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Is it time for Pakistan to re evaluate its friendship with China?

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Sep 10, 2020
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Thread 'Xinjiang Police Files'

Chinese regime is brutally oppressing and genociding Uyghur’s in East Turkistan.
East Turkistan is no different than Kashmir and in fact is facing worse oppression.
While all this goes on is it appropriate for Pakistan to continue having such warm relations with China and continue to remain silent on Uyghur issue?

Mods don’t delete my thread I made it based on facts and asked a valid question. Share your opinions if you want but don’t censor posts raising awareness about oppression against your very own Muslim brothers. Fear Allah
Thread 'Xinjiang Police Files'

Chinese regime is brutally oppressing and genociding Uyghur’s in East Turkistan.
East Turkistan is no different than Kashmir and in fact is facing worse oppression.
While all this goes on is it appropriate for Pakistan to continue having such warm relations with China and continue to remain silent on Uyghur issue?

Mods don’t delete my thread I made it based on facts and asked a valid question. Share your opinions if you want but don’t censor posts raising awareness about oppression against your very own Muslim brothers. Fear Allah

Son your delusional *** needs a wakeup call.

If only geopolitical issues were to be purged or changed the behest of someone who most probably has chosen to leave this country and adopt a second country as home.

@WebMaster Chukko jee ..
I think we should reevaluate Pakistan itself - clearly myopic and generally ignorant people like this need to go back under a Raj before getting educated for 100 more years before being given independence. Part of that should be teaching them the complete and full history of Islam especially each and every action taken by the prophet along with its interpretation.
Pakistan has a good relationship with the Chinese government.
Thread 'Xinjiang Police Files'

Chinese regime is brutally oppressing and genociding Uyghur’s in East Turkistan.
East Turkistan is no different than Kashmir and in fact is facing worse oppression.
While all this goes on is it appropriate for Pakistan to continue having such warm relations with China and continue to remain silent on Uyghur issue?

Mods don’t delete my thread I made it based on facts and asked a valid question. Share your opinions if you want but don’t censor posts raising awareness about oppression against your very own Muslim brothers. Fear Allah
Nothing but a pack of lies. But be some CIA turd who paid to start these thread working for the indian and american who killed Palestine , Kashmir Muslims while brag about Allah and righteous , asking Pakistan to target China.

You know why Bajwa sold itself to USA becos with similar people like OP.

And OP shall delete your account becos JF-17 Blk 3 is designed and manufacture currently in China. Clearly this OP is a troll who practice double standard and selective righteous to suit his agenda.
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East Turkistan is no different than Kashmir

There is no such thing as East Turkmenistan. Uyghur issue is an internal Chinese issue and is more about ethnicity than religion. Han Chinese are not oppressed.

We should focus on Kashmir and Palestine only. Kashmir because it is our unfinished business from 1947, and Palestine because Al Aqsa mosque is there.

We should stop dreaming about becoming leader of Muslim world until we can get our own house in order first.
The Pakistani civilian government is too over reliant on China, they aren't self sufficient at all so its either China or America for them. If they even dared speak about Xinjiang and the Uyghurs it would be a disaster, but that's how the world works unfortunately
Unpopular opinion, but it is true: Chinese communists are atheists and trying very hard to eradicate Islam from their country. I have personally met Muslims who have fled China. There is satellite imagery showing China has destroyed mosques[1]. Satellites don't lie, right?

At the same time, it must be remembered that Pakistan is a country of 200 million Muslims and few countries wants to help Pakistan except China. So China's relationship with Muslims is complicated.

[1] https://www.theguardian.com/world/2...-mosques-destroyed-damaged-china-report-finds
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Thread 'Xinjiang Police Files'

Chinese regime is brutally oppressing and genociding Uyghur’s in East Turkistan.
East Turkistan is no different than Kashmir and in fact is facing worse oppression.
While all this goes on is it appropriate for Pakistan to continue having such warm relations with China and continue to remain silent on Uyghur issue?

Mods don’t delete my thread I made it based on facts and asked a valid question. Share your opinions if you want but don’t censor posts raising awareness about oppression against your very own Muslim brothers. Fear Allah
Let the chinese mind their business , they provide everything to their citizens .
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