corrupt or what the agenda of the top class is, they stick to some rigid rules- you don't go non secular (at least openly), you don't violate the constitution etc. For Pakistan, there has been an array of leaders, each one of whom has ruled the country according to their wishes without a common base for themselves or for the generations to come.

Since, Pakistan has chosen religion as its base, it should have at least tried to be a good religious country, promote the values of religion . Is Pakistan a good Islamic nation in any counts? Definitely no. There also, it has failed. Had they at least sticked to the teachings of the religion, it wouldn't be facing these issues. Mark my words, Pakistan might come out of this present crisis, but its bound to repeat again, like it has before, in future also. It won't happen unless Pakistan reinvents itself , this time with a strong ideological base.

NB: Its not my intention to portray India as a successful nation, we have our own set of issues. I wish all good people of Pakistan the very best in bringing back their nation from this crisis.
100% facts.

I wrote about this many times but Pakistan's ideological base and central national identity is not strong enough.

India leverages British colonialism, and the diversity of the subcontinent alongside the Indic ethnic cluster to build a common central identity.

It has a strong baseline for stability and can focus on strong institutions, rule of law, less security focused, etc.
Your country does not have a strong ideological base, that is the root cause.
I am not sure what that means. They call the country an 'Islamic Republic'. How much clearer should it be? It is a state founded on a religion, just as Israel is a Jewish state. BTW, we have similar state too, Utah, for all intents and purposes, is a Mormon state, and was born that way. But of course, U.S. Constitution and all federal laws are valid in Utah. Talking of divisions, do you know anything about politics of Israel? They have a whole spectrum of parties from ultra-orthodox to ultra-liberal. Their politics looks like a mess, but they still produce Nobel laureates like lollipops.
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